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Very worried.. not sure how much more I can take

Hello all
First off, I want to thank anyone who will take the time to answer this, and I know all that post are very worried and all that answer are not doctors and can only give advice.
I will try to be brief, I do shave down there and since Halloween, I will get a pimple after shaving, but recently the fact of that has been really bothering me, so I bought new more expensive razors and decided it was because I wasn't using shaving cream that was causing that, so this past time I used that , stopped using fabric softener, etc. Made alot of changes, this past week, I got 3 "pimple".. all in the pubic hair, one kind of right in the middle, I was able to pop it, it went away in a few weeks, the other 2 are the issue, I've been OBSESSING over this, looking ever chance I get.  They are on the right side, about an inch from the crease of my leg, the first one was only about the size of a pin head, it was painful, I aggrevated, popped it before it was ready, not to be gross , but kind of a 1/4" white "lace" of hard white stuff came out, went right away, but I still felt pain in that area, next morning grabbed the mirror, about 1/2" from that one was another one, this one only blood came out of.  I know it sounds bad, but Im freaking out, Ive put everything on it, I had bad skin and my dermotologist has retired, but I put everything I have on it and I know Ive aggrevated it, it hasn't spread to anything else, not oozing or scabbing, but it is still very sore. Ive made an appointment for tuesday. I asked the nurse if it's common for a first OB to show up only in that area.  She said it sounds like it could be an ingrown hair and to put neosporin on it and to come in sooner if it gets worse, but when I told her about the first one and then that one showing up next to it, she sounded more concerned.   I've been driving myself crazy reading everything I can find on the interent.  I feel like I have so many symptoms and am 100% certain I have this.  I have to also have a vulva biopsy on tuesday along with this exam to see if the VIN I was treated for in 2009 is back.  Just getting to be too much.  Anyone who has HSV, have you had non stop OBs for a few months?  This has been going on since Oct and just wondering.
Thank you again in advance.
43 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
yes we do hear back from many of the folks who post to us about their "adventures" with herpes testing. I'd estimate that only about 10% of them end up having herpes.  Sometimes our bodies just like to annoy the heck out of us!  I'm really not thrilled with this whole perimenopause thing myself in general!  
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Thank you Grace
Have you ever heard back from people becoming this "crazy" I guess you can say is a good word to use?  I know partially, I need to stop reading so much and accept my negative results, which kind of sounds like a ridiculous thing when I even say it to myself lol
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101028 tn?1419603004
hope you are feeling better soon :)  still lots of respiratory and flu germs out there making folks sick :(  
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Hi there
Yes, you both were a big help.  I am thankful for my doctor, who even though, you never go there without waiting 4 hours in the waiting room to be seen, it's cause he does take time with each patient.  
This past week though, I don't know what it is, I'm still stressing over this, my best friend is just about had it with me, she's like THE TEST WAS NEGATIVE.  Not sure if it's cause I read so much about it up, because I thought once I got the results my symptoms would go away.  
Not really looking for an answer, just needed to vent alittle bit I guess.  
Partly I think it's in my head on waiting for the 3 month mark to re-test again.  I did the math in my head and the person I was with, besides this past time, the time before that was the week right after thanksgiving, so that would just be about 3 months, and I know for a fact he wasn't with anyone else during that time.  
Like I said, not really looking for answers, and I've looked over and over the posts and it seems like once someone finds out their tests were negative, you don't hear back, just wondering.. actually.. lol.. I kinda know, how I'm feeing is NOT normal.  
Plus I came down with bronchitis over the weekend, very sick, was in the ER sunday morning, so I'm wondering maybe cause I'm not feeling well this is just wrecking with all my emotions.  I really just dont know
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101028 tn?1419603004
sounds like you have a terrific provider who is on top of things for you :)

spring break goes way too fast but we had a lot of fun together :)
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1174003 tn?1308160819
Thanks for the follow up.  Glad we were able to help.  Good luck in the future.
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