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Worried I've got herpes


So this past month has been very stressful. On 9/30 I made a horrible mistake of cheating on my girlfriend and had protected sex with a worker. The following day my penis was "tingling" for most of the day, but there was no pain. This tingling persisted for around 14 days, but would come and go throughout the day and was never the same spot. I was worried so I went to the doctor on day 5 and explained what I was experiencing. He  didn't see any bumps or sores, but agreed to let me get a blood test. Had an IGG for herpes 1 and 2 as well as an IGM (i've read IGM isn't worth having). I went and got my blood drawn on day 6 and 3 days later was told all test came back negative. I know this was way too soon to get tested, but my anxiety was very very high. The doctor told me to stop worrying because he didn't think I had herpes. The Tingling and now burning(on my scrotom) continued  up until about day 14. Scrotom burning has continued everyday though, and usually is at  it's worst when I wake up. Tried to stop thinking about it because I was told it was just  in my head.

So today, which is now 1 month since the incident, I noticed 3 VERY small reddish bumps on my penis. They are right next to each other. I noticed them because I have been checking my penis closely each day because I just wasn't sure if I should be expecting to see something. I felt no pain or sensation in the area all day, and have to shine a light on them to really see them.  I'm concerned that I'm finally having my first outbreak.

I've had protected sex twice with my girlfriend since, even leaving on my boxer to minimize skin contact. I felt horrible each time because I was worried  I was going to infect her. I've been doing all I can to avoid sexual contact without having her start to question  why I haven't been physically affectionate.

I planned on getting another blood test at around 6 weeks and at 12 weeks, but now I feel like  I have to go in tomorrow to get this done.

So my question is does this sound like herpes?

Thanks for your  replies
17 Responses
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Also, it has been painful to have sex or masturbate. It feels like the skin on my penis burns when I try to. When I ejaculate it feels a little off.
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No this doesn't sound like herpes. You will not get a herpes lesion on the area protected by the condom (unless it spreads from a nerve ending that was outside the protected area).

You most likely would have an unambiguous symptoms if this was herpes, given you have no form of herpes.

Wait until 12 weeks to confirm your negative status.
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Thanks Fleetwood,

I will  definitely get tested again at 12 weeks. Just to update (in case anyone else is going through this), I'm now at day 37 and still haven't had any sores. Still burning sensation each day on my inner thigh, back of my thighs, pubic region, and butt cheeks. The burning seems to move to a different spot each day. Also have had a dry throat for the last few days. Not yet sure what could be causing this. Will probably get a blood test at 6 weeks for just a little peace of mind while I wait for 3 months. Will update post with results.
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Same happened to me final diagnosed hsv2
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How long did it take for it to show in your blood? Also, did you ever have an outbreak?
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So I'm 40 days post encounter. I just had another blood test taken today for hsv 1 and hsv2 -- should have results in 2 days. While I wait I wanted to follow up on my symptoms. I have yet to break out or see any sores on my genitals. Currently only symptoms are buring on back of thighs, butt, and groin and also mild pain/discomfort(feels like i need to stretch out) in my middle-lower back. Also have pain that comes and goes in my lower abdomen near my hip bone.

This has been bothering me so much. Does this seem like herpes? I have has so many symptoms that seem to match with herpes, but I have not had an outbreak. This burning has been going for about 2 weeks and it varies each day in severity and location.

Thanks Fleetwood or anyone else
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I am not sure why you think these symptoms match herpes? There must be some terribly inaccurate websites out there!
These are not symptoms of herpes, I'm sure your tests will be negative.
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So blood test, 2 days shy of 6 weeks, came back negative for hsv 1 and hsv2. The results didn't have a specific # for each, just showed that they both were <.9.   Well it started with the tingling sensation around my penis, which I read through other post was a symptom of herpes. Same with the skin burning, but those should come along with sores appearing and not just on their own.   Anyways I'm just going to do my best to stop thinking about it. I still am get burning(a cool burning) on different parts of my body(back, back of neck, chest, back of thighs, and butt). Hoping that is just tied to anxiety. I'll test @ 3 months just to make sure, but you have helped me believe I'll be negative. Hopefully these go away once I stop worrying so much about them.
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Good on you for having the test and I feel very confident your 12 week test will be negative.
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Hey, been awhile. I'm wondering if you can explain to me why first outbreaks appear where the contact was made. Btw since I stopped worrying I've notified much less burning in the groin area. The thing is I still feel slight burning on the back of my Thighs and butt. When I checked I noticed a couple small pimples (at least they look like pimples) and it made me wonder if that was where I was having my outbreak. If you could clear up where/why herpes decides to show up.
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Took the 12 week test and hsv2 came back "equivocal" w/ a .9 (.9-1.10 is equivocal). HSV1 came back negative<.9 . I was told I have to retake the test again in another 4 weeks.

So once again I have started to worry. What causes an equivocal? Does this mean there is a good chance that in 4 weeks this will turn to positive?
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I did the same thing you did - cheated on girlfriend with co-worker, something I regret horribly.

Trust me when I say guilt and anxiety can make you see a lot of symptoms you would not normally see... I had sores and cuts on my lips, pimples on genital area, flu, swelling - everything but an obvious herpes sore.

I spent 3 months reading every possible article on the net for herpes. Doctors tried convincing me I did not herpes but I was so sure I had it - end results : negative

I would be very surprise if you actually had herpes in the absence of high fever and sores during your initial infection.

Is asking your worker her hsv status an option?
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Thanks, yeah I feel most of this is anxiety driven. I was finally getting past the whole thing too, but then this equivocal result just started this all over again.

I'm not sure if asking her is an option. I never went back and it was months now a little over 3 months ago.

Did you have tingling sensations as well?
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15249123 tn?1478652475
I agree on the stress. Don't worry about the equivocal. This happens and it's just noise in the test.
Like you said take another test in 3-4 weeks. I believe if you have hsv2 it would be well into the pos range by 12 weeks.
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False triggers occur quite frequently. You've had a few tests so it was only a matter of time. Remember the vast majority of people test positive over 3.5 by week 12.
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Took the test again. This being the 4 month mark. Hsv2 came back negative, <.9.  Durning the extra month of waiting I had pain in my thigh and it hurt to touch. It felt like there was a bruise there, but there wasn't. Also felt very uncomfortable in the boxer region. Not sure if I can attribute both of those to anxiety. I really started to think the 4month test was going to come back positive. Not really sure what to do. Going to just try and put this past me and try to accept this final test as negative. Hopefully this helps others in a similar spot.
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15249123 tn?1478652475
You absolutely should believe the test and put this behind you. Fleetwood is a smart guy and knows his stuff. I will just reinforce what he has said. None of this says herpes and all your tests were negative. Even equivocal is not positive. Couple this with no real symptoms of hsv your tests are conclusive!
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Logged in just to check your case since my last post a month back - just as I guessed, negative. Your case seems a replica of mine, and all my symptoms disappeared the moment I accepted the negative test.. Go out, be careful with your sexual encounters from now on, and enjoy the set of your life!
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