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burning inside tip of penis

a little over a month ago, i had unprotected sex with a female who approximately 2 weeks later was diagnosed as having HSV2.  i still haven't presented with any of the obvious symptoms such as bumps or warts on my penis, but i've experienced an on-again off-again burning sensation just inside of the tip of my penis.  most of the time i would say it's simply irritating, though for a day or two about a week ago it did move up to what i would call painful.  i went to the doctor on the second "painful" day and he ran blood tests for herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea, all of which came back negative, and he also did a urine analysis, which came back clean.  after seeing my doctor, over the holiday weekend, i pulled the tip of my penis apart and looked in (it hadn't occurred to me to do this prior for some reason) and saw what looked like might've been a cold sore type wound about 1/4 of an inch inside.  i couldn't really get a very good look at it, but it appeared grayish.  the area immediately around it didn't appear to be any more red than the nearby skin.  i had actually assumed it had healed up and was going away because over the past weekend, it didn't bother me at all, but then suddenly today the burning sensation has come back again (to irritating level, not painful).  i haven't had any sexual activity since october 30, which was when i slept with the girl that turned out to have herpes.

i realize that a blood test for herpes can come back with a false negative if done too soon.  my blood test was done approximately 4 1/2 weeks after the exposure, but am i wrong in thinking that, since i had this sore (assuming it is herpes) for a full week prior to testing, wouldn't i have developed antibodies by then?  also, why would the burning go away for upwards of 3 days and then return?  any thoughts/suggestions are welcome and appreciated.  thanks.
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Thanks all for continuing to update this thread. As Borat said, this is the best support group for these symptoms by FAR, and obviously we all know that since we have all scoured the internet regarding our symptoms.

moneytb - happy to hear you are finally past this! I think a lot of us are on track now, time is what we need.

Joe239 - That is GREAT news, congrats. I know how hard this must have been for you to get to this point. I truly hope you can now begin to move on from this. your results also make me feel that much better about my situation. and should give anyone else hope as well.

Borat - thanks for the update, i agree that something else is/was at play here. CPPS or something along those lines, nothing viral etc. positive thinking and relaxation are key. my symptoms are much much improved and I think a lot of it has to do with my mental state improving. with the support of a loved one that I finally confided in, I have been now been able to start clawing my way out of the hole that I dug myself. I have been trying the relaxation techniques you recommended and I believe they are helping me. will let you know how it continues.

I don't want to make any assumptions but I would imagine that many if not all of us kept this whole ordeal very secret aside from the doctors etc. unfortunately I am sure this just made the hole that much deeper to get out of. this has been probably the most emotionally draining experience of my life. the anxiety and mild depression that it caused me affected every part of my life. now I feel much more optimistic for the future and my symptoms are much improved. it is rare when I feel a slight tingle here and there and the perineum pain is much much less if at all there.

I think the key for a lot of us is to truly start to believe that we are fine. we had a regretable experience but this shall pass! the change won't happen overnight but it will happen and one day you will wake up and not even think about it. I look forward to that day.

If you need help, therapy, I say seek it. don't let this become a worse problem.

hope the best for everyone and stay positive.
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I did the test through quest. I asked them to try to run the bill trough the insurance if it gets rejected I will have to pay around $240. Good luck with your testing as well. I am starting to think the icy hot/menthol feeling may have always been there just never really paid attention to it. I really do not know.

This has been the hardest thing to get out of my mind. I still am not 100% convinced and I am going to therapy to see if that will help.

Let us know what you get for results.
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Joe that's fantastic news!  Get out there and live life to the fullest!

Over the last days I have slowly been picking up where mine was left off at the time of the encounter.  Hopefully I test negative for this and other stds as well.  A coworker I really like was recently assigned to be cross-trained by me and I really have to hold back the flirting.  Don't like it.  So here's to hoping.  13 weeks is actually tomorrow night but i'm going to wait another, or longer if I can.  How much was the WB?
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I wanted to follow up here because in so many of the threads they end abruptly and you never hear back.

As you know I had the WB test run at 13 weeks and I just received my results back and they did come back negative. So this makes 4 test all negative....

25 days Herpeselect Elisa   3 1/2 weeks
49 days Herpeselect Elisa    7 weeks
79 days Herpeselect Elisa    11 1/3 weeks
91 days Western Blot           13 weeks        

HSV1 & HSV2 All negative

I am going to come to the conclusion that I am negative. I still think I may run one more test at the 6 month mark. I really need to move on and use this as one harsh learning experience. You know they say life is the thoughest teacher it gives the test first and then the lesson.... How true it is.

My thoughts and prayers are with each of you. I understand how stressful this can be. Hang in there and keep the faith.  It has been emotionally hard for myself and believe me it is not over. There are other things I have to deal with but for now I am going to live my life like I was before with some modifications to keep me out of harms way.

If I do test at the 6 month mark I will post just so others can look at the threads and compare time lines, symptoms etc.

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1086168 tn?1285353444

It can be more than HSV!!!

I haven't had a test since my 16 week test, but it was negative for HSV 1 and 2.

The symptoms have gotten alot better, but it's taken a lot of time.  Now I'm pretty much dealing with incontinence (dribling after urination), and I deal with that by using toilet papaer and trying to remove as much urine as possible so as not to irritate the urethra.

I'm still waiting to see a urologist...  they are book up it appears they days.

I was sure this was herpes, but now believe it was some kind of infection that cleared, but then I developed CPPS.  It wasn't until reading "A Headache in the pelvis" that I became confident that CPPS was causing the issues.  Whenever I feel discomfort coming on either in the tip of the penis or in the perinium area I take a deep breath and try to relax.  My symptoms are definetly increased by anxiety, and that's something that HSV wouldn't react to so quickly.

CPPS is real and effects a bunch of us, I think the situation we put ourselves in...

i.e. regretable sexual encounter that had a high risk of STD's

causes the kind of anxiety that is the boiling point for CPPS.

I've had all of the symptoms listed here and have tested negative for HSV at 16 weeks with a herpeselect test.

Additionally, I haven't see one person with herpes chime in to say...  yeah, that's how it was for me.

Burning urethra, no sores, sore perenium, inconstinence, anxiety driven symptoms, occasional itchy anus....

All symptoms of CPPS.

Do this for a minute....

After you read this, put down the computer.  Sit on the floor indian style and close your eyes.  Take several deep breathes, slowly in and out.  Think about your pelvic area relaxing.  

After you've done this, see if the symptoms are a little better.

I think Grace is right, and we have something else...  Unfortunately, this is the best support group I've seen for these symptoms anywhere.

Let me know how the relaxation helps out.

Keep the faith,


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After reading your post livelihood, I am not feeling all that great. How can so many people with the same symptoms not have what we think we have. Petal did give a great example about lice but that usually only last for a day or so....then again until everyone knows they don;t have it. This has lasted for almost 3 months... At first I did not recognize it but after about 6 weeks I was like hey this feeling  (burning) never has gone away what is it.  

My WB results should be in Monday. I am not very confident.  When ever I am sitting or put my laptop on my lap I feel the menthol or icy/hot pain in my thighs and buttocks. At times it is terrible most of the time it is just there as a reminder. It is very uncomfortable. The lower back is also affected. Since the WB was drawn at 13 weeks it may have been to soon. If the WB is negative I will test at the end of the week with an immuno blot that will put me at 16 weeks.

Here is hoping and praying for the best for all of us!
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