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herpes test IGG and bio kit taken

I went and randomly got tested in September ( the second week) for a herpes test. By suprise I received a call from my doctor saying I tested positive with hsv 2 (1.7gg was the score). I then got tested with the biokit usa a week later which didn't confirm anything. I took the test and it came back with a very very faint pink dot. The test provider informed me to treat it as a positive. Anyone have any suggestion of what to do, its driving me crazy.
96 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
you'd need to contact her clinic and become one of their online patients.
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Lol at Margarine.  If I do at home swabbing is there a chance there will be no shedding? Or would i need to contact her.

I dont think i can tell you enough..... THANK YOU SO MUCH
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101028 tn?1419603004
the lysine/arginine theory for herpes was disproven many years ago. Only non-reputable websites still tout it as being a good thing to do. they are even using arginine now in studies to treat herpes.  ( love that firefox spell check loves to ask me if I meant to type margarine every time I type arginine....he he he )

it might be worthwhile at this point due to the infrequency of your symptoms to consult with Terri Warren's westover heights clinic to see about doing home swabbing for a month or two to look for herpes shedding to try to get better answers. I think it's $75 for the initial consult but I"m not sure of the cost of batching daily pcr swabs to just look for shedding. She would answer that during the phone consult.
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1174003 tn?1308160819
Those haven't been proven to do anything for Herpes at all.
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Btw is true to increase lysine in your diet and decrease the Arginine? Or to  take a vitamin A tablet everyday?
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I will call the lab monday morning once i.get the number, but i doubt they still have it. Wednesday will make to weeks since i took the test. If they dont i will wait until i have another problem genitally and have them culture it again (making sure they type it).

Thanks grace and i will keep everyone posted even if its months down the line
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101028 tn?1419603004
the only other thing you can do at this point is find out what lab your clinic uses, call them specifically to see if the specimen is still there to be typed and then call your provider and insist that they add the typing to the specimen. darn shame when you have to do all the work yourself like this but it's the best way to get answers when you are falling outside of the expected norms of blood testing like this :(
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Im guessing they gave me a culture, she took a q tip looking item and stuck it in a tube with pink solution. When she stepped out the room i looked at the bottom and seen two bubble lije items. On the paper it "stated hsv detected Positive "... Source "unknown". Then at the bottom it had my urina sample results " normal  floria " or something. Im at work and the paper is at home.
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Are you sure they gave you a culture result? Because the whole "you've been exposed" speech (which is wrong, btw) is usually applied to blood tests.

Even if they don't type your specimen, make sure to get a copy of your recent results.
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Sorry for typos replying from my phone
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Thanks I will make sur next time. Something told me to call back and make sire they typed it but ,but i told her that before i left. When the nurse stated when i was there "you prob. was  exposed to the virus, but dont have it" , i shouldve known they would drop the ball.  All i can do is wait and jusy simply update you.

youre right its been a long drawn out deal that couldve been solved but i will get to the bottom one day.

Thanks grace ; }
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@mistakeguy789 I understamd what you are saying. I used to think only way you get herpes is when someone had a outbreak (call.me crazy but i used to examine a penis before i had sex ) . I know i sound crazy huh lol...but i thought i was playing it safe in life.

It have been on my mind to have them retest (if he was ever tested)  since we are.still very close. I do see where you are coming from with the igg test. If the point value havent increased then of course i would still be in the dark unless i have a problem down there.

Thanks ; )
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101028 tn?1419603004
At this point I honestly would not waste more money on herpes blood testing since if you are still just hsv1+ and nothing else, it still might not be the answers you need if you are one of the small percentage of people who don't test accurately for hsv2 on the blood tests. It's unfortunate that your provider dropped the ball and didn't order the lesion culture you just had typed - it would've been accurate answers so much faster for you.   next time you have symptoms, be seen again for a repeat culture and insist on the typing to be ordered!

sorry it's been such a long, drawn out ordeal for you to get to the bottom of this :(

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1174003 tn?1308160819
I read all your old posts before I responded.  Your IgG testing was done and as was your WB.  Hence why I asked you if you had any other encounters.  When you responded with "no chance only had sex one time" changes my response to be now you have had another possible expsoure.  

Condoms aren't going to protect you from Herpes 100%.  Condoms only give about 30% protection due to they don't protect the entire area.  There is many more areas that an outbreak can be that could lead to infection.  Your partner could be missed on that test.  You follow where I am going with this?  

Since you have had that sexual encounter since your WB and previous testing then another IgG test can be performed to see if the value has changed to a higer positive value showing a true positive or maybe lead to another recomendation for WB.  At this point our goal shouldn't be looking at that path.  Our goal should be to get the culture results.  That is what is going to stop all of this.  
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Sorry for typos was trying to hurry and type.
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When I responded and said " i refuses to believe i have type.one " that wasnt directed towards you. I wil drive back to the offices tomorrow to demand action to be taken. I understand it is important to know. Because if there is something there I wouldnt dare put someone in limbo. Of course i will continie to use.condoms until i get married (whenever i start back with intercourse)

I got a igg test last febr. 1.7 and then by specialist in november 1.2 thats when he habe me.the western blot. Guess.there.was.some ms.understanding i thought i @ the posts to.the correct person when i was.responding. Thanks for your advice and will continue to demand answers and keep everyone updated once i get them.  

and for the record i was kind of speaking out because ive used condoms since i was 19 everytime and in my mid 20s now and over the college yrs assumed things would be just fine. But hey thats life for you, always the good.ones thats punished.
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1174003 tn?1308160819
*sigh*  Sadly once again the fact of this thread is this.  I never suggested or otherwise said you would have any relationship with me.  What I meant is once again you are assuming what you have is type 1 genital.  You told me you REFUSED to believe you have type 2.  Refusing is the wrong approach to this and contray to what advice we have given you by those here.  

Pursing the diagnosis is the steps you as the patient have to take.  Telling your doctors office and by them you go to the people that make decisions such as an office manager or the doctor her/him self is the best course of action.  If the doctor refuses to look further into it then speaking to the Office Manager or explaining clearly that you know that the CDC guidelines on this state you should have any culture typed and that they need to call the lab now and request a typing on your specimen is the best course of action.  

Getting you to see your actions will have consequances if you don't pursue this is where I am coming from by saying you are of no risk to me.  You can't assume with herpes.  Knowing what type you have genital is going to prove what precautions you need to take.  What happens if you assume you have Type 1 and you assume that it isn't type 2.  Your partner has type 1 already.  You know that the risk of transmission to a new site of Type 1 is rare because of the anitbody response.  You have an outbreak which you assume is HSV-1 and you don't tell your partner because there is not a risk. Your partner is HSV-2 negative and that outbreak was truly HSV-2 and you now transmitted HSV-2 to your partner.  

I don't know which comments you were referring to as smart but I am telling you that I won't help someone that doesn't want to figure things out because it becomes pointless to answer questions when the person won't do what is needed.  That in on its own is fustrating.  Nor do I feel that this is a coping issue as much as it is just you don't wish to accept that something was missed.  

With all of that being said.  You are going to waste your time and money on the WB.  If anything getting an igg test would be first the proper course of action.  But in your case working with the doctors office is going to be the best case.  Now if they flat out refuse call your specialist and explain to them you where culture tested it wasn't typed and you would like them to call the lab and ask them to type the results if they still have the specimen.  
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Not trying to be rude just need someones advice on how they would handle this .
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NOW that thats out the way. My QUESTION is now that i know im not going to get anywhere from my primary's office, would my next course of action be a good idea (since i havent had any recent exposure incidents)

While i wait for another problem genitally to occur, retake a WB (waited 15 weeks last yr for first test) and wait for the results. If the results come back positive then thats my answer, if neg. then continue to wait to take a culture.

When i do take another culture do i ask for a pcr test this time? Also dont worry i want be engaged in any sexual.activity no time soon.
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707563 tn?1626361905
Let's not have fighting please.

No one in this community (or any other member community) needs to be a medical professional. We do have a Herpes Expert forum if you'd like an expert opinion.  That said, many of our members are extremely knowledgeable, and as was stated earlier in this thread, often know more than some docs.

Please also remember that people cope with health issues differently, and that it is still possible to offer advice and support even if those coping mechanisms differ.

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Correction : never stated i wouldnt take your advice (mistakeguy789)... And im sorry may i ask whats your professional title again?
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If.you dont feel a need to.comment.anymore then please dont do so. As u can tell im tired of the run around and informed was.fustrated.earlier the smart comment wasnt.needed.
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lets keep the smart comments to ourselves thanks in advance. Only THING i.wanted.to know was do i repeated WB until i have another problem. Of course if the wb comes up positive then duh no need to wait for another culture... If not then i will chalk up the 150 dllr loss.
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I never stated i would take your advice, nor making a statement me and you sleeping together was needed. Besides i highly doubt thought i dont have sex outside of a rship. What im stating is UNTIL I HAVE ANOTHER problem only thing i can rely on is a blood test. I cant call.Emory lab myself so i relied on my doctor office. Of course i want to know thays why i called them back today after not hearing a.response. Lab tech said they cant type.the test which is incorrect. The medical assistant at my.doctors office had my doctor call me and she stated she havent herd back from Emory lab.

Also keep your.neg comments to yourself i wouldnt DARE sleep.with u or no one else right now, thats not even me. Now you.have rubbed me the wrong.way. I understand youre stating the cdc guidelines but if theyre acting dumb.founded. If you read what i stated earlier.my.doctor doesnt even know much about hsv
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