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Unkown virus

Hello I had sexual relations protected with a massage girl in California. Shortly after 3 days I started experiencing symptoms, need to urinate and redness in meatus of penis along with redness and irritation in eyes. By the end of that week I had tingling all over boxer short area The following week I had trouble walking due to the pain and tingling, this eventually turned into burning in the urethra and scrotum lasting two to three additional weeks. No noticeable blisters ever formed.I also suffered nerve like pain from buttock down back of right leg.

I am now left with after 5 months from this incident pelvic pain,sciatica type pain, itching and burning on scrotum from time to time but less severe than before. I also wake with watery eyes, sinus congestion, white stuff on corners of mouth every day since exposure. I have taken multiple STD panels for every STD HIV, syphilis, goon, chylmedia, hep, and herpes at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months all neg. I even followed up with an HIV and syphilis at 4.5 months and was neg.

I did receive treatment for the possible bacterial infections STD given z pack, doxy, ofoflax, uribel and something for trich.

My neuro said it's probably a unknown virus. I have been on a few rounds of antivirals for herpes just to see if there is a reaction, the antivirals seem to help the symptoms but herpes test was neg.

I am thinking this maybe undetected herpes infection accompany with a fungal overgrowth due to excess antibiotics.

Also my CBC came back normal but WBC was in the low range.

Any idea what this is? Please help.  
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hi raven,

Im wondering if anyone figured out what is going on I am dealing with the same symptoms as pretty much everyone else here and of course it was following a risky sexual encounter.

My symptoms are:
-frequent urination
-white tongue
-tingling- originally started around left eye then spread to my entire body then disappeared and now only shows it self when i break out with acne on my face
-Red eyes with mucus in the mornings- eyes are slightly irritated most of the days
-swollen lymph nodes- groin and throat
-mouth ulcers
-night sweats from time to time
-pain in tip of penis on and off
-pain when ejaculating
-I had severly itchy testicles that were dry for about 2 weeks straight and now it just comes and goes
-red raised spots on penis shaft ,no ulcers or pain looks kind of like skin irritation
-I also had one day where my body was unbelievably sensitive to hot and cold it was only one day but enough to scare me.
-Pain below abdomin and above genitals
-pain running down both inner thighs

Testing: negative for all stds hsv1-2  ,HIV, hep abc at 3 months post exposure  
waiting on routine blood test results monday which will tell me basics b12 iron and so on

Exposure: unprotected vaginal sex with a girl I know who I called and said she is clean and I would be the first person she called if anything was ever wrong.

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Any updates from anyone? I too have been suffering for a few months now. What's annoying about these forums is that no one ever comes back to give you an update. Are the main contributors to this topic right back at the beginning of it still alive?
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Mkh9 i also sent this to you privately aswell.. your not going mad :)
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I have been reading this thread that has been going a while now currently upto page 42.I had unprotected vaginal 4.5 months ago and oral sex whilst on holiday with friends in spain.
Two days after i felt a tingling in tip of penis and needed to urinate more frequently, this lasted for 1 week or so and went away, i was the  left with red enflamed penis tip.

Symptoms ive had: full body tingling (1 night)
Hand and feet tingling/numbness (6-8 weeks)
Lower back pain (1 day)
Neck pain (1day)
Mouth ulcers (1 day)
Stomach pain (2 weeks)
Itchy anus (on and off)
Itchy eyes (on and off)
Hot/cold hands and feet
Sore knees (could be exercise)
Penis tip is red and enflamed (like pair of lips)- constant for 4 months
Itchy penis tip (occasional)
Groin and left testicle ache(1 day)
Clumpy discharge from under forskin at start

Symptoms ive got now:
Stinging aches and pains in forearm calves, groin.
Penis tip still enflamed
Occasional genital stinging
Occasional itchy anus
Occasional itchy eyes
Occasional muscle twitch in leg.
Other symtoms have gone and the aches and pains started about 10 weeks after exposure just when the tingling in hands and feet stopped.

Have seen many doctors who have put symptoms down to anxiety and stress. Granted some of them may have be. I made a stupid mistake and cheated on my girlfriend of 5 years. We plan to get married next year. I was a mess at one point and thought i ruined my life.
I have had unprotected sex with my gf maybe 4 times since i got back because the doctors convinced me it was anxiety and fungal. she seems fine Thank god. We are now back to using condoms because i told her im using a new cream from the docs to treat my penis tip. I just dont feel safe having unprotected with her.
I have been tested extensivly but my last tests 12 weeks after exposure were negative. Hiv, hep B/C clym, gon, syh. Swabs also done. Urine test for bacteria negative.
I currently went back to my doctor and am waiting results for bloodwork and penis swab. Dont know what shes testing for but was ticking every box lol. I will ask.
She said herpes doesnt behave like this so dismissed it. Never had any sores.  
I am in general feeling better since the start but these stining aches are worrying.
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Please I need help,  I had an encounter in November and passed 7 weeks and that's when I started to get sick. Morning sickness,weight loss, night sweats, depressed, tiredness, itchy skin, bruises.. and now I have a white tounge, constipation, I have tested for HIV 3 times and for the common stds, mono, CMV, hepatitis C and came back negative. I am a 27 yr old female. Please it would help me to hear something from you. I am desperate because I think is something contagious.:(
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rosah27, I have to ask the obvious, you are not pregnant right? Don't take it the wrong way. Also, night sweats, weight loss and dry cough or cough could be TB related. Have you been tested for that? You can get a quantiferon gold TB test. Not sure what else it can be. Have you traveled outside the U.S.? If not that you can also check for anemia so get a complete blood count, iron , and ferritin and B12. Those are two of the things that can rule out a lot of things. Perhaps a general chemistry profile too.
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Generally, I left my sane mind and had unprotected sex and oral after being very sexually reserved for about 8 years. Maybe 2 days later I got the sniffles sore throat (swollen lymph nodes),  aches and pains.  But for those two days, I was invigorated working out like a champ after having been off track with my routine.  I'm a diabetic, invigorated, I retried starting a medication that previously made me have the runs.  I lost 3-5 lbs last week, now I have a slightly pink discharge.  The most worrisome detail is after sex my partner says he has enough problems just keeping his blood count up.

My fear is this is without remedy.....oh yeah tingling along my left arm is prominent.
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Did you know if scabies can live long term in the body and not show symptoms all the time? At times of stress the immune system is suppressed and scabies mites multiply? Is that possible?

Old folks sometimes get Norwegian scabies that is a massive outbreak. Usually they suffer from dementia and complain of bugs but do not see them. Maybe the body has enough time to not mount a serious response like rash but itching still occurs. Not sure if that is possible. Any thoughts?
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No I don't think this kind of immuno-suppression occurs with scabies or mites. They can live long term on the body but you will have symptoms and they will multiply. But if say your spouse has it and you don't and/or have not been treated for it for 30 days, it may be a drug reaction that the person has and not scabies. So it should be confirmed that they have scabies by a microscopic exam. They do a skin scraping of the person and then see if they have it.
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Get a fungal urine culture the fungus on the skin and in your mouth prob got on your hands & spread in your urithra and kidney that what happened to me..still waiting on my appt to test it mine I got on my foot then my hand then my crotch had all the same symptoms and now like you I have pain pressure in my kidneys the thing about fungus you  wash it off with soap or alcohol and if you have it in one part of body it spreads all over when you touch such as washing or applying lotions I itch behind my ears skin too and my armpit had burning itch on my toe for a year until I stopped using latex glove to wash my infected foot now my hand itch and the ears armpit and pubic area with kidney pain pressure I'm going to dermatologist to do scraping of my skin on the foot to test for fungal culture since I read that urine    might not show cause it takes weeks to grow it and they discard the specimen of urine after a week
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Glad you are doing better.  Thought I would also post an update.

My general health is good, but I still have a couple of symptoms white tongue (comes and goes a bit, but always there) as well as itch.  The itch is mainly in the anal/tailbone area, but also seems to be migrating up my back and to my arms.

The symptoms seem to fade at times, but come on at others.  Almost on a monthly cycle.  The tongue issue I never notice, until I feel the itch come on, and then I check my tongue and it is somewhat white.

All my other symptoms have largely gone away, and for the most part I'm fine.  Just every 3-4 weeks I get itch that lasts a week or so and then fades (never completely but almost completely).

I wonder if I have some sort of scabies, mites or bed bugs.... or maybe lyme disease.
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Glad to hear you are doing well! Thanks for keeping us posted.
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Oh and for the record, my health has gotten a lot better since my sexual encounter that happened a year and a half ago.
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Hi im going through the same i was tested at 12.5 weeks and 13 weeks through oral sex male to male ive been going crazy tested negative at 3 clinics for sll stds hiv is still hanging over me and i think im infecting everyone
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Although I do not post updates anymore on my situation, I liked to come to this thread once in a while to look up any new info that might of been provided...that is until a "spam" post from uduemi got here....sad.
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Most of the cases described in this thread match enterovirus coxcackie B. This virus is spread through saliva and is not that easy to detect by standard routine tests.because after first two weeks it migrates from blood to cells and there is only tiny amount of virus present in blood stream. Antobodies usually disappear after several months. There are few labs having a specific tests for chronic enteroviruses, one of them ARUP in Texas. China HIV-like virus is most probably also enterovirus or echovirus and has nothinbg to do with HIV.

There is no cure for enterovirus. Immune system of most healthy people normaly clears the virus or better say makes it dormant within 2-3 weeks. How well one deals with the virus depends on whether the immune system is in a state of TH1 or TH2 activation. If it becomes chronic the options are usually limited. About 20 years ago, antiviral drug pleconaril specifically developed to fight enteroviruses were introduced. But the results are mixed and some countries refused to approve the drug. It is worth to try oxymatrine, which is a natural herb that helps against enteroviruses but only selective number of people (40%-50%( are successful.
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Most of the cases described in this thread match enterovirus coxcackie B. This virus is spread through saliva and is not that easy to detect by standard routine tests.because after first two weeks it migrates from blood to cells and there is only tiny amount of virus present in blood stream. Antobodies usually disappear after several months. There are few labs having a specific tests for chronic enteroviruses, one of them ARUP in Texas. China HIV-like virus is most probably also enterovirus or echovirus and has nothinbg to do with HIV.

There is no cure for enterovirus. Immune system of most healthy people normaly clears the virus or better say makes it dormant within 2-3 weeks. How well one deals with the virus depends on whether the immune system is in a state of TH1 or TH2 activation. If it becomes chronic the options are usually limited. About 20 years ago, antiviral drug pleconaril specifically developed to fight enteroviruses were introduced. But the results are mixed and some countries refused to approve the drug. It is worth to try oxymatrine, which is a natural herb that helps against enteroviruses but only selective number of people (40%-50%( are successful.
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Hello not sure where you live but ......your sympthoms may be atmosphereic spray  related ... check out the  geo engineering projects and the chemical fall out with sympthoms!! then please continue your
search .good luck
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Since your symptoms are close to normal now and you weight lift and are probably in pretty good shape other wise. How is your blood pressure, and blood sugar? Have you ever checked your heart for arrhythmia? Do you get any feeling of skipping a beat or flutter or a bit of chest pain that isn't that bad could be a benign arrhythmia or even one that may need some treatment. It could give you these symptoms. You could check that with a 24 hour monitor and EKG. Then also get an echo-cardiogram just to make sure everything is normal.  

Your symptoms don't sound like HTLV, or H.pylori. Do you have any stomach pain? With H. pylori you usually have stomach pain or reflux.

I think it would be good to get those tests done and cardiac enzymes perhaps. How is your cholesterol and triglycerides?

What is your diet like? I lift weights 3 times a week but I am a beginner. I still take in 20 g of protein besides by diet which has 60g. Drink 8 glasses of water or more if you are exercising (it can be a combination of tea or other clear fluids).

Caffeine, sports drinks like red bull, and sugar can make arrhythmias worse.

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I have read a lot on this thread, and my symptoms closely match one of the original starters of this post. I believe it was either matt or raven? Has anyone heard how they are doing? My story is similar to everyone's on here: Protected sexual encounter with a woman. Negative for all STDs and HIV up to 5 months after using multiple tests. Had CBC, thyroid, heavy metals, vitamin deficiency done, all were non-indicative of infection, and not abnormal.


Week 1:
Anal and scrotum itching
Low grade fever
Night sweats
Weakness in arms and legs
9 lbs in weight loss

Week 5:
Dizziness, imbalance
shaking hands
chest pain
shortness of breath

Week 12: Low Testosterone

Today really the only problem is the low testosterone.
From this thread, what other things should I specifically test for?

HTLV? H. Pylori? Other bacteria or Viruses? CD4/CD8 count?

It's been about 13 months, and I feel close to normal, but it comes and goes, dizziness is worse on some days as is the low testosterone. I pay close attention because I weight lift and play soccer and have to know what's going on with my body.
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I don't think many people have symptomatic Blastocysis hominis. Only the one person I was talking to. There is the New HIV-Like Virus in China. But You can read it for yourself. It is http://sites/google.com/site/newhivaidslikeviruschina/

It isn't a new strain of HIV it is a virus that makes you think you have HIV. It is very strange. It also is mostly in China. Although, viruses have a way of spreading quickly in travel. The symptoms are diverse. But it does usually lower ones CD4 count and people have a negative HIV test because you don't have HIV and this virus isn't a HIV like virus. People who have this also have a raised CD8 count. 60% have normal CD4 counts or they return to normal after a few years.  Some people get remission from symptoms after about 2 years.

In all patients this Chinese virus causes a chronic, persistent infection that does not disappear.  

General symptoms: low grade fever, flu-like feeling. Loss of appetite. Ongoing fatigue and weakness, wiht mental and physical fatigue after exertion.

There are other specific areas of the body that has specific symptoms. See the link.I don't think you have to have all of them.

The underlying thing is you keep retesting and retesting thinking you have HIV and don't . The virus makes you think you do. All have extreme anxiety. It is a neurologic pathogen. It is something to think about. I don't know how you get tested for it. I don't even know if anyone in the U.S. has it.

I am NOT saying that anyone on here has this. I am saying many people have talked about this virus and I am giving this information out because I just found more on it.

Also, because you mentioned that noone wants to talk about it. I am generally not on this site I am on the overall infectious disease site which this is a subset of and this site kind of runs itself. I oversee it now and then. To see if I can contribute to it.

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The abdominal part I agree with but if you go to http://bhomcenter.org/ you will find that a lot of these people have strange neurological type problems post infection. Rashes, itchy skin, cognitive problems... I do not believe everyone on your the site has blasto but I believe something has damaged the nervous system and immune system of a lot of people globally. My only question is how is the body damaged in such a way to be so long lasting in so many people? I believe all these people are very serious about their health concerns which is falling on deaf ears of the medical community. More because they really do not know what is going on. They would rather put it down to being psychological and dismissing the patients concerns. An unknown virus may be the initial cause of your symptoms but the damage seems so long term that something  else might be at play here. Not that this helps in anyway. Many long lasting medical conditions from Lyme, Chrones, Fibro, Lupus  etc may all share a common source. However we study them as if they were different things. Just a thought.
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Blastocystis hominis does not usually cause problems for most people unless your immune system is not working. Most of the time it isn't a pathogen. But sometimes it causes diarrhea. It usually clears on its own.
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Try Blastocyst hominis.... read Bad Bugs and peoples experiences. It is very serious for some people
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Did you find actual yeast in the blood? Did he have a high fever?  The markers are different than actually having the active live yeast in the blood culture.
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just wondering bhb if you had a candida test done to see if it was in the blood ?a friend of mine is going through similar issues and so far we have found candida in his blood .p66 and p41 wich they attribute to lymes diseaseand we also found lesions on his brain .we found this through ideas and suggestions we had for each other .but even though we found them the dr says they are ok to have .i myself had an interesting find that i carry the atp7b gene .wich it looks like i am a carrier for wilsons disease .they are going to investigate further now.
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I sent you a message with some specific things I'm trying to figure out. Thanks!
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