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Unkown virus

Hello I had sexual relations protected with a massage girl in California. Shortly after 3 days I started experiencing symptoms, need to urinate and redness in meatus of penis along with redness and irritation in eyes. By the end of that week I had tingling all over boxer short area The following week I had trouble walking due to the pain and tingling, this eventually turned into burning in the urethra and scrotum lasting two to three additional weeks. No noticeable blisters ever formed.I also suffered nerve like pain from buttock down back of right leg.

I am now left with after 5 months from this incident pelvic pain,sciatica type pain, itching and burning on scrotum from time to time but less severe than before. I also wake with watery eyes, sinus congestion, white stuff on corners of mouth every day since exposure. I have taken multiple STD panels for every STD HIV, syphilis, goon, chylmedia, hep, and herpes at 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months all neg. I even followed up with an HIV and syphilis at 4.5 months and was neg.

I did receive treatment for the possible bacterial infections STD given z pack, doxy, ofoflax, uribel and something for trich.

My neuro said it's probably a unknown virus. I have been on a few rounds of antivirals for herpes just to see if there is a reaction, the antivirals seem to help the symptoms but herpes test was neg.

I am thinking this maybe undetected herpes infection accompany with a fungal overgrowth due to excess antibiotics.

Also my CBC came back normal but WBC was in the low range.

Any idea what this is? Please help.  
496 Responses
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Sure mkh9.. will do a tb test. Also my test at 4 month was vdrl and doctor said it is shyphilis . Also I have a plan to do CT or MRI next week if it doesn't subside . thanks a lot for all d suggestions..
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Hi Wanton,

my last cd8 was around 530.. My cd4% was above 40% in all the tests and even when it reads 330. Do you have any interpretation on these numbers??
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I would still check on the TB. Also, if you just had the RPR done it can give a false negative 20% of the time. So getting an FTA would be a good thing to do.

Since you are having these issue with your head the MRI or CT would be a good thing to do. Maybe it is stress or depression. After the 20 days or whatever then if you still have it then I would that done if  you can to rule any structural problems out. Another thing to think about is Lymes disease and parasites. You have no fever so night sweats could be a hormonal problem or stress. But the white count was up and that isn't stress. I don't think it is related necessarily to this incident but that you could have been exposed at the same time to something around that time to something. I am looking at this with an open mind. I have seen many people on here who are certain it is due to their exposure and have found quite a few that had something else.
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Hi wanton. My symptoms are not improving except weight loss. Now gained 14 pounds in 2 months. Joint pain and muscle pains are getting worse. All d day and night feeling very sleepy..

Also I tested for thyroid , RA factor and autoimmune and all came negative. Very strange...

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Thanks mkh9 for the prompt reply. I had tested for syphillis twice once at one month and 4 month and it was negative. I don't have cough and anyhow I will do the tb test next time. I was working in a uk based software company and quit the job due to loss of concentration and jobless for 2 months. Previously I was the top performer there. Looks like some pathogens affecting or it is just depression. Fingers crossed... Will update you after my doc get any insights on this ..
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Thanks wanton.. Really it is good to discuss to get some more insights on this. I had tested ebv alone which was neg at 4 month..

Also I did western blot after 4 month and all bands came as negative.

I will try other tests as u said. But my doc who is senior ART specialist said me to give myself to his custody for another 50 days. He said I have mind problem and he has given anti depression tab for 20 days. I will update here on any insights or any results..

Also what was your exposure? My exposure is vaginal lick for 10 secs with no fluids. But I afraid whether she might be in her periods where I got into a contact with her blood.

I sweat like a falls nowadays. No clue so far.
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