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invisible bugs (not morgellons) parasites or mites - dermo experts please help

i went to get a haircut a year ago, when i left i was infested with an unknown parasite, fungus or bacteria.

i know its from the hairdressers, within 10min of leaving i could feel them.
i thought they'd wash out. then i thought they were scabies.

then i called the hair salon to ask what they were, i got abused by
the receptionist and told he was on holidays.
i called back a week later, only to find out he had been fired - obviously for this problem~!

there is little to no symptoms other than being able to feel them all the time.
sometimes i get little pin ***** bites.

i tried everything, one thing that DOES at least wash loose ones down my body is Kerosene.
i found this out when i thought it was scabies, i used kero on my hair and guess what happened...
i ended up with 50 bites on my chest and about 30 on each lower leg/ankles.

whatever it is, KEROSENE will paralyze it long enough to move off my scalp.

heres something odd, a few days before the kero, i tried 'mineral turpentine' and it made them burrow into a frenzy and the sensation came back so strong,
it was exactly how bad it was the first day i was infected.

when i say i have used everything, i mean everything.. dont make me write a list of all available scabies treatments and home remedys.

this is not: scabies, morgellons, birdmites, contact dermatitis or the likes.
its contagious. people who have come to my house complain of being bitten,
they ask me if i have fleas. they seemed to notice i have a problem and disappear. this, by the way is all without me telling them i have a problem...

so, its not like they just think 'oh its in his head what a nutjob better drop him from the crew'.

they see the problem without me explaining.

the docs i have seen, sit infront of me scratching... all of them, all the time.
i have pointed it out, and im met with 'i'm always itchy, its the weather' or 'its because you are talking about it'.

i actually had to laugh at one, call them an idiot and told them to enjoy whatever it is they just got from me -they looked at my scalp (against my advice), with no gloves then started scratching at their arms like a flea bitten dog, within 2min they were constantly scratching at their head/scalp... and i ask her: so, let me ask you this: are you itchy at all right now? have a feeling of a hair on your face, or arm?
she firmly replied NO (while scratching).. still looking in here eyes i said 'dont like, i can see you scratching your hands right now'.
although not full vision, the human eye has almost 270 degree of sight.

i have lost so many friends. i haven't been able to work and i've spent all my savings on docs/dermos/treatments and obviously milk and bread.
i have nothing. no money. no friends left.

i know theres people who have had this problem and actually found out what it is,

but they dont come back and help others who have it. they just disappear out
into the world, obviously so happy they found a cure they couldnt care less about the community of people that supported them throughout their ordeal.
187 Responses
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I been freaking out...my mom took me too a mental Dr.....now I see tons of others are as crazy as I ...smh
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Martins permetherin spray 10% dilute in spray bottle drench yourself after shower, spray your hair, and you can even add Downey softner to spray clothes bedding furniture and car. Shower twice daily use gritty sulfa soap lather and allow to soak atleast 10 minutes before rinsing $2 walmart. Its an insect u will kill it. The spray is $20 amazon. I got rid of it. If u have long hair u may need to soak your hair olive oil thise will suffocate them, use lice come in addition. Vaseline on your lashes if you feel them on lashes. Wash all bedding clothing hot water. Clean clean clean, bleach mop, vacume and Dont give up. Use thick lotion to help protect your skin. Your welcome
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I have the same thing how can I get a hold if you to talk
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I've had this since July. It has to be something in our bodies that has changed to attract these bugs. That's my reasoning for them being selective. I've heard of people taking anti biotics and it relieving the external symptoms.  Bleach kills them. Also, taking a bath in Epsom salt, and use a hair dryer to dry instead of a towel. Hemp lotion seems to deter them temporarily as well. If I solve this mystery, I'll only charge $20. ;)
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How come the most recent post on any of these boards is July? Is anyone still out there? I just discovered there are actually other people who are suffering with this crap and would like to know I'm not alone out here...
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Hi so here was my solution to the invisible bugs which were ruining my life, laying eggs in my scalp, travelling from my hair to my pants, jumping in my eyes, infesting my clothes. You name it, i had all the worst symptoms. Couldn't sleep for almost a year. Now lo and behold -- just like how all 3 doctors i saw thought i was absolutely nuts and each diagnosed me with delusionary parasitosis -- now all of you are going to think i'm nuts. Let me tell you all something. While i was dealing with this, i wondered why so many people would write posts, then disappear, and never come back to share what happened to them. So now i'm taking the time to tell you what happened with me. Eventually i got an appt with a dermatologist. One of the top ones in toronto, ontario, canada, where i live. Right away this guy said 'phantom limb syndrome', you have misfiring peripheral nerves that are making it seem like you have bugs and i suggest that you either take gabapentin or an anti-psychotic. So obviously i thought this guy just doesn't know. None of these people know who haven't experienced what we are experiencing. So, on my way home i stopped at my grandparent's house and the bugs were so bad -- and obviously just like me, i'm sure all of you have tried every damn remedy off these forums to no avail. Well, i just couldn't take it anymore so i thought what the hell i'll pop a few of my grandmother's gabapentins. --- now here's where you're all going to think i'm crazy --- it worked. It ******* worked. No joke. And now what i've come to realize is that i have peripheral sensory nerve damage which manifests as the exact thing we're all going through. ******* invisible bugs. I know all of you think, this guy doesn't have what we have, ******* don't believe me huh? are you sure? I had the bugs so bad i shaved my head 15 times, and i had long, beautiful, black hair and look gorgeous with it, and i would rather shave my head, spray bug spray on my head, jump in a pool of bleach, bug bombed my place 4 times, my car once and almost went brain dead from the fumes. Let me break it down to all of you go get a damn prescription for gabapentin from your doctor and try it. I swear to god all of you do it. You've tried everything just like me, now go to your doctor who will think you're bat **** when you tell them the story, but then tell them you think gabapentin might work. The problem is general practice doctors, not all of them see peripheral neuropathies that manifest like this. Gabapentin is generic, there is no possible way i can make money off this. I am writing this post for all of you. WHo never wanted to go near anybody because you thought you'll infect anybody you get near. THe weird thing is, my bugs used to shoot off my body and attack people, and i swear i would see people flinch when the bugs hit them in the eyes. Even my girlfriend got the marks that i got. So there was something organic, and you know where i think it came from; ****** clothing, clothing with elastane fibers. THose fibers act like parasites, BUT, when you take gabapentin, they can't harm you because gabapentin acts on your nerves. Please everybody get gabapentin. Most likely you are hypersensitive to something which is associated with your peripheral neuropathy, and was cause by something real. Like for me, i think mine was caused over time by alcohol and toxins. A lot of other causes are diabetes, trauma, certain medications, addictive drugs. But no doubt about it, my hypersensitivity to elastane make it was worse and i swear to god there's something in the fabrics coming from overseas, ******* cheap fabrics from india or indonesia or something like that. But please, please, please, all of you try gabapentin!!!!!!! PLEASE!!! If any of you again don't believe i have the same thing as you, re-read my post, i had everything the same, they infested my clothing, my hair, my apartment, my car, i thought i was infecting other people, they would jump in my eyes, my ears, go in my nose. ******* all of it. Go to your doctor and get a prescription for gabapentin. THanks,  
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What was the milligram of the medicine
Hi I should update because a lot has happened since that post. Eventually the gabapentin started making me really tired and fuzzy and when I stopped taking it the symptoms came back, so I went to see a psychiatrist and he suggested we try the anti psychotic aripiprazole. And because I was going nuts with the bugs now that I had already got my feet wet with taking medicine I said what the hell. And now I've been bug free for going on more than 3 months now. I need to be very clear about something. I'm also a medical student, and for sure I can see now that what I was going through is called formication and a delusionary parasitosis. It is without a doubt brought on by anxiety, stress, withdrawal from substances IE.(medicines, drugs). For me, I saw first hand in myself what paranoia and stresses of the mind can manifest as. Let me tell all of you. I had gone nuts. No doubt about it. And all my stresses, from school, work, ex gf, withdrawing off the xananx I was taking to fall asleep literally put me in a psychotic state. The crazier thing is that I didn't know it. All I knew was that I was harboring some bugs I couldn't see that would nest in my scalp, jump in my eyes, hide in my socks, infest my clothing. Let me tell you all, it was all bulshit, there was never any bugs. See how powerful your mind is, that my mind literally went haywire and the proof was that the anti psychotic worked. Gabapentin was not the answer, it was an anti psychotic. And if you all think you're not psycho. I didn't think I was psycho. And actually you shouldn't define it that way. We are all not handling life well and it's manifesting in this retarded manner. Truthfully I know 95% of you won't believe that you're like me and that an anti psychotic won't help you because you're not nuts. News flash, you're bonkers just like I was. There's no f'in bugs. Let me repeat there's no f'in bugs. The problem is that it feels so real. It me a year and a half of living with it to finally get to the point where I saw the psych doctor. These are very real somatic symptoms. Everybody please Google a somatic symptom so you can understand. We believed it to be there and it made it much worse because then we were constantly worried about the bugs. The bugs were just out neuro chemistry screaming out to be stabilized but we didn't know that. Even as a medical student I scared the doctors because I got really mad when they didn't believe I had bugs. I need to go to sleep but I no longer have bugs. I still get anxiety, I still get delusions sometimes but I don't have the bugs anymore. If this helps even one person I'll be really happy. It's all I can do. I still don't have all my **** together and that's part of the reason I hurt and I have a lot to work on, and i know it's probably the same for a lot of you. Please see a psychiatrist and get help. The feeling is real and the only way to stop is by fixing the problem which is in the messed up balance of your serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc. And the only way to fix that is with medicine. Good luck to all of you.goodnight
What was the dosage of Gabapentin?? My Doctor gave them to me but she didn't know the dosage she should give me and gave me the lowest dose and something else that helps with nerves as well.I am going to the pharmacy tomorrow to get them,and if this helps I will be forever grateful because I have tried absolutely everything and have moved and lived in my car and been to the ER a few times from supplements that were suppose to work and almost killed me. Had family bring me Ivermectin and Albendazole from over seas and done several rounds and nothing.Almost got sued by landlord for having so much DE powder everywhere and other sprays and powders, my bed is an air mattress but ive been sleeping sitting on a leather chair for two years if you can call it sleeping and look 10 years older in two years and it goes on and on so yes I am ready to take the dreaded meds. Hope this works because the next one is the anti-psychotic and the side affects there are very scary. Sure i won't have any critters on me but never mind the twitchy face for the rest of my life..Great.
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I am going through the same exact things! God Bless her prayers coming her way
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Its how my morgellons started out.
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Dont lean on your own understanding, this disease takes on many forms. I dont have the fibers but on some nights i can see the red glitter coming out of my skin.
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I've been like this for two years no one believes it not even the people u think would believe u!! Y did this have to happen is what I say! Annoying
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Now 2016 i have the same problem the dermatologist and doctor's all the same think im a nut case. My husband and mom are the only ones to believe me. Of couse at first they didn't, until they got bitten and started scratching. I have been out of work almost a month now. My husband is working double time to make up for my absence from work. PLEASE PLEASE someone help!!!!u
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Please look up Ivermectin, http://lifewithoutscabies.com/a-simple-3-step-guide-to-treating-scabies/ it will eliminate epidermal parasites.
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Can scabies make your hair fall out can scabies make your hair Grey
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Triclosan powder kills this invisible mite. Mix in shampoo and body lotion. Treat body and fog house with it to be free. Find it on ebay. Look for triclosan 99.9% pure powder.
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I spent 400 hundred on your triclosan with no results pestilance.
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thanks for your description - I too have been absolutely amazed by these creatures, and have wondered if they are capable of taking on different forms - springtails, fungus gnats, moths, spiders - they are like something from another planet here to observe us, and they know how to camouflage themselves - with different forms and smells, bizarre!  Mine seem to be primarily airborne things like fungus gnats. I had the most horrific experience a few days ago when I got swarmed at the tennis club by these mysterious seemingly invisible things. A few people heard the sound of the swarming, including myself. They kept coming and buzzing briefly, but nothing to be seen, then disappearing, then back again over and over. I knew they would be after me and they were - my scalp and clothes were full. I covered myself in Epsom salts when I got home and put the clothes in a bin of Epsom salts to soak. The next day, I dumped out the water from the clothes bin and a while later, up they came from the drain and chased me around until I was covered again. For several days I sprayed Lysol around the room, and covered myself in various things like Nix, Epsom salts, baking powder, aloe vera, sulfur cream - just trying to reclaim what's left of my life here. Even the spider in the bathroom - I don't mind them as I assume they go after the fungus gnats - took refuge under the toilet brush and didn't come out until things calmed down - but I believe he is now shriveled up in the corner of the bathroom, didn't survive the events of the past few days, nor did I barely. But wouldn't you know it, I am sitting at the computer in the middle of all this, researching what to do to get rid of these horrific creatures, when I notice two little red spiders dancing on the wall in front of me, as if to say, haha, now we are spiders!  Anyway I let them live and have not seen them since. The little lamp beside my computer was covered in this kind of filament - not spider webs because it wasn't weblike but more like a fine gossamer filament - I think this is from the fungus gnats. Anyway I also think these bugs are everywhere now, so my new strategy is to figure out how to keep them off me and what is different about me from other people who don't seem to be bothered by them (or just don't have them or notice them yet?) so I am wondering if I have excess Malassezia on my skin which allows these intruders in. I found some good info today on healing this on this website
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Try ivermectin.
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I have been fighting this for 6 months . I will spare the back story for now, but suffice to say, it has ripped my life into tatters. Like everyone else. I having spent a small fortune, I have tried every single recommended remedy to no avail.

I am at the point if I can fix this, I have a fighting chance of putting my life back together . If it gets worse, I'm on the streets. Thus these two options inspired me to think from a completely different angle.

I believe this is beatable. However, it will be the toughest thing you have ever done. I will quickly share my method that has eradicated up to 70% in 3 days:

Rub you skin and scalp every inch, every pore with repeated doses of Fixodent dental adhesive . Within seconds, black specs, and white hairs will emerge, running for their lives. They will want to be any place but under your skin . I have no idea which of the active ingredients work, but I will get to the bottom of that in time.

I first thought it was the adhesive making the specks and worms stick to the glue, but they just want out whether you add water or not. Long after application on a spot, they continue to pour out in many forms.

Now for some hard fought for observations about these bastards . They are not bird mites or scabies. They do not behave like either. They are not invisible. You just have to look harder beyond everyday cosmetic expectation.

In their smallest form, they look like household dust and play dead. In  a larger form, they look like spiders. I believe there is possibly several other forms and stages.  

They can live in, on and outside of your body for extremely long periods.

I have witnessed immense levels of intelligence and energy. For example, they will pop of your scalp in a translucent form speck by speck. Then they combine with others to form a sort of flying cotton ball. I am completely dumb founded that something so small can have so much energy and intelligence. If in nature, they cannot be of this world .

Hiding Places:

This is the most important thing to learn . They hide in places you would never imagine . Every space the size of a micron (one millionth of a centimetre) is up for grabs.

For example, I had a gargantuan amount hiding in the tiny little air bubbles of each brick of my house. This is a 3 story , triple sides house! Upon spraying the side of the house with ammonia, I saw trillions of translucent specks  fly for their lives. These can be distinguished from vapour droplets because of the coherent swarm like escape vector . I advice everyone fumigate the entire permiter of their home in this way . Whilst present, you breathe them in constantly . Every time you open your door or window, they swarm in. They are visible with a strong light about the power of a projector .

They both attract and masquerade as spiders. This is a big give away of an infested house. Do not dismiss rapid appearing cob webs as seasonal. They take the form of spider webs by groping together.

They appear desperate for water , so cut off every single viable source of water in and around your property. if there is a drain you cannot cover, pour oil into it.

There is likely and invisible swarm around your shower head .

A key nesting place are the outside of your windows in he corners. Spray them with Mr Muscle oven cleaner.

They hide beneath the most flawless looking of skin. When you feel them , the have surfaced .

If you are at the stage where you are convinced they are invisible, you will never get rid of them from that view point because your decisions will support what they like best.


The only thing that cuts it for me is to soak and wash clothes with Mr Muscle oven cleaner. When you take the clothes out of the dryer, you will notice the lint tray full of dust (dead specks)  - They appear to have a way of becoming a part of every single type of material, including water. This is why many cannot get them out of clothes. I think they must be sub atomic in some way, meaning they can literally force their way between molecules, thus invisible.

Keep in mind, that depending on the level of infestation, you will quickly reinfect anything you put on, giving an appearance of them not coming out. The application of Fixodent will cause a huge exodus and thus a sharp increase in symptoms, but its clear to see they are  dead, weakened and leaving.

The funny thing is , had I not had so much stress and fear, I can easily recreate and film all of the above. My priority has been in fixing the issue.

Environment :

Fixodent is one half of the issue. A far bigger task is cleansing the house. You need to be beyond relentless. Close all toilet lids at night to deny them water. Spring clean every single day. Other than the known products like Windex, Lynx deodorant is a contact killer (not antiperspirant ) . I have a few other promising products I am testing that may be the best every yet .

I have some evidence that amplifying and playing ultra sonic noise makes them run away from the house, just open the window. Each morning, my window ledges have been full of dust (dead mites) and tiny spider like creatures .

Somewhere in your home, there will be a huge main nest. Today, it dawned on me that my main nest was a very expensive , feather stuffed sofa, go figure uh ? The sofa is huge , but I literally threw it out of the house on my own . Let me remind you; points of infestation are clear with very high lumen light. In fact, they will swarm to the light. To give you an idea of what I was dealing with, the only other smaller particles in the room is oxygen. Every micron of the large feather stuffed sofa was occupied. There is still some work to clear the rooms, but with the sofa gone, I now have more than a fighting chance.

Days earlier, I had a professional pest controller blast that sofa and it did not make one dent ! With the sofa now gone, the air in the house does not feel oppressive for the first time in months. I will chase up the sofa company ; it may well be ground zero . Never again anything stuffed with feathers.

All I can say for now is that , the issue is everywhere. I think besides them having a host of choice, its the intelligent and perceptive that will even notice they are there. My point is, a very large percentage of the population are likely infested. The house across the street from me is infested and yet none of them notice - They probably amuse its dog fleas . Keep fighting, keep sharing .  
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Very likely you have thread worms.

Have you got rid of it yet?
Safest thing to use is VINEGAR.

Use white vinegar in a small spray bottle, and spritz everything. If you are worried about the smell, dilute it. 1:10.

Mix vinegar (malt) with water and drink 1:10 it or gargle. Spritz your scalp/skin/furniture too. Mix a tub of water and vinegar to soak your hair equipment and (if you wear make up) make up brushes in. You can also use zalflora disinfect any furnishing and furniture. Dettol is good to presoak clothes in and also to bath in, or spritz with. Pay particular attention to your car and its vents, and your outer clothes/coats.

Vaccuum daily for at least a month and take threadworm medication available over the counter two weeks apart. while maintaining a vigourous cleaning regime. Clean handles, toilet seats daily wearing disposible gloves while using disosible wipes.
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I'm not sure how old this post is .... And this is going to sound crazy, but go to family dollar the have some hemmriod wipes "it has to be the wipes" stops all itching and bug activity!!!! I hope this helps, please let me know....
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I wish I knew that would help , this stuff is killing me please someone helpppppo
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Hi, I have the same thing, this has been going on a very long time.  I thought I had lice or scabies and after treating that for a long time w/ no relief I had to look for other ppl w/ the same symptoms. I recently started a new job and the ppl at work think I have lice because they see bugs on or near me.  I've been to the doctor here recently and was treated for lice and scabies again and it did nothing.  I don't know what to do, I'm going back to the doctors tomorrow and ask him to personally check my hair for lice. They talk about me all day at work and they don't care that I can hear them.  I don't say anything to them about my itchy problem because I fear I will be fired and I feel if I tell them about my itchy problem I will be fired.  So I am loosing my mind lately.  I need my job and I need a solution.  MY family think I'm crazy and will not help me so I am going thru this on my own.  I am afraid I will be committed for delusions and paranoia.  MY question is ,is this "itch" catchy?  Can I get a doctors note stating I don't have a contagious disease and keep my job? Please help me
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I am in the same boat. I have been going thru a personal Hell for over 2yrs! Almost killed myself a few times..now I'm just a alcoholic because it's the only way I feel relief. I can't believe my husband has delt with me this long. ...well I did snap and moved in with a friend because he kept calling me delusional. I don't blame him for thinking I lost my mind. Unless someone experiences it first hand they will think you lost your marbles. Hell ya I have!! I almost wish they would put me in a nut house so I could get numbed from meds all day long. And when I freak out..it would be ok.
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Really??? Thanks guys for making my life miserable knowing I am gonna be inside for most of the summer! I'm the only one smart enough to read in between the lines! That's ducked up man! Call me after you drop him off! Wanted to see if you guys talked to her and were thinking about coming over?? I can also give ya some pointers on a few things! Lola! You know I'm on top of everything and always ahead of the game! Call me or text ya know? Wipe that smile off ur face too cause I can see it! Suuuuure whoa Suuuuure! Your homey b!
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Parasitologist,,,have been doing so much research, as my daughter, also have the same problem, been to so many doctors, mostly saying it is in her mind. Period, no help but drugs to give. Now as of last week, although we do not leave together, I got them, live in a Rooming house, as the rents are so high in Mass. Someone here must have had them, sharing the bathroom, now I have, little speck of black bugs, Black Pepper Mites ?  Not sure, as mostly doing research, it came down to them. To get rid,, wow, OK'  I have been using rubbing Alcohol, spraying my clothes every ten minutes, shaking them out, into a white tub. See them, so small. Using salt, as they get in my mouth, nose, eyes, privates, every ten minutes, more and more. Crazy, no, am a 58 year old woman, who never had a problem like this, always believed my daughter, saying how these things driving her crazy, no relief, so now on a mission, to find, how to get relief, from these Parasites. My hair is falling out scratching so much. Results so far. They hate the cold. They feed on Moist and warmth. If you stand outside on a cold day, do not feel them, they hate fans, air conditioner.  1/2 Baking Soda 1/2 Salt Mixture in a spray bottle for Carpets, beds, furniture. I spray every where, my body I use 20 Mule team Borax. Baking Soda keeps skin soft. Wash all my clothing in Borax.  Now, do they go away, so far No. Relief  Yes. Maybe when a Parasitologist, finds a cure, we will be safe again. These are parasites, no matter, what name, and so many have them.  Demo ex Mites, Black Pepper Mites,  Bird Mites. Same family. No Cure. Only relief, and No Doctors will believe.
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Just came across this, my family has been through the ringer from something that is probably the same or similar to what many of you are describing. We live in Hawaii and it first started when a large Mango tree was cut down next to our condo unit, with the window of my 1yo daughter's bedroom just below where the largest branch fell. These tiny bugs (predatory-type mites) were spread into the air and through the screen, quickly finding my daughter and feeding on her. She had just started sleeping through the night and then all of a sudden she was tossing and turning like she had nightmares and wouldn't sleep very long at all, then we noticed the small red dots around her wrists, ankles, and lower back. She then started itching those areas heavily, and when I went to stay in the room to help her go to sleep I felt them for the first time, jumping from the side of the guest bed mattress onto my arm. At first I thought they must be bed bugs, so the next morning I cleared out the entire room and inspected everything for any sign of them. As a result, I ended up infesting the rest of the house and then my wife and I began feeling them crawl on us more and more, especially at night, and then when they got established in our bedroom just sleeping was a battle.

Eventually I put out dozens of sticky traps and then submitted them to the Department of Agriculture's entomologist and he was able to find one mite with blood inside. Since we had already ruled out any bird nests or rat colonies within 100 feet of our unit, and our small condo was always very clean, it was not likely a transient mite. However, the entomologist determined it was not a bird or rat mite at all, and the closest thing he could pin it to was a predatory mite, of the Phytoseidae family. He's not a mite specialist though, so that's just his best guess.

Anyway, we tried everything, even leaving for two weeks and bombing but they were waiting for us even though we had finally gotten two weeks of freedom. Our daughter was beginning to get sores where she was scratching so I sent my wife and daughter to California while I threw away all furniture and packed up all valuables to move to another island. Kept everything in storage for seven months, bought a house, had our second child, everything was finally back on track with no mites. Then I brought down a box of clothes from storage since I just couldn't fathom anything living that long without a host. Sure enough, they survived and it's the whole nightmare all over again. Going on 16 months of this now, trying to get the house remodeled and thoroughly exterminated before selling it and moving away from Hawaii altogether. We finally had to give up.
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Continuing from last blog. To see if carbohydrates have an effect on your bug infestation is try different carbohydrates to test how they actually influence the degree of infestation. Example I tried Barlett pears which contain mostly glucose, fructose, and a bit sucrose. So for the most part it is all monosaccharides which your GI tract is not needed to break down, except for the fructose goes to your liver to break it down to glucose. Watch the videos on nutrition mentioned previous blog and start learning how the body works. I hope you all confirm all my information and others on your own, it is your health and their is a lot miss information on the web. An example I have seen a lot is to avoid carbohydrates entirely and is completely unhealthy as the brain works on carbohydrates. Also your body starts making ketones, it normal to have ketones after a work out but to continuously produce ketones is not good. If you are extremely fatigue in the morning and through out the day,  also light headed is a clear sign, as this was happening to me. And I had ketone urine test strips and checked and indeed levels where high. Even though I was eating complex carbohydrates, this meant my body was not breaking them down to simple carbs. It is hard to find something that solely glucose in natural foods. One site great on food nutrients is USDA foodlist.  I must warn you, following this avenue can lead to health issues. That is why you must educate your self on nutrition, their is a lot information to mention and I tend to forget and do not eliminate something out of your diet without checking the consequences. Just like becoming vegan there are consequences. Know your vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and fats. One issue I am seeing with fruits is they have high fructose which the liver is required to handle it and I have liver issues, I can feel discomfort so I had to stop even though I eat low fat meat along with it to limit fatty liver by providing the nine essential proteins. This is not an easy road, but I feel this is in the right direction. My infestation are not as out of control. I am also anemic and the doctors could tell by my finger nails being curved towards my palm. I have noticed that when I eat food that is not good, is my blood pressure drops and causes light headedness, so I measure my blood pressure. Measure your blood pressure before eating a specific food and measure afterwards and some foods take more than one meal to see results and record this information. Sleep with your head away from a wall and sleep with your head in an open area with solid floor like concrete, tile, or kitchen floor. Preferably on an air mattress and the reason you want to keep your head away from walls when you sleep is you will infest behind the walls and they will be waiting for you the next night in large numbers, but if you sleep away and no other objects around(2-4 foot radius) your head you limit them from finding a nice comfy place to hide, good night.
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I have been with a bug issue coming up to 4 years. I had all my amalgams removed the proper way with a naturopath doctor using a rubber dam, using all precautions not to get mercury into my body including an air vacuum. I strongly recommend you do your homework before removing your amalgams, as their is a lot of cases of people remove them improperly who did not have issues before and end with health issues afterwards. So take your time before you act, do not act on fear. I hate to say this but figuring if amalgams are health problem for you. Is a self diagnosed problem, there is a lot politics involved to recognize it as an illness so you will very few doctors if any to say amalgams are your problem. There are a bunch documentaries on this subject and l let you watch and decide for your self. I will say again take your time and do your homework before removing, you get only one chance to do right the first time. I must tell you I have a lot health issues and I have also been exposed to a lot of toxins that the public would not normally experience and done a lot abuse. If you currently have amalgams I strongly recommend not to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash as it is an oxidizer to metal and amalgams are made of three metals, you can prove this by spraying it on any metal and see what happens might take some time but the results are disturbing. So it is absolutely insane to use it if you have any amalgams, you are accelerating your mercury exposure. If your amalgams are a bright shinny silver metal, it might mean a higher wear when they should be a grey dull tarnish. Mind he used a high end  camera and showed them to me. Besides my naturopath dentist, my experience naturopath doctors has not been the greatest. one gave wormwood supplement and as affecting my kidneys and another gave me L-glutamine and affecting my liver again as I mentioned I have other health issues. I am not here to discourage any one from seeking doctor or naturopath one, but not to lay full blind faith in them that they will heal you and do no harm. I will continue to see naturopath doctors as I have gained more insight in my illness. I admit I was at fault for not doing my homework for checking the side effects on the supplements. So my advice is to check for the side effects of supplement before taking because one thing about a naturopath supplements they have no warning labels or side effects. I had to go online and look at several sites because not all are listed all together. And being that our health are already compromised is it worth the risk if it has any side effects. One thing that I am learning is the tortoise and hare mentality, which I had the hare thought of mind and has made my situation worse because I want to get well now and take supplements in higher doses which end up doing more harm than good, so I am finding it is a slow process and do everything in moderation. introduce only supplement one at a time to see how your body reacts to it be careful with doctors that give you shopping bags of supplements to buy.  
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Another thing to add that you can do - have a live blood test at a naturopath to rule out candida...they test to see if you have too many yeast buds in your blood ....if you do it can make you feel like your on a bad magic mushroom trip....one last suggestion may sound a bit weird but even if you don't have a pet ring the local vet or pop in and have a chat to the nurse...it amazes me how people doctors know nothing yet animal doctors are very knowledgable when it comes to various skin conditions, parasites, mites etc you'd be surprised....
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You can buy little hand held microscopes that have a usb plug so can take photos & videos for about $20-$30 online....get one inspect your skin - if there's something there you have proof - if you can't see anything the itching will subside....there's even a microscope you can attach to your phone to take pics and vids - got to a camera shop and ask for the macro photography attachment for phones....another suggestion is to take a slow motion video of where you feel things crawling - slow motion captures a lot more goings on than regular recording....last if all go see a dermatologist, skin specialist, even a plastic surgeon - someone who specialises in skin...don't bother with a GP they can't deal with anything else bar a common cold & will say you are crazy - crazy haha that's doctor speak for I don't know what's wrong you don't have the sniffles....you don't need a referral to see a skin specialist the do cost about $100 upwards for a consultation - however look around some do the first consult free...take your footage or just your creepy crawly skin and go find out what it is & get it fixed....that is the only ways to do it if you want it to stop.
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Hi DCNikkiP,

I am SO glad I found this post about your experience!!! I, too, thought I was going mad, until I discovered I am sensitive to mold and changed my living environment as well as my diet.  It has been a journey...I am not yet free of the 'biting' and 'pricking' although it has lessened a great deal.  Will try smothering my skin since that is something I haven't yet done.  

It is SO GOOD to hear of your success.  Wishing you every healthy, happy day going forward!!

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