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Frequent urination due to over masturbation?

I am a 24yrs old male and  have been masturbating on avg 4 times since last 7-8 years .I started having frequent urination problem since last November.I would urinate anywhere from 10-15 times a day and this would get worse when i would try to sleep . I would urinate with decent amount of urine a  decent flow and before sleeping but i would still feel the need to urinate and would do 5-6 trips to the restroom. After falling asleep , i would get up 2-3 times to pee. I also felt everytime after masturbation , frequency will get even worse with some burning .
I reduced the frequency to avg once a day. I consulted my family practitioner in December  and i was prescribed ciprofloxacin twice a day for 10 days.She also did various STD tests , diabetes and urine test all of which came out -ve along with kidney ultrasound being normal as well .After 10 days , i felt significant improvement but not 100% . As such , i was prescribed levofloxacin for 5 days but levofloxacin seemed to aggravate the problem and i discontinued it after taking it for 2 days. I seemed to do ok for the next 2 months and kept the masturbation frequency to 4-5 times a week .However , the problem did start to creep in again as i think my prostate got irritated again even with reduced masturbation frequency.I consulted  a urologist and he did the digital rectal test and said my prostate seemed ok in size. i was prescribed cirpo again twice a day this time for 3 weeks . My problem again subsided by about 80-85% . However , if i masturbated  2-3 times in a day or masturbated once a day on consecutive days , i would again feel increased frequency and some burning. I told the uro about this correlation of my problems with masturbation but he said there should be no correlation and suggested i go for cystoscopy. I agreed to his suggestion and had cysto done after a few days.  Cystoscopy reveled everything normal other than a moderate stricture far back into the bulb for which the doctor performed dilation. I was prescribed levofloxacin for six days after cycsto. During those six days i suffered with even greater frequency and urgency and urine flow being normal every time i would pee. After stopping levofloacin, i felt my symptoms getting better but again my problem still did not subside 100% . I  kept my frequency of masturbation
3-4 times week and within 3 weeks of cysto , i again started to have frequent urination problem however this time with urine flow usually being normal every time i would pee . I was in the US till now but returned to my home country after 2 wees of having cysto and as such could not consult the same doctor.

I saw a urologist in home country and was prescribed Tamsulosin Hydrochloride  and gatifloxacin for 10 days after the doctor looked  at the report from urine culture and sensitivity test . Gatifloxacin did not help and as such doctor prescribed levofloxacin for another 10 days .None of the two antibiotics and Tamsulosin Hydrochloride did not show any signs of relief . I saw another uro after that and he prescribed moxifloxacin hydrochloride based on that urine culture test along with  tolterodine tartrate for 7 days. I have been taking em for 3 days now and do not see any relief .

I am really worried as my symptoms have only gotten worse after cystoscopy . Should i be worried that doctor did not perform cystoscopy properly and damaged my uretha or bladder? Or have i damaged my prostate with over masturbation. If yes , is there anyway to restore prostate in healthy condition ?
Also , should i try taking cipro again for 10-15 days as it took care of the symptoms at least by 80% on both occasions before cystocopy.

Please suggest what i should do and what the problem might be.

Thank you
75 Responses
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Hello every one
I have been through the same problem for almost 2 years..i wanted to kill my self because of this ...i think doctors are unable to find the exact cause of this problem as all of my test reports were gud....but i have cured myself ....all u have to do drink 2 glasses of sugarcane juice regularly for 2 month...n please dont masturbate while this whole period...u will get 100 percnt releive by doing this....n i know its hard to find sugarcane juice in north america but do anything to find it...u will come to normal lifr again by doing this
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What brand of sugarcane juice did you use?
It has to be fresh not the ones in bottles....all bottle ones are concentrated...i know its hard to find fresh but it has to be fresh......i also took a lot of crane berry juice for this problen but it didnt seems to work as the juice in boxes or in bottles were not pure...and i coudnt find the fresh one ....so i switched to fresh sugarcane juice n it made my life like it was before
when is the best time to have it......will i take it empty stomach or anytime during the day will do....how long do i have to take before observing a difference.????
waiting for Holabhola answer )))
is it really true your frequent urination has been cmptly remove....bcoz i really need cure ...
yes it really works but you have to consume the sugarcane juice between November and January....as that is the time you get best sugarcanes .....!!!!
however there is another way !!!!!
You can also do just plain water fast for 10 days !!!!!! and also do urine enema for 1 hour ........you will get 100 % relief by that..remember just water and no other food or drinks...
Do I have to fast for 10 days continuously?? That's impossible.
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So guys finally I came sorry for being let you know I was suffering from some personal issues. Anyway what I am going to talking about is I'M FINNALLY CURED
Yeah. After all these panic attacks and tension. It's finally gone.
How the infection came: Due masterbation. I masterbate for past 7/8 years so after that I got diagnosed with it.
1st Month:— I visited my doctor he suggested me to do a USG and Uroflowmetry test. Both tests are normal. Couldn't find any issue. Antibiotics and medicines of prostate wasn't working. I was depressed. Urine urge came within 1 hour/ 1½ hour (if i dont masterbate) and sometimes 30–45 mins (if i masterbate). Otherwise drinking water also cause urine urge within 1/2 hour.
Doctor prescribed me antibiotics and alpha blockers but couldn't work.
I was depressed and panic attacks came. Searchig on google it shows pelvic floor distinction and interstitial cystitis. Which makes me more depressed. I don't want to talj about those horrible days.
2nd Month:— Same as 1st.
3rd Monrh:— I visited a new urologist. He gave me test for my semen and prostate fluid. My semen was postive with S. Aureus infection. So FINNALLY it's not any issues with me urinary bladder or urethra. It's mainly semen infection but it's also affects my prostate and make it chronic prostatitis.
He prescribed me antibiotics specially effective for S. Aureus and some alfa blockers and also gave some multivitamin tablets. After 1 month i couldn't find any improvement. Cause previously doctor gave me antibiotics (1week course) but it won't work. So I thought the same. But i had patience and wait for another month and continuing my medicine couse. After another month I found improvement and FINNALLY I'm cured.
Conclusion: 1. It takes total 6 months for cure. Actually last 3 months treatment was proper. So you can say it's 3 month but i would say it's 6 month. Cause i surfed for 6 months.
2. My first doctor thought it was a issue with my bladder or prostate but he was wrong. If USG and Uroflowmetry test came normal then go for Semen test and prostate fluid test ( it will definitely find the cause) if you still haven't do it.
3. Stop masterbation. If you get cure and wants to do masterbation then do 2 times in a month.
4. Stop searching every symptoms in Google. It'll bring you lots of misinformation which bring you to the hell. Basically the information is not totally wrong. But if you are coughing and searching it on Google it shows covid then ut doesn't mean that you have covid. It can be a common cold. So always ask doctor first and if you can't rely on the present doctor or thinking that he isn't able to find the actual reason then go for a better one. But never search your symptoms on google. I had learnt my mistake.
5. Have some patience on your medication. If infection is not going then a 1/2 months antibiotic coruse is helpful. You can ask your doctor ( always remember he is the expert so if he suggests you to take this course then you need to do it. Don't do it without his permission)
6. While taking antibiotics always eat yogert or probiotics because antibiotics can destroy good bacteria also. So maintenance is also important.
Special announcement: SORRY GUYS FOR BEING LATE. You know I was terrified in that time. So I promised myself that If i ever get cured then I'll definitely help everyone. But I forgot to give you the message. I know there are lot of people whe are still stuffing with urinary problems. Some them don't know the actual reason and still thinking that they had something like pelvic muscles disfunction and interstitial cystitis but which is wrong. Also doctor don't gave them any proper to find the exact reaosn thats why I suggest Semen and prostate fluid test.
And some people does have pelvic muscles / floor disfunction of interstitial cystitis. I hope the will get well soon.
But don't think that life is over. I'm telling you all guys. Stop searching everything on google. Be strong. Have some faith. Live will never leave you in any situation which you can't get through. All the best. I'm always there for you guys. If you need any kind of help then you can contact me on my Instagram @ _geekexplorer. See ya!
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So guys finally I came sorry for being let you know I was suffering from some personal issues. Anyway what I am going to talking about is I'M FINNALLY CURED
Yeah. After all these panic attacks and tension. It's finally gone.
How the infection came: Due masterbation. I masterbate for past 7/8 years so after that I got diagnosed with it.
1st Month:— I visited my doctor he suggested me to do a USG and Uroflowmetry test. Both tests are normal. Couldn't find any issue. Antibiotics and medicines of prostate wasn't working. I was depressed. Urine urge came within 1 hour/ 1½ hour (if i dont masterbate) and sometimes 30–45 mins (if i masterbate). Otherwise drinking water also cause urine urge within 1/2 hour.
Doctor prescribed me antibiotics and alpha blockers but couldn't work.
I was depressed and panic attacks came. Searchig on google it shows pelvic floor distinction and interstitial cystitis. Which makes me more depressed. I don't want to talj about those horrible days.
2nd Month:— Same as 1st.
3rd Monrh:— I visited a new urologist. He gave me test for my semen and prostate fluid. My semen was postive with S. Aureus infection. So FINNALLY it's not any issues with me urinary bladder or urethra. It's mainly semen infection but it's also affects my prostate and make it chronic prostatitis.
He prescribed me antibiotics specially effective for S. Aureus and some alfa blockers and also gave some multivitamin tablets. After 1 month i couldn't find any improvement. Cause previously doctor gave me antibiotics (1week course) but it won't work. So I thought the same. But i had patience and wait for another month and continuing my medicine couse. After another month I found improvement and FINNALLY I'm cured.
Conclusion: 1. It takes total 6 months for cure. Actually last 3 months treatment was proper. So you can say it's 3 month but i would say it's 6 month. Cause i surfed for 6 months.
2. My first doctor thought it was a issue with my bladder or prostate but he was wrong. If USG and Uroflowmetry test came normal then go for Semen test and prostate fluid test ( it will definitely find the cause) if you still haven't do it.
3. Stop masterbation. If you get cure and wants to do masterbation then do 2 times in a month.
4. Stop searching every symptoms in Google. It'll bring you lots of misinformation which bring you to the hell. Basically the information is not totally wrong. But if you are coughing and searching it on Google it shows covid then ut doesn't mean that you have covid. It can be a common cold. So always ask doctor first and if you can't rely on the present doctor or thinking that he isn't able to find the actual reason then go for a better one. But never search your symptoms on google. I had learnt my mistake.
5. Have some patience on your medication. If infection is not going then a 1/2 months antibiotic coruse is helpful. You can ask your doctor ( always remember he is the expert so if he suggests you to take this course then you need to do it. Don't do it without his permission)
6. While taking antibiotics always eat yogert or probiotics because antibiotics can destroy good bacteria also. So maintenance is also important.
Special announcement: SORRY GUYS FOR BEING LATE. You know I was terrified in that time. So I promised myself that If i ever get cured then I'll definitely help everyone. But I forgot to give you the message. I know there are lot of people whe are still stuffing with urinary problems. Some them don't know the actual reason and still thinking that they had something like pelvic muscles disfunction and interstitial cystitis but which is wrong. Also doctor don't gave them any proper to find the exact reaosn thats why I suggest Semen and prostate fluid test.
And some people does have pelvic muscles / floor disfunction of interstitial cystitis. I hope the will get well soon.
But don't think that life is over. I'm telling you all guys. Stop searching everything on google. Be strong. Have some faith. Live will never leave you in any situation which you can't get through. All the best. I'm always there for you guys. If you need any kind of help then you can contact me on my Instagram @ _geekexplorer. See ya!
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I am glad that I'm not the only one with this issue. Hope we all get through this. I had frequent urination from childhood itself but it was not too severe. I started getting up at night 3-4 times few months back and last week it went upto 5-6 times. That's when I went to uro, but all tests were negative. After some thinking, I realised this might be due to masturbation as I had increased my frequency in the last week. So I didn't masturbate for 2-3 days and the rate was back to 3-4 times per night. But yesterday night I had nightfall and tonight I can't sleep as I have frequent urge!!
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I have had this problem on and off for many years. Recently it has become more of an issue and resulted in me trying several treatments.  Oddly the best option for me was Ibuprofen by mouth and as a gel applied to the perineal area when required. It has helped me a lot even if on occasions I have had to take near the max amount of Ibu in a day 2400mgs. I hope this works for others,
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I am 24 yr old male and i also was suffering from this condition, i had to urinate like 20-25 times a day. I was doing the masturbation for 4-8 times a day so when this condition arises, i went to a urologist and he prescribed me tamsoulin so i start taking that medicine and it does relieves my condition.

On next visit i asked to urologist about the reason of this disease but he didn't give me a clear answer. But i want to know if it's caused by excessive masturbation so i quits the masturbation for a week and sees the improvement, just after a week my urination cycles was decreased from 20-25 times to 7-10 times. I thought i was cured and starts masturbating again like 4-8 times, it was fine on first day after a week so i masturbates again on next day like 4 times and that issue comes up again.

So i quits the masturbation again and this time there wasn't much improvement like before (like my cycle decreased a little not much) but i keeps abstaining from masturbation and almost a month passed. After a month i was completely cured but i stopped masturbating like 4-8 times a day and limit it to just 2-3 times a week. Now i only do it once or twice a month and i have no urination issues at all. I also had the lower back pain before, blurry vision and hair fall problems... abstaining from the chronic masturbation fixes these issues as well.

Masturbation is not a healthy habit, sex is healthy... i am doing a lot of sex with my gf and i never have those issues like blurry vision, lower back pain or urination problem. So masturbation is the root of this excessive urination problem, you can quit and cure your condition naturally or you keep trying the different medicines while actual issue or root of disease will stay on place.  
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Are you okay now ?
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friends i hv been suffering from same symptoms since 1 year.....I hv even tried sugarcane juice but it did not work....the thing mentioned by HOLABHOLA is totally false and fraud ....I recommend not to ever try sugarcane juice for 2 months ...I tried it myself and it did not work ... on top of that I suffered from acidity and immense hair loss due to excessive sugar content in my body .....I hv lost frontal portion of my hair about 10 % and it's been almost 6 months hv passed bt it has not grown back.. it has completely ruined my looks ....therefore do not ever try sugarcane juice. .it's a request and we'll being of all forum members! ! purported benefits mentioned by HOLABHOLA is totally false. .the only thing I am getting cured is by URINE THERAPY! ! it's worth trying and has no side effects !!it works .. stop going to doctors bcoz they r unaware of symptoms. .do Google about urine therapy and follow the rules before starting it !!...
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What is urine therapy?
everyone here talking about urine therapy without ever saying what is it and how to follow it. Please explain and elaborate. It will be helpful for so many people.
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Is this forum still active? I have almost the same situation that some of you such as seanmac1 have described, which I have been going through on and off for 35 years.  Would like to continue the discussions if there are still interested people and experts around.  Thank you.
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its  completely curable.. start urine therapy
my mail Id akashsinha(dot)health(atthe rate)gmail (dot)com
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Idk why I have to push harder to pee The same way we have to do when we pass a stool, since I started masturbating 3 to 4 times a day this thing started happening to me. Even tho it's been months I've reduced masturbating to 1 time a day and sometimes I even skip a day i always try to leave masturbation but I always end up masturbating. Still whenever I masturbate I face more difficulties to pee I need to know what exactly is happening to me. It's making me feel horrible and feel shy to visit a doctor to discuss such problem.
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When I masturbate I am getting ruined for the first time ? Was there need to be go to doctor or will it be fine ..
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Was that urine ??
It is urine not ruined
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iam masturbating from 13 years and now iam 19 years old. whether i would caused by prostate cancer?
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i m 27 year old boy and i am suffering from frequent urination in a day only in every 15 to 20 min. but at evening after 7 o'clock things has been changed i used to go bathroom normally..2-3 time in whole night....but when i start my day again problem.. suffering from last 7 years...nd all checkups are fine..kft...chest xray..ultrasound ... infection..everything is normal...pls any one suggest me.
is masturbation the root cause ????? Have you tried ayurvedic medicines ????
As per my detection ..its nothing but plain and simple UTI ...which cannot be patholigically diagonised...Masturbation and after that rubbing your penis at inappropriate places causes this......
Try the water fast for 10 days !!! its great ...you will be completely cured... u r suffering since 7 years ...just give it a try for 10 days....its a miracle !!!!!
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I am a 36 female, a couple of years ago I had tons of chronic bladder pain (all the symptoms described here) and went to see a urologist.  He wasn't confident because its most common in men but and eventually figured it was Interstitial Cystitus.  I went to a pelvic floor therapist, got Kegal weights and most importantly took coffee and other highly acidic foods out of my diet.  This helped a lot!  Recently my husband has been out of town and I've taken up masturbating again, not more than once a night but sometimes three nights in a row, etc.  I only do clitoral masturbation with a vibrator and I immediately noticed pelvic floor spasms like the ones from my IC.  So yes I think masturbation can trigger the symptoms as it can construct the pelvic floor. Interestingly I have not experienced this response with intercourse.  All of this is definitely related to a weak pelvic floor clearly.
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Anybody cured?
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i think this all about masturbating and i am also included but i will leave masturbating and if i will feel any improvement i will comment again...
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Don't worry there is no damage in urethra nor bladder, i think u should take cipro again
With leaveing masturbtion,did you improved?
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Hi all.  A message to the OP... Do you consider the frequency of your masturbation to be compulsive or something you don't have much control over?   It might be worth investigating sex addiction.  It's a very common thing, especially with the omnipresence of and infinite amount of porn that so readily accessible.     I found help and some amazing people at Sex Addicts Anonymous.  I really recommend going to  couple of meetings to see if anything rings true for you there... Many meetings in many cities in many countries.
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Hi all.  A message to the OP... Do you consider the frequency of your masturbation to be compulsive or something you don't have much control over?   It might be worth investigating sex addiction.  It's a very common thing, especially with the omnipresence of and infinite amount of porn that so readily accessible.     I found help and some amazing people at Sex Addicts Anonymous.  I really recommend going to  couple of meetings to see if anything rings true for you there... Many meetings in many cities in many countries.
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Hi I'm just wondering if you figured out what the problem was and how to fix it
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I am having the same problem, 1 yr ago I had the same problem but got relief by alfuzosin and levoflaxin but now again the problem has started.
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Please do
I am suffering from same problem
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Hi I would just like to point out that all these posts are about guys having this but I'm a girl and I have these exact same symptoms and experiences.

I'm 16 years old and have had this for more than a year I have been put on more antibiotics than I can count and have had scans that show I fine and healthy but I am getting up to pee every night at least 15 times

Even though no doctor can tell me what's wrong I have researched throughly and I believe I have 'noctoria' which is a form of over active bladder symdrom which means I have frequent urination at night especially. I'm going to sera urologist in October about it again and giving my opinion

What my advice would be is to write in a journal of how frequent you pee and the time you pee and other symptoms I'm a journal every night for a minimum of a month go to see a urologist but do research about what you think you have first if you haven't had a scan to check for different problems or check with your local gp for uti or any other infections please do before you panic.

I have had this for a year and a half and I have almost adapted to having to pee every minute, if you have any other questions please don't be afraid to ask :)
have you find any solution please help
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how are you now....are u completely cured..............i also had the same problem but am 100% cured......if you want i can share my details with u.....
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This is a very old thread... none of the previous posters have been active on the forum for a very long time; it's very possible no one will respond to your question.
Plzz do share how you got rid of the problem..plz do answer.
Hi I'm a 22 year old male and have had a constant urge to pee for 2 months now. At the start I had to pee all the time but now I only go about 4-6 times a day but still have that constant feeling of needing to go I have been tested for every thing and all has come back clear. I used to masturbate quite a lot before this started. Is this  similar to you and if so how did u fix it
Me too jamie same exact issue
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Were y'alls onset of symptoms progressive of sudden?"
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Someone help me!  I having the same symptoms. Urinate a lot and towards the end of the urination process, I have difficulty in ejecting urine  I have to travel overseas in a week. What medicines can I take to counter my problem?
Have you been checked for a UTI?  If not, you need to be and if one is present, you will need antibiotics.
how are you now....are u completely cured..............i also had the same problem but am 100% cured......if you want i can share my details with u.....

Akash2016, please share your details, thanks
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Hey u. Decreases frequency of masturbations n. Stop. Watching porn it wiill improved in you....
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My symptoms were sudden
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I kinda have been doing that on my own.  I can go 4 to 5 hours, at night its tough to sleep though.  Obviously some days are worse than others.
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Have you noticed if any foods seem to make frequency/urgency any greater?  Some foods can be triggers for some of us - things like coffee, spicy foods, citrus, certain breads, some vegetables, etc. You might try eliminating coffee, citrus and spicy things, such as mustard, cayenne pepper, chili powder, and others, to see if that helps.  Some white breads also are also triggers for me.  There's a list of IC friendly foods; I'll try to post it, but the site might be a competing one, so I may have to send it to you via private message if you're interested.
This is happening with so many people.. Happens mostly on the day when I masturbate. Or thinking of masturbating and drops it in the fear of that pain. Have anyone found any relief yet? I don't know I have my MRI done.. Thought it might be related to coral cauda which is causing this urine problems. I don't know .. I never had sex in my life.. My friends do a lot of stuff, its just me who is going through all this ****. Life is unfair sometimes!!!
how are you now....are u completely cured..............i also had the same problem but am 100% cured......if you want i can share my details with u.....
Akash2016, please share your details, thanks
649848 tn?1534633700
Seanmac1... Has anyone talked to you about trying to retrain your bladder?   I had to do that, and it does help, some.
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Doctors say you don't have to retrain your pee, you should always pee when you feel to

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