570614 tn?1217468649

16 year old Kidney problems?

Hello everyone, my name is Tasha and i am 16 years old. Recently my lower back near my right kidney has been hurting very badly. In response to the pain i have been taking Ibuprofen in somewhat large amounts. i take about 1800mg every 3 to 4 hours if the pain continues. I have also noticed that i dont urinate very often, maybe once a day. Can anyone help me out? thank you for your time everyone :]
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My brother suffering with 2 kidney failures from fast 2 years...

Need 2 kidney's,At-least 1 for save his life.

Doctors doing weekly twice dialysis for blood circulation.

Please suggest us to for his best..
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570614 tn?1217468649
wow i didnt realize this much time has passed since the last time i have been on here. After the ultrasound came back and the urinalysis, my doctors came to the conclusion that i had kidney stones. The weeks that passed were extremely painful, but im glad to report that i think its finally over. Thank you so much Ms.Santos for helping me the way you did. I hope your doing well and maybe ill get the chance to talk to you again :]

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Its been more than a week since your appointment with your doctor. How are you? How was the ultrasound? What were the results of the urinalysis and other tests done? If it is a kidney infection, the usual symptoms could be fever, flank pain,  difficuly in urinating,   pus or blood in urine, frequent urination and persistent urge to urinate. Diagnosis is usually through urinalysis wherein presence of white and red blood cells are seen. This is treatable with antibiotics. I do hope you have stopped taking excessive amounts of pain medications. Take care always and keep us posted.
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570614 tn?1217468649
Ok so today i went to the doctors and did a urine sample test thing. The doctor thought that i had a kidney infection, but when the results came back she wasn't to sure anymore. I told her how much medication i've been talking and the stomach pain that soon followed and now i have to come back tomorrow for an ultrasound. I think its safe to say that i am not ok. Thanks for all the help you've provided me with, lets hope tomorrow brings good news.

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Hi Tasha,

How was your doctor's appointment?  It's good that you doubled up on your water intake. Did this improve your urine frequency? I strongly advise not to take that much  pain medications to prevent more harm to your body. Take care and keep me posted.
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570614 tn?1217468649
Hello again sorry for the late response, softball takes up everything these days including my time. Anyways, i took your advice and doubled up on my water intake and i just dont understand where all the water goes! I think i should be going to the restroom ALOT more then what i am. I think i persuaded my mom to take me to the doctors because i honestly just cant take it anymore. i have a pretty high tolerance for pain but i think the medication is just making it worse. Yesterday through the course of 24 hours i think i took 21 pills and nothing happened! maybe my liver is made of steel or something. Hope your having a wonderful day and wish me luck!

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How are you? I'm happy to be of help. Do you still experience back pains? Any other signs or symptoms present? Try drinking more than 1 liter of fluids (water or juice)every day and see if you increase your urine frequency. And  refrain from taking too much ibuprofen in large amounts because it would harm you more than the relief it provides. Instead, try to rest your back and apply warm compress on your back if it hurts. If this persists, and the pain intensifies, it would be best to see your doctor for proper diagnosis and management. Take care and keep us posted.
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570614 tn?1217468649
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I do play softball and this whole kidney thing is starting to freak me out a little bit. I have never had any trauma to my back nor have i ever been sick enough to be in a hospital. Im worried that there may be something seriously wrong with me. Unfortunately  my mother insists that the pain will eventually go away and that a doctor trip will be highly unnecessary. Should i be concerned for the fact that i hardly urinate as it is and about the amount of Ibuprofen im consuming daily? Hope im not bothering and thank you again.

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Are there other signs or symptoms present? Was there injury or trauma to your back? The usual dose of ibuprofen in adults is 400 mg every 4 to 6 hours.  There is a risk of GI ulceration, bleeding and perforation with ibuprofen or any other medications belonging to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) group of drugs.Kidney infection may cause one or more of these signs and symptoms: frequent urination; strong, persistent urge to urinate; burning sensation or pain when urinating; abdominal pain or pressure; cloudy urine with a strong odor; pus or blood in your urine; inability to urinate; need to urinate during the night; back, side or groin pain and fever. I suggest you have your urine tested to determine whether bacteria, blood or pus is in your urine.  A visit to your doctor is also needed for proper clinical assessment as well as to eliminate other causes of your back ache. It is important to drink plenty of fluids and to avoid holding back when you feel the urge to urinate. Take care and keep us posted.
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Yes.  Go to your doctor immediately.  No one should have to take that much Tylenol to control pain.  
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