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Diagnosed with a 4mm kidney stone. need to clarify some points.

I was recently diagnosed with a kidney stone last week measuring 4mm in the proximal ureter with mild hydronephrosis, i had some flank-groin-back pain and also some trouble urinating (burning and too much effort with low volume). I finished my ultrasound that showed the prescence of this stone in the right kidney.
reading most of the posts on the net, i was mentally preparing myself to face the worst pain ever and am in a state of anxiety.
The doctor said that most of them tend to pass on its own and kept me on observation for a week. He prescribed flomax and potassium citrate till then.
Now ever since i have started the medication, the groin-flank has kind of subsided, but only it only burns after i urinate and i feel a fullness in the lower abdomen (where the bladder is) after i urinate. The urine output is also quite low.
Does this mean the stone is still in the ureter or about to enter the ureter or is this the calm before the storm?
i am contemplating uterescopy as i have heard too many shocking details about the pain that one has to endure. Your responses are valued and appreciated
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Hi, I am first time 'stoner'. Sorry seeking humor in this nightmare. 50 YO, 3mm, ER panic now home 5 days in relative  comfort. But now feels like wont leave bladder and pain is near and in penis shaft. Flow normal (on Flowmax and drinking gallons of course). Reason for my post is the 'pre symptom' i havent seen while scouring these blogs. about 2 months ago i started to get a tingling/pain/discomfort in end of penis, intervals throughout day and night. Very close to 'need to urinate' sensation. driving me crazy and keeping me up. No infections or STD issues. Then the morning after the worst episode, viola, stone attack. So I am hoping it is some connected issue that resolves after this stone passing. Anyone else have this symptom? ER doc said not associated, but i cant believe that.
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Ill be brief
Husband with chronic kidney stones. CAN EVERYONE SHARE
what type of stone they r making and possible daily food they r eating.please maybe we can come to conclusion here to avoid such foods that can form the type of kidney stone.Thanks
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Diet depends on what type of stone you form...Most common are calcium oxyalate and calcium phosphate..I was told not to completely omit calcium from my diet just a couple of small servings a day and no calcium supplements. I also found that potassium citrate can inhibit stone growth.  It is found naturally in lemon juice and Crystal light lemonade.  Also watch your intake of sodium and sugar both can produce crystals....I drink 80-100 Oz. of water a day.  I've been to the Cleveland Clinic and Mayo Clinic urology sites. Basically these SOBS are run in families as do mine.  Since your urine chemistry can change daily your only major defense is tons of fluid.  Also Google a list of oxyalate foods and try to limit them.  I've had these for over 20 yrs. I have periods of a few yrs. with none and now I am currently in an active phase with 5 since last August.  I found Flexeril and Toradol to be the best pain options...Flowmax didn't help and Vicodin made me a constipated zombie...Good Luck
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I also have kidney stones chronically. I just got a CT scan yesterday, have a 4mm stone in my right kidney. My Dr said this should pass on its own. I once passed 18 stones in a 24 hour period, after lithography. That was awful. Nothing seems to work for me I am 47 and had them since I was a teenager. Seems the older I get the faster they come. My kidneys were clear in June, this is Aug and already have a 4mm stone, and passed a 2 or 3mm stone a couple weeks ago.
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I have just had a 15mm stone removed from my left kidney, and I have a 10mm stone in my other kidney with also a 3mm stone still buried back in my left. The pain is still almost unbearable  I have a stent fitted to help remove any debris left.
Also now have to be monitored and undergo kidney tests to see how they are functioning.
My thoughts go out to anyone who gets these stones.
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This sounds just like me.  I have had several kidney stones- all able to pass on my own until this one. its only 4mm but it was stuck and obstructing flow. every intense flan pain.  so they pushed tons of IVF and sent me to OR late that night for cystoscopy and stent- they were unable to find the stone- thinks it may have gone back up into kidney- so put in stent- I went home the next day- only to return to ED that night with again terrible back flank pain- US showed stent ok- so gave me another liter of fluid and more pain meds and added flexeril- already on Flomax, oxycodone and oxybutynin.  Doc said I had small ureters too. So now I wait a week to have them try again to go get the stone- just wondering why they think I wont pass the stone with the stent in???  said I didn't need to strain my urine- because it wouldn't come out with stent-  I thought that is what the stent was for along with keeping the urine flowing. I will be so frustrated if they cant find and get it this time.
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4-5 months ago, I had gone for a walk and after returning, I had the worst pain in my left side and lower abdomen ever. I couldn't sit, stand or move.  I went to the E.R. and they found a 4mm x 7mm kidney stone.  They gave me pain meds and sent me home with a prescription of Flowmax.  They told me it will likely pass on it's own to use a strainer and keep watch.  All this time later, I have never passed the stone and I have felt well until a week or so ago. Pain and burning while urinating and the pressure like I have to go with little outcome.  So, I either have that stone lodged in my bladder or I have a UTI.  I have an appointment scheduled but this thing is screwing up my life.  
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I have to consider myself somewhat of a kidney stone expert...I've passed over 50 of the buggers. All of mine have been 5mm or smaller. The golden rule is that anything under 5mm you can pass without surgery.. anything over 5mm usually requires lithotripsy or surgery and if they are exactly 5mm then it depends on your body. I have passed every one of them on my own and its painful and it ***** but YOU WILL BE FINE. Like anything, the most power you have lies in your mind. Don't let things you read online freak you out. A 5 mm stone hurts like a mother and you need to drink TONS of water - this dialates the ureter tube and allows the stone to pass through a larger tube. No alcohol or caffeine. Heat is your best friend. I kid you not, I have passed stones miniture golfing - its a state of mind. I refuse to let them ruin my life. They suck, they hurt, they make you feel so tired and weak... but after they pass its the biggest relief ever! After all these little buggers I was diagnosed today with a 9mm in my left kidney and a 16 mm in my right!!! Off to surgery for me now :( Good luck, stay hydrated and don't be afraid of that pain medicine!
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I was diagnosed with an 11 mm, yes! 11 mm kidney stone!  took 2 procedures to get it down to 4 mm, but now it's back in my right kidney where they shoved it to laser it. I just had my stent removed after having the damn thing for a month, that thing causes so much discomfort especially when standing or walking. Hope I will be able to pass this stone without much pain.  Missed like 8 days of work in a month because of doctors appointments and surgery.  Still not out of the woods yet!  
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I also have a 4 mm stone lodged and now I'm scheduled for surgery on Friday so they can go in break it up with a laser pull it out an put a stent in for a week. I've had ot for a month now and have had to be rushed to the hospital because I was in such bad pain I was crying and couldn't stand it, it took 2 shots of deladen to calm me down but now I can't wait for Friday lol
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Yes most of the time 4mm stones pass easily  you are VERY lucky to be passing them so easily. Mine take days to weeks. Had surgery yesterday and they were unable to dislodge my 4mm stone stuck in the ureter. They did however put in a stent to allow my kidney to drain properly. They said I have very small Ureters. I'm a 5'8 130 pound female. I think alot of it depends on your own anatomy. I have two more in my right kidney that are really small so hopefully will pass without much trouble....good luck
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Just Last night I too had severe flank pain in my left side...my first thought was bad gas pain however after an hour it did not go away...I went to the ER and after 3 hours of waiting I finally got to triage..the pain was ridiculous...I am a 34yr old male 6'3 and about 200 pounds...I have always thought of myself as tough...not tonight...I was in tears by the time I got to Traige...fortunaley the nurse knew exactly what my pain was...and after a CT they confirmed a 4mm kidney stone in my ureter...as well as a few more in each kidney ranging from 3mm-4mm..basically they gave me pain medication and flowmax and told me to follow up with a urologist...since I have been home I have passed what i thought was a boulder and three other smaller ones...in the last 6 hours...everytime I get comfortable and finally feel "relaxed" my side begins to hurt again and the whole process starts all over...so far 4 times and I dont think I am done as I am having pains in my side again...This is one of the worst pains I have ever had...the one thing i can tell you and the reason i wrote back to you is...once Its out its RELIEF....unless you have more...I was thinking I was going to be done with it after the first large one...and it was heaven when it was out...but within the next 45 minutes the pain in my side came back and double....everytime i have passed one it has been heaven and relief afterwards...so hopefully if you only have the one you will get total relief once it is out that is what the doctor at the ER told me....good luck I was also told in the ER 5mm is not passable but 4mm and below are able to be passed...just thought I would pass that along....
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I also have a 4mm kidney stone. Have had it in the left kidney for 2 years. Went mountain biking the other day and it got lodged in the Ureter. IT about killed me. I went to the ER thinking I had a ruptured appendix. This was a week ago and I'm still in pain. The stone has not moved and I've gotten too sick to hold down any fluids. Normally I pass these without much problem but this one is terrible. So Lithrotripsy and a stent for me tommorow. I was hoping when this stone did move it would calmly go about it's way WRONG!! Good Luck!
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