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22 yr old male Lymes?

Hello all,
Im going to make this a very short version and include links to other posts ive made if you wish to further your reading.

I am a 22 yr old caucasian male in the military. I have had quite alot of testing done lately for worsening symptoms and arrival of new symptoms. None of the symptoms seem to be consistent with anything I eat, drink, use on my skin, breath, how stressed, or how much sleep i get.
Here is a short symptoms list:
Hypersensitivity of skin
neck ache/pains
neck pops/cracks
upper back pain (feels like inflammation all the time sometimes worsens more than others)
lower back pain left side (low as in sacral area)
pain in left hip joint
"plantar fascitis" in right foot
temporary loss of sensation to pain (outsides of arms and legs)
permanent decrease in sensation in left foot in small area
Inflammation in white area of eyes (pic in profile)
eye redness all the time / watery eyes
constipation and diarreha (stool past few weeks: dark, tarry, thick but soft consistency, very foul smell)
randomized muscle spasms
Orthostatic Intolerance (hypertension throughout the day sitting and standing, hypotension when laying down and when sleeping)
"Erectile Dysfunction" or so they call it

Im going to stop there

testing my doc has done has mostly ranged around the basics.. mostly has tried seeing if i have an STD and HIV, checking glucose levels,  checking for heart attacks lately because of "episodes" ive been having. Stress tests, 24 heart monitors, EKGs, injections in the back to numb pain nothing has worked. I asked him about testing for Lymes he did the ELISA test when alot of these problems started happening but it came up NEGATIVE.
the episodes started happening more and more frequently each week.

So I went ahead and made an appointment with a Lymes specialist.
Before testing after explaining all this. He says
"I believe I know whats happening here. You may have Lymes but with that have 2 possible co-infections causing a few of the other pains. 1 is called Bartonella the other is called Babesia. First I want to get 2 labs done first. (labs in album)
IGeneX Western Blot IgM, I hit 3 of 5 of the DOUBLE STARRED bands with IND (23-25, 39, 41) . So it still came out NEGATIVE.
                         the IgG, I hit very POSITIVE on 31, IND on 34, and POSTIVE on 41. So came out POSITIVE for IGeneX criteria but NEGATIVE for CDC criteria.
With this test he ordered  a bartonella microscopy test. Which came back showing "Few coccobacilli adherent to erythrocytes" which says "suggestive of hemobartonella or hemoplasma".

My primary care doctor is arguing these labs, saying he still doesnt think its it, started talking about the labs references and how they dont mean anything.

I just had a cd57 test done today so Ill be waiting on those results as well.

anyone have any input or better test suggestions to have this ruled out?

The Lymes specialist also ordered Babesia test and  put me on antibiotics and wants to run an IgeneX Western Blot IgM test again.

links to other posts for more reading



im open for suggestions! thank you
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Hi Jackie,
My Lyme specialist diagnosed me with Chronic Lyme based on clinical symptoms as well as my Western Blot. I was not CDC positive. Though he also said it may not be a active infection but he believes I have Chronic Lyme with co-infections of Bartonella and Babesia at the least.
From what HAS been ruled out already and what they know so far is this.

Im 22 yrs old with some form of arthritis in my spine. Degeneration of joints. In my SI joints as well.
I have unknown cause for inguinal/testicular pain diagnosed as varicocele and erectile dysfunction but Levitra doesnt even help that problem out. Varicocele does not explain the pain they told me.
No to hernias, no tumors, no cancer, no diabetes, no HIV, no syphilis, no HLA-B27, no Rheumatoid factor,  no high cholesterol, no family history of any medical problems.

Prior to 26MARCH2009 I had already complained of the following in order from last to recent up to that date.
back pain
"upper respitory infection"
ankle joint pain
pain in hip and knee
needle pains in feet in the morning,  "plantar fascitis" was diag. right foot still problem
on and off flu symptoms occasional
constant fatigue
sleep problems/broken up sleep in 3 hr increments/sleeping too much but still tired
Low left side back pain
esophagael reflux/gerd
abdominal pain lower left quadrant
Inguinal pain/testicular pain
Problems with short term memory

After 26MARCH2009 these "episodes" happen.
Temporary Loss of sensation in outside of arms, legs and back
High blood pressure
body wide spasms mostly in back
chest pain / chest "electric shock sensation"
feeling of going to pass out
weakness in legs
sudden burning in the eyes and throat.
sudden shortness of breath

ER docs cant tell me anything. Primary doc believes im having panic attacks, anxiety, or am just really stressed. They were months apart, started getting closer together between times they happened. Usually in the evening would happen when I was off work at home. On the phone with a friend, on the weekend in the movie theater in the middle of a movie, or just walking out to my car.
Blood pressure goes up to about 162/121 heartrate will jump as well at that reading was 122.
My blood pressure used to level out to normal at bed time around 110/70 , now it just drops down around 89/45 hr at about 49 and I wake up with headaches, chest pain, bad nausea on raising up out of bed. My doc says this blood pressure is in the normal range but ER doc says its low. With the low blood pressure when that started up around the same week I started having "sleep paralysis" where I would wake up before my body wakes up and cant move anything.  I now have episcleritis in my eyes. Light sensitivity with it of course. Started getting yellow hue to my eyes they said wasnt my liver so it must be fatty build up in my eyes but I have low cholesterol.

Anyways, the episodes are not regular. I can try and get myself in panic mode where i feel anxious or I just sometimes feel like its about to happen and it doesnt. Other times like this last time. It was missing a few of the usual symptoms that were always present first like the "shock" in my chest but it happened when i least expected it.

I honestly dont know if it is Lyme, I have no history of anxiety nor do I feel anxious at all when these episodes begin. I do get anxiety or panic when the difficulty in breathing happens of course. who wouldnt?
Not saying its not anxiety, but in my personal opinion. Anxiety seems like a contributer but not something thats initially starting this.
Besides Lyme Ive been looking into things like Aorta problems since I have back problems as well.

My lower back pain has increased GREATLY since my last episode on the 29th of AUG. Starting yesterday Ive been having a "tingling" above my upper lip but below my nostrils. its just on and off, throughout the day. Its not numb and doesnt seem to be any loss of sensation just a funny feeling tingle.

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I haven't been able to follow your data, so I'm not clear on what's going on, but if you have Lyme, taking steroids can be a problem because it suppresses your immune system when your immune system is supposed to be fighting the Lyme.  Like standing down the troops in the middle of battle.  It's uphill out of the trenches after that.

That has happened to some here, not to me, so I can't speak to it directly.  But you gotta do what you gotta do, and if you didn't have any ill effects from the steroids, maybe your underlying ailment isn't Lyme?  Just a thought.

*I'm not a doctor, and I don't even play one on TV.*
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My RPR test was nonreactive

I had my Basic Metabolic Panel was done at around 8am but 3am I was at the hospital for extreme lower back pain and was given corticosteroids and motrin to reduce inflammation. My glucose came out to 145 when it was done. Didnt eat anything for 13 hours besides taking those two meds 5 hours before getting it done.
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280418 tn?1306325910
I can't view your pictures from this computer to look at your labs, but I'll try later on another computer:)
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So as you all know Ive been keeping an eye on my eyes.

This morning at work while in the bathroom after feeling "weird" sensations and at the same time smelling odd smells then they went away. I went to use the bathroom and while looking in the mirror was inspecting my eyes again. The inside of my RIGHT eye is yellowing. Its a light yellow and is only on the inside portion has not moved elsewhere.

The sensations I get are continuing. One of the sensation is a very COLD feeling underneath the lower side of my LEFT rib cage.

Question what are things that fit my symptoms that would cause this?

Also, I am on antibiotics would they cause it?

Thank you
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I am uploading my Labcorp results just done recently. Go into albums to view.

It has a some borderlines, LOW, and HIGH.

Any input on this test would be great, thank you.
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