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Any suggestions for the brain fog???

I went from a near photographic memory before the tick bite to forgetting even basic things, unable to balance a checkbook even, and constant annoying brain fog. Is there any supplements I can take to help out? I have never had treatment and have had this for well over ten years, so it's a part of my everyday life and I am disabled now. The pain is bad at times, but the dang fog in my brain is what really makes this disease a pain in the neck. I space off constantly!!!
48 Responses
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4939681 tn?1361299299
I don't consume coconut oil, but a couple of weeks ago I started lathering it all over my dry skin.  I use it now instead of lotions/topical ointment.  It works wonderfully!  The best part is that I smell like coconut cake all day:)
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4939681 tn?1361299299
It is amazing isn't it?!  I was rapidly going downhill before starting it.  Even after starting my abx regime, I was probably having extremely BAD days 85% of every month.  Now, it is pretty much a 50/50 shot as to whether I'm going to have a good day or a bad day.  Even the bad days are more moderate than severe.  Energy was the first improvement, then brain fog, bottom of the feet pain, joint pain, appetite, irritability, anxiety, dry/brittle nails, hair loss, double vision... all are greatly improving!  This is all after a month on the lowest dose.  This month I step up to 3mg and I hope to see improvement in muscle weakness, tremor, and for the love of God some lymphatic relief would be WONDERFUL!
The only thing that I've noticed since starting it is that I pee all of the time and have mild nightsweats.  The nightsweats are apparently out of the norm, so it might not be related.  I also have just started seeing very mild insomnia, but it's not bothersome.  I welcome the energy after barely being able to move for months:)
It's crazy how many conditions LDN treats.  I found out a couple of weeks ago that it is approved treatment for autism in children.  My sister in law had nearly given up on my niece with Asperger's, but now has hope with LDN:)  Truly remarkable!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
I have met two people with MS and both within weeks of LDN treatment improved dramatically (from wheelchair confinement to being fully mobile).
The hardest part for them was finding a willing doctor to sign the script (it's off label & an "orphan" drug, so most doctors will not)

Anyway, has anyone tried Coconut Oil?
It is considered the superfuel for the brain.
With it's medicinal properties like ant-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-protozoan, anti-viral...Is there anything else? It is one of the top "Functional" foods.
Anybody on ABX treatment for Lymes Disease SHOULD consider taking it.
It is more effective than any anti-fungal meds and without any side effects.
By the way, some of the brain fog people are experiencing could be associated with Candida or fugal infection ( the main culprit for this being antibiotics)

But, please don't take my word, for it, nor your Doctor's, as he may be
a. clueless, b. biased  c. muzzled  d. misinformed.
Please Do you own research.
You may want to visit the coconut reasearch center website for details.
(I have a collection of 100s of studies on coconut oil).

Daily consumption of 4T virgin organic coconut oil, daily "Oil Pulling"
with the same (just look it up if not familiar with it), meditation, self-hypnosis,
along with daily physical activity and some key supplements, have kept me
infection and disease free for years.

This is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.

Love & Peace to all.
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I mostly adhere to the concept of evidence-based medicine not testimonials. The ILADS Guidelines are comprised of  "Evidence-based guidelines for the management of Lyme disease" and there's no mention of herbs in the Guidelines.

I think we all agree that the ILADS Guidlines are good ones to follow. At least I do. But that's just me.

People that state they feel better on herbs are reporting their personal experience/testimonial. I believe them and would never say they didn't feel better on herbs.

The definition of evidence based medicine is:

"The process of applying relevant information derived from peer-reviewed medical literature to address a specific clinical problem; the application of simple rules of science and common sense to determine the validity of the information; and the application of the information to the clinical problem."
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Thanks to Leila, I am on it also, and I feel better after a week. Hoping with more time my brain fog improves. I didn't realize it could so I am excited.
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4939681 tn?1361299299
I forgot to mention the best part... LDN is super-inexpensive!  It's roughly $10 for a month supply (at 1.5mg dose).  
Here's a good go to website:
But again, when going to your doc better to be armed with info from Mayo Clinic and NIH.
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