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Could this be Lyme Disease?

I live in an are of NJ in which Lyme Disease is not uncommon.  I removed an intact tick from my left shoulder blade area about 8 months ago.  I didn't develop a "bulls-eye" rash but in the center - where the tick had actually been attached - there was a very dark red-brown surrounded by a thin whitish line and then a large red area around that.  The area was sometimes itchy and sore and lasted for several weeks.  I have chronic allergies, sinuses & headaches so it's hard to say if the headaches have been worse since then.

About 2 weeks before Christmas I developed what felt like a developed severe pain (sort of like a stiff neck but much worse) on the right side going up to where the neck/skull meet & a really bad headache in the right frontal sinus area.  Advil, Ultram & Flexeril didn't help at all.  Percocet 10 barely even helped.  My doctor said that I had a large muscle knot/spasm on the LEFT side (top of shoulder close to my neck) that actually was causing visible shortening there.  She said something about being concerned about nerves in the cervical area of my neck being pinched or something and also some concern that I could develop Bells Palsy. She told me to keep taking the Ibuprofen & Flexeril and but me on Prednisone & Augmentin (the Augmentin was at my request since I thought I may have a sinus infection, too).  After 2 doses of Augmentin & 1 day of the steroids the pain in my neck/shoulder started to go away.

As soon as I finished the Augmentin (I still had 5 more days of the steroids) the knot/pain on the left came back - again not relieved with Advil, Ultram, Flexeril, heat, ice, stretching, massage, etc.  I also have chronic low back pain but I have never had a problem with my neck or upper back.  However, after the tick bite I developed pain in the area of the tick bite that felt like a really sore, deep muscle pain so now both areas are very painful.

Looking over the list of Lyme symptoms I can also say that I could answer "yes" to the following:  fatigue/tiredness, sore throat (off-and-on), increased stiffness in my lower back (and I also feel the need to constantly stretch my lower back, left shoulder & both legs to try to get rid of some of the pain/soreness), headache, increased floaters & difficulty with concentration.

Any thoughts that the tick bite could cause the pain/knot/spasms in the left shoulder blade/top of shoulder area?  Could this be Lyme or maybe just a more localized problem from the tick bite?  
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Welcome --

I'm not medically trained, but happy to give you my thoughts:

The bite area you describe sounds exactly like a bullseye rash to me.  They are different in everyone, and many people (including me) never get one at all ... but when you get one, it's not a precise shape.  Do a search for

bullseye rash images

and you'll see what a wide variety of looks they have.  

Bells palsy can also be a symptom of a Lyme infection.

However I would strongly suggest that you find a Lyme specialist, because treating a bacterial infection (which Lyme is) with prednisone (which suppresses the immune system) is the exact opposite of what should be done.

Docs who do not understand Lyme often overlook symptoms like Bells palsy and do not connect them with the possibility of Lyme.

Sure, this could be a localized reaction to the tick bite, but given the rash and your symptoms, if I were you, I'd be more concerned about ignoring a Lyme infection that will not go away by itself and is harder to get rid of the longer you wait.  Eight months is already a long time.  

Docs who are not familiar with Lyme often refuse to treat it aggressively and/or appropriately, so in your situation, I personally would find a doc who specializes in Lyme and get tested for Lyme and other diseases the same ticks often carry and get treated if necessary.

Sorry to be a downer.  Let us know how you do!  Best wishes --
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1211030 tn?1381137342
I am so sorry that information about lyme disease and its dangers is not yet out there enough for everyone.  I believe you have Lyme Disease (a 10 year sufferer here)  You need to be tested asap.  See if you can get your family practitioner to send your blood to Igenex.  I had bells palsy just after my diagnosis.  Not sure where you are in NJ but I am in northampton county PA and have an excellent family practitioner not to far from Belvidere, NJ if your interested.  Not an LLMD but they take insurance.  Please email me at ***@**** for more information.

Best of Luck, Bambi
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