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Could this be Lyme???

I am 21, female. I have had strange symptoms start several moths ago, early December. I am wondering about Lyme.

I have for months been experiencing different parts of my body to have bad symptoms for 3 weeks or so at a time, sometimes at the same time. During an 'episode' they will be much worse. I will get numbness, tingling, burning, feeling of being stung by thousands of bees, and sensation of vibrating in legs. Also weakness. I am a gymnast, and it is ruining my practice. My balance is off, sometimes I become dizzy. I drop things a lot, hard to type (thank god for spell check) its like my hands are discooridinated, and impossible to write.

What throws it off is that I am a gymnast and present well, but not from a gymnastics perspective, in gym I am failing.

Problems seem to get worse or be brought on by heat. I am very intolerant to heat, working out and getting hot causes problems, so does high ambient temperature. I can not sleep at night already because no AC and I end up with the weird symptoms keeping me awake. I am most comfortable at about 55F for sleeping temps. here now it is 78 and its a killer!!! No problems with even most extreme cold though.

I have had MRI of brain and C spine with and without contrast, came back insignificant. Had one EMG but too late to catch symptoms, never get the emg for about 2 months. B12 is perfect, and so was thyroid.

Saw a neurologist today, after 6 month wait, but he said he is stumped because I don't have any lesions or abnormalities. He said I don't fit any physical or psychological diagnosis and his advice was "Just try to ignore it I guess." I was not impressed, especially after waiting 6 months and the guy to never even crack open my file.
To me it is very serious, it is ruining my gymnastics practice and aspiring career as an aerialist.

Boy, long post, tried to include detail without making it confusing.

What ever it may be. I am hoping to get some advice here on what to do, where to go? Any tests I should ask for?

Any feedback is appreciated, and thank you for reading my long article here..
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I hear you.  More about that below, but first thing is:  

===>>> Please do not put names of Lyme docs etc. in your posts.

In too many places around the country, the state and local medical boards attempt (and too often succeed) in shutting down MDs who treat Lyme aggressively.  The result of that is, unfortunately, that there are far fewer Lyme-oriented MDs for us to consult with.  These docs do not want to lose their licenses to practice medicine, and we need them all up and fighting Lyme for the rest of us.

I know, it sounds bizarre, but that's just where we happen to be in LymeWorld for now.  Otherwise, all good wishes to you, and let us know how you are doing with whatever doc you end up with.  

Just no names please.  :)
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I am having a hard time finding physician names even. I did find one in MI, Arnold Markowitz (sp?) I will call his office in the morning. The MLDA never called me back. This guy is almost 800 miles from me, but oh well, its all I got. Wish me luck!
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Good for the doc!  Not too many MDs seem willing to say that they do not know enough about Lyme to diagnose and treat it properly.  It's also possible the doc did not want to get in a disagreement with other MDs nearby or in her practice group, but in either event, her honesty is refreshing and allows you to find a knowledgeable and appropriate MD sooner.

Be cautious about MDs who think they understand Lyme, but really do not.  How to know if a doc is the real thing?  Membership in ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) is a good (but not perfect) sign that a doc is knowledgeable about Lyme and how to treat it, and MLDA may perform the same function.

If you are too worn out to do the calling etc., ask a friend or relative to help you with it.  I well remember how huge the task seemed sometimes -- but things will get better.  Hang on, stay in touch, and let us know how we can help.  
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My doc called back today, she does not think she knows enough to be able to get me the lyme test, much less treat it in the case of a chronic infection, she recommended trying to find a specialist, since I would need one anyway.

I filled out more online forms to get info on specialists. I just found a lyme advocate listed in my area on the MLDA site, so I'll email her as well.
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Sorry you're feeling lousy -- but it's part of Lyme.  Your body is fighting hard against the infection, so I wouldn't push it too hard.  If you are used to long runs, then go for short walks and see how it goes.  Then when you find a Lyme doc, talk about your exercise program.  But above all, be kind to your body.
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I finally got tired of waiting for my GP so I called a bunch of lyme places today looking for an LLMD

The physical fatigue is hanging around, I'm starting to regret taking a week of from the gym, I feel like it just made the physical fatigue worse by caving in to it, now its twice as hard to push my self to do even just a few pullups and pushups for just normal 'stay healthy' daily excersize. Its like I burn out so fast, 15 min of moderate excersize and my whole body feels like I just ran a marathon. Even if I am mentally motivated, my body doesn't hold out. (I can't remember how to spell excersize atm, sorry)

I just want to set and not move all day...which is way out of character for me considering I HATE to be static like that. I am/was very active, and I never had to push my self like I do now.

Actually I am finding it hard to 'act alive' even over the phone, Its just too much effort. Its like everything is just blehhh... It's not like I am sad or depressed, just extremely tired.

It's been cool lately, so in that respect the tingling and such is far reduced. Its only in the 50s, that has been a great relief. I just wish I wasn't exhausted so I could go enjoy the (nice for me) weather.

Sorry for the rant, it just upsets me that I feel like crap. I have college work to do, and I don't even feel like opening the book, ticks me off. I'm a 4.0 student, and I can't let my grades fall because I'm tired, so I must do it anyway...grrr... makes me want to throw things.

I got in touch with a friend who's cousin had Lyme, and nearly died before her Dx, she is now well. She is from Michigan like me, so I hope she will know a doc in my state. I have my fingers crossed I will get a hit from some place this week.
I also read Avrial Lavange (sp?) had lyme. Saw on CNN this week.

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