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Crying hard now because of my husband

My husband is in the medical field .. Which is a curse sometimes .. He doesn't believe I have Lyme even though my Igenex test was cdc positive ...

He doesn't know a **** about Lyme and it's controversial points of view and he keeps on fighting with me cause I went 3 hours to see llmd and he prescribed me long term antibiotics ...

Today we had a big fight and he may divorce me cause I keep on complaining to him ..

I suspect our toddler has Lyme as well as he is like a blind man and doesn't wNt to test her ..

I can't do any more testing or meducation if he doesn't agree because he won't give me money ...and now I am stuck and don't know what to do ...

My cardiologist ordered 3 expensive tests for my and I haven't even told him so he doesn't get all worked up ..

I have no family here .. I was thinking to look up for a job so I can at least pay my medical bills but how can I do that and my health is not stable .. I am not bed ridden but I want at least to fix up my health before any commitment ..

I started to believe him that maybe I really don't have lyme and that my test is false positive ( as he claims ) and I should keep on seeing doctors ...

I am in a deep hole if depression and ****.. My fear about my health and my toddler is killing me and he dosnt believe us and just give me hard time with everything

Please is there a hope ort life is destroyed ??
The most aweful part is that he want me tovget pregnant mow but how in earth I can infect him with unprotected sex( even I suspect he has lyme as well but when I told him he was about to kick me ) and how can I infect my baby in utero

I may end up getting divorced or getting my husband a heart attack ( he has high blood pressure and get angry and affected with it )

Please please help me I am dying here dying ..
What should I do ? I am even starting to get scared to start lyme treatment
8 Responses
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"I have no family members, no friends here..they are all abroad :( don't know where to turn"

I would call and make an appointment with a Lyme specialist, and then go to it.  Ask a friend to go with you.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I hate herxing but I try to think of it as "it is making me better"

Sorry for what your going through.
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are you sure hes in the medical field, as in a doctor, or he just merely studies medicine. he might be wanting to control your life, because he does not want to lose the attention he recieves
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he saw my test results that I am cdc positive but he first doesn't beileve in igenex and then he keeps on telling me that it is false positive and that maybe I have lupus that is making the test positive or some other stuff..this is because i have positive ANA test...
I have no family members, no friends here..they are all abroad :( don't know where to turn
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What do you mean by medical field, if he is a doctor, he should be more attentative to your illness, you might want to prove that you have lyme or coinfection, by showing him test results.
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Well said.
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Hi desperate,  your husband needs a nice kick in the ***.     Fighting this disease takes emotional support big time.   My wife was fantastic with never doubting my cries for help when each neurologist told me I was fine.  I didn't get a little better until I saw a llmd.   Now I can honestly say I feel so much better after being on meds for 3.5 months    Please fight for your health!  This disease gets worse without proper care.    Good luck.      
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I am very sorry to hear about the problems in your family -- if your husband refuses to accept the possibility of Lyme disease for you and perhaps for your child, would he agree to do family counseling, or do you have other family you can stay with for a while?  That might help things settle down.  

Don't be afraid of the Lyme treatment.  While some of us have had 'Herx' reactions (a temporary worsening of symptoms as the bacteria are dying off during treatment), it is often manageable.  Your Lyme doctor can help you through that phase if it occurs.  

Take care, and don't give up, okay?  Be strong for yourself and your baby.
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