1094370 tn?1317134825

Cymbalta or ABX working?

I was looking through my calendar today because I make notes on when I start new meds.  My doctor had started me on 20mg of Cymbalta on January 18th and I started ABX treatment on January 27th.  Within a few weeks, I felt way better.  I know that Cymbalta is good for neuropathy stuff.  Now, all the sudden, I'm worried that it's the Cymbalta that is actually doing the job and that the ABX aren't working like maybe I thought they were.  Literally, I felt better within two weeks of starting the ABX.

I've had two doctors tell me that Cymbalta isn't really effective unless you are taking 60mg, so I don't know what to think.  Although I'm feeling much better, I'm now suddenly a little discouraged that the Cymbalta is masking my symptoms.  I increased the Cymbalta to 30 mg a couple of weeks ago.  I do not like being on these kinds of meds, but I don't know that I have a choice right now but I know that I don't want to be on them forever.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.  I just wonder if I stopped the Cymbalta, if all the neuropathy would come back in full force and I also wonder what if my body gets used to the Cymbalta if that is what is making me feel better and then it stops working...then what?

15 Responses
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1692704 tn?1307211780
I was just prescribed Cymbalta 20 mg and my doctor advised me that it does not show therapeutic effects until a higher dose is achieved.  
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Hate to sound like a broken record, but my best advice is to stop playing doctor and follow your MD's orders.  Freelancing with the meds just confuses the clinical picture and completely fouls up any analysis your doc can do when you are next there, because you have messed up the data set by not following directions.  

The doc gives you a prescription to follow so s/he can then, after a period of time the doc deems reasonable to see what your reaction is, see what effect THAT drug at THAT dose for THAT period of time has had.

Starting and stopping, adding and subtracting various meds, upping and reducing doses, all of that just blurs the picture and does not help.  Your doc is not guessing; you are guessing.  I'm being really blunt here, because you need to hear this.

Stop messing around -- it is NOT helping you.
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1094370 tn?1317134825
Hi Jackie:

Thanks for your post.  I am not changing my meds at all.....haven't since I started with my LLMD back in January and I do not intend on changing them without the direction of my doctor.

I tend to over analyze things maybe sometimes, but that is the scared part of me...the part riddled with anxiety over what is wrong with me and not believing that a little bug bite could be the culprit in all of this.  I have my moments of doubt...and then clarity.  I'm sure that everyone can relate.  

Thank you for understanding.
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1094370 tn?1317134825
Actually, I did make a change from 20 mg of Cymbalta to 30 mg.  However, my LLMD wanted me to go to 60 mg of Cymbalta when I first saw him and I said I didn't want to do that.  My two doctors are fully aware of what is going on and what meds I'm on, etc.   I see my LLMD in two weeks.

Thank you for your concerns though.
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Carrie,  sorry to beat up on you.  I know you dont' need it, but you clearly are someone with an inquiring mind actively working to figure a way out of where the bugs have taken you.  That's good -- don't change that.  I just worry when people post that they are going on and off meds etc., because that can really mess things up from the doc's point of view. (Can't say I haven't done that myself sometimes.) You take care now.

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Did your LLMD suggest you take Cymbalta for the neuropathy?  Just curious.  I also have a lot of those type of symptoms and when I asked my LLMD for any type of med that could help that, he told me Vitamin B-6 but never mentioned Cymbalta.  Did you switch antibiotics in January?  I guess it's a good thing you are feeling so much better.  My guess is its the antibiotics helping, not the Cymbalta.  I don't think an antidepressant could mask such aweful Lyme symptoms, especially symptoms related to the nervous system.  I'm no expert, but it just seems too good to be true if the Cymbalta was masking all those problems.  
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The thing that is important is that you are feeling better. I hate to say this, but anxiety/depression have some of the symptoms of Lyme disease. The reason I say I hate to tell people it could be anxiety/depression is because I have been told that. I do not like it when a doctor dismisses your symptoms and says it is all in your head. With that said, anxiety/depression could be your only issue. I do not know what tests are symptoms you have, so please do not take offense to my assertion. You stated that you excessively worry about what is wrong with you. Hopefully, the Cymbalta will reduce your anxiety. If it turns out that anxiety was the root of your problems. Please come back and post. A lot of people are not willing to give SSRI's a try. You could help others with a similar situation. Congratulations on getting better and keep a positive and open mind.
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1094370 tn?1317134825
Navy:  I understand what you are saying, however, I basically developed major symptoms literally overnight.  One day I was fine, the next day, I had tingling/vibrating/numbness in my face, many other symptoms.  These symptoms all began a few weeks after having my gallbladder removed and my LLMD and my GI doc both believe that the trauma/stress from the surgery made my body unable to keep the lyme under control after the surgery and caused the lyme bacteria to flourish basically.  Once the symptoms started, my anxiety went through the roof (as I'm sure anyone's would).  

I do have a positive lyme test with a positive co-infection, so my LLMD said there is "no doubt" that I have lyme disease.  

I do agree that my symptoms are made worse by the anxiety.  No doubt about that.  However, I am a 49 year old woman who never needed antidepressants before all these health issues came on.  I know that this is not all in my head and that something is clearly going on.  Thank you for your post though.

Ally:  I'm embarrassed to admit it, but when I first started having all my symptoms and seeing saw two neouros who told me it all anxiety (before I was tested for lyme), I was referred to a psychiatrist (sp?).  I refused to go at first and then I simply couldn't handle it anymore.  So, I've been seeing him and he originally had me take Prozac which helped tremendously with my anxiety but gave me major acid reflux.  So, I took myself off of that and stayed off for maybe six months.  Then, my anxiety attacks starting coming back again (which is truly believe is related to the lyme disease since I never ever had an anxiety attack before lyme) and he talked me into going on 20mg Cymbalta.  I started that in January shortly before my abx treatment and being dx with lyme.  Then, he just increased me to 30 mg.  However, my LLMD and my GI doc both told me that Cymbalta is not effective unless you are taking 60 mgs like Ree said.

I honestly do not know what is working, only that I am feeling better.  I just pray to God that the ABX are working and that one day I will be better without the aid of all these drugs.  If you google Cymbalta though, it does say that it helps with neuropathy and I think that it is given to diabetics who suffer from neouropathy...  For me, I think it is helping with my anxiety over all of this.  I believe that my anxiety makes my symptoms worse and this helps.  
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Yes, I did end up googling Cymbalta and neuropathy and found some good info.  So interesting.  I have also been offered many antidepressants along this journey and I did start Cymbalta for about a week, but stopped after thinking I was having side effects.  In reality what I was experiencing was symptoms of Lyme, but I wasn't aware of it.  I haven't started another SSRI since, mostly  because I'm afraid of taking more meds on top of what I'm already taking.  
Do you still struggle with any of the numbness and tingling?  Mine has improved, however, I still get vibration and numb spots here and there.  Like today, my forearm has a slight vibration feeling and the left side of my face is slightly numb.  Ugh! It seems like it's always something.  
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If Cymbalta etc. help (and do not interfere with directly treating the Lyme infection), then why not take them -- that's my point of view.

I was never an anxious person until I got Lyme, and then I became the proverbial jumpy cat on a hot tin roof.  Never ever ever was I like that before -- I could be cranky and high energy, yes, but not anxious -- all my energy expenditure was pointed outward, the opposite of anxiety.  Then came Lyme.

Lyme irritates and inflames the brain and messes with the endocrine system, all of which affects mood and emotions.  On top of Lyme, there is the stress and fear of knowing you are ill but the docs keep telling you that you are not, because they can't find anything wrong with you.  THAT is enough to make anybody anxious, knowing your hair is on fire but the firemen surrounding you are just standing there watching and not doing anything.

Hang in there, everybody.  If your doc suggests anti-anxiety meds or similar/other pharmaceutical aids, then try them if you feel the need and if they work for you.  There's no shame in that!
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1094370 tn?1317134825
Hi Allie,

The numbness has gone away from my face and feet/toes.  I still get that vibration/pulasating feeling in my lower left leg/foot and recently, will get like a tingling sensation in my right hip which is weird.  I notice it when I am watching tv.  Anyway, I won't be going off the Cymbalta anytime soon, that's for sure because I do think it's helping.

I didn't really notice any side effects at all from it.  Cymbalta is an SNRI whereas, Prozac and some of the others are an SSRI.  I'm not exactly sure of the difference, but there is one.  My left foot is pulsating as I type this.  I hate it, but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.  Actually, now that I think about it, one side effect that I did notice at first was that I actually felt a little increase in my anxiety...mostly in my jaw if that makes sense.  But it went away.  After bumping up to 30 mg., I'm feeling that jaw tightness again, but I know it will subside soon hopefully and I mostly feel it in the late afternoon...  One thing my doctor said was that unlike Prozac, you cannot just stop Cymbalta.  You have to wean off of it, or they switch you to another drug like Prozac for a while, then you just stop.  So, keep that in mind.

Thanks for your post Jackie.  There is always a stigma attached to taking meds for anxiety/depression.  I hate telling people about it, but everyone here is going through the same stuff so.....  I hope it helps someone else.

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Hi, when I stopped the Cymbalta it was because I was experiencing tightness in my jaw and throat.  At first I thought it might have been from the Cymbalta, but later believed it was the Lyme.  I guess I'll never know.  I mentioned the jaw and throat tightness to a pharmacist and they didn't think that was a side effect.  I would be willing to try it again based on the good result you have had.  I will definately keep that in mind.  It wouldn't hurt to have the help in anxiety/depression department either.  When my symptoms increase I can become a hopeless nightmare and I'm sure an antidepressant would help. :)  
I agree that there is a stigma attached to taking these type of meds, however, you would be surprised at the amount of people who take them.  I am a social worker in the mental health field and half my coworkers take them for various reasons.  They definately have their benefit!
Never be ashamed to take something that makes our quality of life better, life is too short!  Have a good night...

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I did not know your history. I'm glad that your treatment is going well. I hope you can get your anxiety under control.
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1094370 tn?1317134825

I would say that DEFINITELY the jaw tightness was from the Cymbalta.  I had the same thing.  It does go away though....  If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.  I hear you about your anxiety when your symptoms increase....I'm the same exact way.  I kind of lose it.  :)

Anyway, take care and feel better!

Navy:  Thanks for your post.  My anxiety is doing better thankfully.
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Carrie - I was just put on Cymbalta for FB or possibly chronic lyme - it has changed my life - I have been in severe pain for 20 years - I know this statement is ridiculous, since I am posting to this site, but be careful about using the Internet as research for medications and illnesses - often times you get the wrong information and people scare you to death - if you have good doctors, trust them.  My doctor, who has extensive experience treating patients with Cymbalta for nerve pain, says that the most common (or effective) daily dosage for pain is anywhere between 60 - 120 mg per day.  My pain was so intense that I felt some relief after only 3 days at 60mg.  You may or  may not need some type of pain treatment even after you are done with the antibiotics.  If this is the case, be glad that you had a doctor smart enough to suggest that you try Cymbalta.  Many doctors would not have known to do so.  
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