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Does this sound like Lyme?

Hello all -- just want to get some input on some symptoms I've been experiencing the past few weeks. First, a little background. About four summers ago, I was doing some yardwork for a few days and consistently taking debris and what not out into thick woods. A few days after that, I came down with a very strange flu, especially strange since it was the middle of the summer and I hadn't felt anything coming on leading into it. For two-three days, I had a very high fever, full body aches, chills, night sweats. It went away with no other symptoms. My mom initially suspected lyme, but at the time, I was taking doxycycline for the acne. Nothing further happened.

Now, about a month and a half ago, while on vacation, I experienced the exact same symptoms as that flu a few years ago, also with full body shakes. Flu abated after a few days again. Now, two weeks after that, my hands began trembling, my pinkies are stiff, diarrhea, extreme sensitivity to cold (wake up very cold even though house is same temperature it's always been, quick to get goosebumps), bottoms of feet were initially very sensitive in the morning, but that seems to have gone, increased Raynauds syndrome, feeling like blood sugar very low, stiff fingers, heart feeling like it's shaking entire body, very sporadic twitching, occasional pins and needles feeling, dry mouth and occasionally feeling like I have a lump in my throat.

Went to the doctor two weeks ago, and he diagnosed me with generalized anxiety (which I definitely had been feeling for a few weeks) and prescribed me lexapro. That does seem to have squashed some of my symptoms, but my hands still feel rather stiff and toes occasionally feeling numb/pins and needles. I don't notice any muscle weakness or change in weight/strength. I actually have resumed lifting/working out again the past few weeks, and feel my strength improving rapidly. I have noticed that while I'm out running my hands somehow feel a little bit stiffer.

I'm really wondering if what I went through a few years ago was the beginning of lyme disease, but the doxy I was on for my skin just held it down for a while? It seems like the symptoms are variable and change from day to day. Or am I just anxious and perceiving a lot of these symptoms?
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