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lyme disease

I found a tick in my forehead. . Since I have myelitis I was unable to grab it out and the damn thing now is embedded in my forehead. I went to ER and the useless doctor told me he couldn't see it w only using a little light ( the area was extremelu swollen which covered anything you'd be able to see.)  In 2008 I was hospitalized for a week and a half due to Lyme disease. My body started shutting down. Started w my left arm and slowly attacked multiple other areas. I am having many of the symptoms and I can clearly see where the tick is as it's a dot surrounded by yellow puffiness.  They did the test but called and stated it was negative and when I asked what the results were she said .64.. what is the number   suppose to be for a positive test?  Then they stated to get tested in a week or two again. My thing is I don't want to go through what I went through back in 08.. on literally my death bed. I've had extremely chronic migraines and random sharp pains and numbness occurring today w a slight fever. I just want to know should I be worried?

Thank you,

I'm not sure how they calculate the results but they didn't take my weight and height or anything.

I'm 27 5 foot 3 115 lbs
Please help me understand.

Thank you in advance
8 Responses
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I am surprised the doc you saw didn't give you antibiotics for this!  It's clearly a nasty little skin infection, whether there's a tick in there or not. It's a shame he didn't believe that you actually saw a tick.  

The fact that the doc is withholding treatment while waiting for a positive Lyme test is also incorrect, as Lyme tests are never positive when first bitten.  Even the "official" (inadequate) guidelines remind doctors that antibody tests are often false negative for up to a month after infection.

You're describing sweats, which can indicate Babesia.  When I first got infected, I got a sunburn-like solid, oval rash. A few days later, I completely lost my voice then developed malaise, a fever, and chills.  I learned later that the bad fever and chills is often an indicator that Babesia came along for the ride, and my rash was most likely a "tick hypersensitivity reaction."  

You need Doxycycline now!  Get to a different doctor.  Doxy can take care of early Lyme and early Bartonella, which can cause a pus-filled lesion at the site of the bite.  Taking care of these two right away often means Babesia doesn't take hold.

I am not diagnosing you, just validating your concern.  You are absolutely right in not wanting a repeat of your prior experience.

On that topic, I thought I'd suggest you go see a good LLMD.  I wouldn't be surprised if your Myelitis is really just chronic Lyme Disease.  If you were so sick with Lyme you were hospitalized for a week and a half, you probably needed treatment measured in years, not weeks.  Are you aware of the controversy over Lyme and how it's diagnosed and treated?  How long were you treated last time and with what?
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Forgot to add----- if you start to see red lines (on your skin) emanating away from that tick bite----- get to a doctor, the ER or Urgent Care immediately!
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You posted:
"Thank you all for your advice. I've been in and out of sleep all day, waking up completely drenched in sweat. I just don't know if I should waste time in hospital again where they don't take things seriously. My back feels like I was hit with a back, and my head still pounds, along with muscles feeling as if they are spasming which leave me in pain."

I'm sorry that you feel so sick. I'm also sorry that you feel as if going to the hospital might be a waste of time---- often ERs do miss things. So do doctors in my experience---- just read how many of us here have had to go to doctor after doctor for help with Lyme. Big mistake factor there! And not just for Lyme! I almost died because a doctor didn't diagnose my pulmonary problems!!

But just because doctors do make mistakes doesn't mean you should stop trying! Please.

But I hope it doesn't means that you won't try to get help! Can you tell us what you're going to try next to get some help?
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Hospitals and especially their emergency rooms are working on a different metric than an MD whose patient has a lingering illness, however miserable it may be.  ERs constantly reshuffle those waiting, in order to get to the most critically ill patients first, which makes good sense, but it does make things difficult for someone with an ailment that does not appear to the doc to be immediately life-threatening.

You might proceed on two tracks:  make an appointment with an MD that you think may be helpful, either one you know and trust or a new one, and ask to be put on the cancellation list so you could be seen sooner.  I would tell the person booking the appointment what your symptoms are and how long they have been going on, so that they can gauge how quickly you need to be seen.  Don't hold back on how long and how badly you have been and are feeling.

At the same time, if you worsen before you reach an appointment time with the MD, then going to the ER is the right thing to do.  Some years ago, I had appendicitis and was sent home from two ERs, after having an appointment with an MD who said he thought I had appendicitis, but I "didn't look sick enough."  

Over the course of the following week or more, I indeed got worse and worse, until my appendix ruptured, and even THEN the ER people sent me home yet again, since the worst of the pain was over (because the pressure causing the appendix pain was relieved by the rupture).  

Three days later, my kidney was blocked and bursting, so off I went to the third ER, and finally someone listened, seeing as I could hardly walk anymore and was in terrible pain.

I tell this story to encourage you to be persistent, because only you know how you feel, and MDs and nurses are just guessing.  Don't tough it out.

Keep going to the MDs and the hospital(s) until you get attention.  Only you know if you are ill, and eventually someone will listen.  Tell them about your back and head pain and muscle spasms and drenching sweats.

Please keep trying!  If you do not have an MD who takes night call, then go to the ER, regardless of whether the MD is sleep-deprived.  Don't be too brave ... be sure they know how much you are hurting and how long it has been.

Take care, and keep us posted, okay?  Sending you all good wishes --
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Thank you all for your advice. I've been in and out of sleep all day, waking up completely drenched in sweat. I just don't know if I should waste time in hospital again where they don't take things seriously. My back feels like I was hit with a back, and my head still pounds, along with muscles feeling as if they are spasming which leave me in pain.
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That pic looks awful---- I've never seen a pic of a tick bite area that had an yellow exudate around it. Not doubting my eyes, for it's obviously there, but I've never heard of anyone else say that happened to them, either.

So working with what we have-----

That yellowish exudate is probably white blood cells (pus).

You really need to get to see your doctor about that. Is there a reason why you can't? Preferrably the doctor who treated you the first time, if you're still  in that area.

Is the doctor who treated you back in 08 still around?

Or go back to the hospital you were in, back in '08 and go to THEIR ER and have them access your records!!! (Assuming you live in the same area) If you don't----do you have any records at your house from your hospital from your stay there? Take those in with you to the ER!!!! Shove them under their nose.

If the ER you just went to did a test (I assume for Lyme?) it was probably an ELISA---- which has a 50% chance of error PLUS no tests should be taken right after a tick bite. That's Lyme 101 and that ER doc must have slept through that lecture. Forget about what that test says, for now, for it's not as important as taking care of that infected bite site. Then you can look for a good llmd (Lyme specialist) in your area for proper testing and treatment.

All caps now for importance:
YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR NOT A SLEEP DEPRIVED ER INTERN.  Is there an Urgent Care facility near you that you can go to?

Another thing----- could you tell us the State or city that you live in?
How long has that site been looking like that?

Even if that tick didn't have Lyme or co-infections---- your bite site is obviously infected and needs to be dealt with ASAP.  

Notice the copied text below----- it says to see a doctor NOW if there is pus around the site.


Call Your Doctor NOW (night or day) If:

You feel weak or very sick

You can't remove the tick
You can't remove the tick's head that has broken off in the skin (Reason: to prevent localized infection. Note: if the removed tick is moving, it was completely removed)
Widespread rash occurs 2 to 14 days following the bite
Fever or severe headache occurs 2 to 14 days following the bite
Bite looks infected (e.g. spreading redness, PUS; Note: infection doesn't start until at least 24-48 hours after the bite)."


You've been mis-handled by the medical establishment. But we have little knowledge about what led up to your previous Lyme infection and perhaps you weren't seen by a Lyme specialist even then. There's so many twists and turns in getting good care for Lyme that it's always amazes me that anyone does. But they DO and we can help you, I think.

Let us know more and perhaps we can guide you. I know we want to.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
If you see my post above about the 24 hour rule not being true, then you could have Lyme. Jackie is correct to go to your regular Dr and see what he or she says and if you can't find help there we can assist you further.
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Sorry to hear about your situation, but good for you for moving ahead to get things taken care of.

What about seeing a friendly doc instead of the ER?  Do you have a regular doc who could handle this?  
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