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Helpful Tricks Anyone?!?!

Does anyone know or have you developed any tricks to help deal with your lyme?!

Example: For me soaking in hot water helps my joint and muscle pain.

But if anyone's developed different little things that have helped you get thru certain symptoms I would love to hear them.  Especially if anyone has any good ideas for trying to combat severe nausea.

I'm some what new to all this.. I've only been on medications for 4 months but I feel like progress is slowin' down big time.  If a few new tips can help ease some symptoms that have been coming back strong I know that will improve the quality of life drastically right now while I gotta keep pushin' thru.  

Anything and Everything is super appreciated. :)
6 Responses
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428506 tn?1296557399
kellephant-Yes, I gave up artificial sweeteners about 2 years ago.  I was still undiagnosed and desperate to get better, so it was a logical choice at that time to eliminate suspect ingredients from my diet.  I can't say I feel all that different without the sweeteners, and I was previously a diet soda junkie.  But if nothing else, I save tons of $$ by drinking water instead of diet pop.  And it could be helping in ways I don't notice.

FBH-Your profile puts you in your early 20's, so even if it is rough now your youth gives you an edge to handle treatment and recover well.  My Lyme knocked me down to part time work for a year, and even that I only got away with due to special circumstances.  I was able to resume full time work last fall and while it's a bumpy road, it DOES seem to be going somewhere.  So hang in there!  

I tend not to shop in Whole Foods as when I do, I really blow my grocery budget!  Like I said, I know very little about supplements.  I enjoy the tea and feel some sort of benefit from it.  I sometimes feel that taking too many supplements is just more material for our already strained bodies to process, so I prefer lower doses of the supplements that I do take.  Certainly consult your doc or someone with more knowledge, these are just my experiences.

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That last part just brought tears to my eyes because to me it's like I could have written that. But it was nice because for the first time in all this I've finally found someone who truly understands what I'm going thru right now.  That's been the hardest part just losing everything.. boyfriends, friends, jobs, my life, my sanity, everything.  I feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland right now just falling down a dark, swirling hole. I'm now 100% convinced I'm like your mini-lyme-twin hah.

I know you said you weren't an herbal guru, but what's the difference of just taking milk thistle apart from the tea? I mean I love tea, but I remember seeing milk thistle liquid or pills in whole foods.  Wouldn't that be more concentrated you think?

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1243799 tn?1270801007
do you consume diet drinks, sugar free, or fat free products? because if so, you are consuming aspartame, and i will be the first to tell you that aspartame made my life a nightmare! i had HORRIBLE nausea every single day... it was ruining my life. i literally could not move without feeling like i would puke everywhere. i couldn't even ride just down the street in a car without getting extremely sick! anyway, i was desperate to figure out what on earth has been wrong with me for the past several years, and i read about aspartame poisoning. i thought for sure that giving up artificial sweetners was what was causing all my symptoms! turns out it wasn't, but boy, giving it up helped my nausea tremendously!!!! i go days without it now :) remember, before i was nauseated every single day for yeaaars, so going weeks without it is MAJOR improvement! also, i read that aspartame aggravates lyme symptoms, so if you consume diet products, you might want to give them up for at least a month and see if it helps :)
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428506 tn?1296557399
I'm the same way about pain medicine.  I have some Rx-strength naproxen from my LLMD, but I use it sparingly, usually around my period.  I have not taken any controlled substances for pain management, and hopefully I'm through the worst and have avoided that need altogether.

The name of the tea is celestial seasoning's "Detox AM wellness tea."  It's not available at all stores near me, but if I look I can find it for about $4/box, 20 bags per box.  I'm not really deep into supplements and herbals, so do look for further advice on the subject, but this tea seems to be an accessible source of milk thistle.  And the tea tastes pretty good for tea.

I'm not that sure about how long I was sick.  My best guess is that I was infected in the summer of '02.  I think it smoldered over the years causing the occasional bout of odd symptoms, but nothing major.  Then in summer '07, during a time of stress and major life events, it came to the surface and made me miserable ever since.   I was dx'ed by an LLMD, and began treatment, in 12/08.  

It is getting easier.  I am still annoyed, angered, and scared by my limitations.  But I'm have more good days that are getting better and less bad days that are becoming less awful.  I still complain, but I probably shouldn't.  Emotionally, it's also been a life-changing experience.  I learned about who in my life sticks by me no matter what and who the fair weather friends are, and there were some very disappointing results in that later category.  The time frame is also very tough.  Measuring illness in months/years is not something I was equipped to handle when this began.  I used to think about making up for lost time or catching up on life and work.  Now, I just try to put the good days to use and get through the bad days.  I've been making plans for my life assuming the best and hope that my body cooperates enough to let me get away with it.  
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Everything you just said describes me to a perfect T.  Especially with the drastic 180 degree turns in how your feeling by the hour.  But that air mattress idea is genius! I used to be the exact same way with having the most severe intolerance to being touched anywhere.  I was so exhausted but I could barely handle laying down.

I def feel you on reinforcing the sanity of your mind tho.  I have to constantly remind myself you gotta take the good with the bad and just deal with it. It's only the beginning and the beginning of every new thing in your life is rough.

With the exercise I'm also the same. My kind of exercise only consisted of really slow, mild walking.  But I too noticed I could walk one day and be fine but then the next day I would be completely out of commish! haha.  But I don't like taking any pain relieving medicine because I already feel so sick from all the medicine I'm on that they hurt my stomach more than I want to put up with ya know.  So I try to walk as much as possible but I get discouraged.

But what is the name of the tea you found?! I haven't ever taken the milk thistle but I'm noticing more and more people recommending it for the health of their livers.  I think it sounds like a good tea to try because my LLMD has me taking a liver test once a month for the next 6 months with everything I'm taking.  And I drink a lot of green tea for the antioxidants and it just seems like it helps soothe my stomach.

Wow you've been going thru this for a year and a half?!?! How long do you think you were sick before you were diagnosed? And is it any easier for you at the stage your at now or do you think your just strong and more hardened from all of this?

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428506 tn?1296557399
I have not dealt with nausea so I can't offer a tip for that.

For me, my level of wellness fluctuates a lot, I can have a great day Monday only to wake up to an awful Tuesday, and even on a shorter scale than that, I can quickly go uphill or downhill over the course of a few hours.

So when I do have a good day (or a good partial day!) I try to both enjoy/use it well and also remember what it feels like, so on the bad days I can remind myself that I am making progress.

I also learned over time that exercise, while I think overall good for my case, does stir up my symptoms and can adversely affect my concentration in the short term.  I used to exercise in the AM until I realized that by waiting until after work, I was able to think a lot better while at my job.

I have always been a big water drinker, but I also started drinking some herbal teas and find that soothing if not therapeutic.  I found one at the store that contains milk thistle, which is good liver support.  It could be placebo, but I think that tea may help me get over a Herx just a bit faster.

Have you tried epsom salts during your soaks?  That is another simple treatment I use.

Sometimes when I Herx, I develop "fibromyalgia-like" symptoms, where even the blanket on my legs can hurt.  For such occasions, I have some very soft and lose lounge wear.  And before my cat punctured it, my air mattress was great for nights when my pain made my regular bed feel like torture.

That's about all I can think of, I hope you get through your 4-month slump and continue to improve.  I'm at about 1.5 years of treatment, and for me it was around month 9 that I felt a real lasting improvement.  Before that, it was a very bumpy road.
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