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Why do my symptoms seem so different then the typical chronic lyme symptoms

I have been experiencing very strange symptoms over the past couple of months and my parents believe that these symptoms are due to chronic lyme because I tested positive with Igenex three years ago. I took antibiotics for a couple of months and my symptoms completely disappeared for three years!! However this April I ended up in the hospital due to pericarditis and since then I have been suffering from many symptoms including painful nodules on my legs that turn into bruises when they go away, pain in the bottom of my feet when waking up, belching after drinking/eating, random muscle twitches/ spasm, and tingling sensation outside and inside of my skin. I also have had this feeling in my head for over a month that is not exactly dizziness, off balance, or light headedness, it is extremely hard to explain but I have a difficult time walking straight and I feel like Im going to either faint or fall over at any moment. This is my most debilitating symptom and is even puzzling my LLMD. Even my LLMD is unsure if I have lyme because my symptoms are very atypical- I am not tired, I sleep perfectly through the night, I have no joint pain, and no memory loss. I retested with Igenex and my lyme result came back indefinite and I tested negative for babesia and bartonella. I cannot think of another disease that could possible cause so many strange symptoms, but I feel like I am the only one that isn't suffering from the typical chronic lyme symptoms. Any one else out there like me or have any ideas where to even begin looking for what else I could have possibly contracted????
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I would have to respond that there aren't really any typical symptoms!   Lyme can mimic the symptoms of more than 300 (yes, 300) other diseases, and it seems that everyone has their own unique mix of responses to the spirochete.  The dastardly thing about Bb is that it changes forms, so depending on what abx you took, you could have killed most of it and the remainder could have gone deep into hiding and gone dormant into its cyst form, and then not been evident again until recently.  Some people have the infection for years without ever having it develop into disease.

The foot pain especially first thing after waking, the muscle spasms, and the tingling are all commonly occurring Lyme symptoms.  And yes, I know (and have) the balance problem.  It's a strange feeling, isn't it?  Sometimes I'll be walking along and just lose my balance and have to step sideways or put my hand on the wall.  I don't have the fainting sensation, but the falling over, yup!  I've never had any sleep issues either.  My most severe and debilitating symptom is the joint pain.  And I guess the fatigue.  Don't have too much memory loss -that I remember anyway  -but I do have brain fog, which is thankfully getting better.

Last time I was in my LLMD's office there was a new patient there and she was talking about being only 50 years old and unable to put her pants on without sitting down.  I had to tell her I wasn't laughing at her, I was laughing with her, because, although I'd read about it, I hadn't met anyone before her (and now you) who had falling over as a symptom!  I was a ballerina for 17 years when I was young so my balance has always been excellent, and now I can't walk around the bed without putting a hand on it for balance...

I would say keep at it, and remember even the CDC says diagnosis of Lyme is a clinical one, not necessarily one of test results.  Best of luck to you, I hope you feel better soon.
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You have Lyme symptoms.  I also have problems with balance and walking straight.

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