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Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)

Is anyone taking MMS, and if so, please talk about your experience, reactions, if it's working etc. My granddaughter is in the 2nd week of taking it, but stopped for a few days when she felt intense, all-over pain. She is up to three drops and will hold there for about another week before raising the doseage. She is 15-years-old and has Chronic Lyme.
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MMS has been breakingthrough the medical barriers for the last few years and people are experienceing extraordinary results.  The best place to buy where they actually provide phone support and answer questions is
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I have been taking MMS since before Thanks Giving. I started out with one drop . A friend said it could cause a little nausea. I had been on so many antibiotics that made me so sick that I thought no problem, I can handle nausea. After the first drop I waited 2 hours and took 6 drops. The next day I jumped to 15. My stomach hurt a little, but I thought, I can deal with this. It will be worth it. ( I was using citric acid with my drops) I did this the next three days. by Thursday I thought I was dying I was in so much pain. My Joints hurt,and my entire insides hurt. my kidneys hurt.I also had a rash on my neck.I also had diarea. I skipped the next day and decided to take the drops before bed instead of morning time. I could not aford to feel this bad at work.( also I noticed if I drank coffee around the time I took the drops my stomach hurt real bad.)
    I went back to 6 drops and worked my way up to fifteen. I knew the lymes was being killed off. I feel that's why I got so sick. When I got up to 15 drops on a day I did not have to work I waited 2 hours and took 15 more drops. I have done this a couple of times over the last few months. I also for about a week took them twice a day.
Last Thursday I took 15 drops and went to bed. I was restless and could not fall asleep. I started shivering and every joint ,muscle and part of my body hurt. I got up and sat in a hot bath. I was in pain for 18 hours nothing helped. I still don't know if I had the flu or a detox reaction or both.Also my furnace flu was clogged at work and I thought maybe I had carbon monoxide poison. My husband did not think so. I did not taked the mms for 2 days.In fact I told my husband no more drops, I quit.. I went back to 6 drops. My husband encouraged to to stick with it. I can not stand to smell the drops now. I feel that sometimes my body can not handle how fast the drops kill of the lymes and that is when I feel real bad. I feel it is best at first to take it real slow and listen to your body. I try to stay at 15 to 18 drop each day. When I feel real bad I try to back off a little. I really feel that mms is going to be the answer for me.
Since I have been on MMS I have lost 9 lb.this loss has been fluid retention. My legs are not as swelled and my rings are falling off my hands.My knees did not hurt at all. I felt my lymes was gone. When I feel bad i know it is the lymes being killed off.
I have a friend with lymes also and she has experienced the same pain also. But we both have had exceptional days also. Hang in there and take it slow. If you do have a bad reaction. Take mega doses of vit c. It will neutralize the MMS so one is not killing off too much at once. I also reccomend buying the book on MMS and reading it.
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I have been experimenting with MMS for several months now. I'm 67 years old and have been still working as a Camp Attendant in Northern Alberta. I have found MMS to be very helpful in overcoming mild stiffness in the hands and a few aches in my bones.

I would like people's comments on this observation: I find if I take MMS on an EMPTY STOMACH that loose bowels invariably follow on 15  drops after 1 - 2 days; however, if I take it ONE HOUR after eating I get no reaction, at least, not in the form of loose bowels.

The observation has me wondering whether it is better to take MMS on an empty stomach, or does it not matter?
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Also there are several videos on youtube where it has cured thier cancer! im going to try it for my lyme, cant go wrong it s only $20
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MMS is a miracle supplement that is helping to cure aids, malaria, viruses, bacteria, fungi...you name it.

I just gave it to my son for a cold. He was better in 24 hours.
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What is MMS?
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I currently have hpv, and have been taking mms for about a week now. I havent seen any major results, however I feel pretty good, and my face has cleared up from all of the breakouts that I have had. I know this is not related to lyme disease, however if it can cure hpv it probably can work for many other things. Will keep you posted.
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