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1797240 tn?1315625968

lyme disease or what?

a yr ago a had a positive ana i was tested for lupus it was negative, i am dealing with constant muscle twitching,muscle pain,also a buzzing feeling on different parts of my body..my memory has gotten bad.i also have mouth 2 sores in my mouth but they dont hurt,irregular hearbeat..i get a deep itch feeling in my muscles..im concerned i just want to know whats going on,do you have any ideas on what it could be????
5 Responses
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1554647 tn?1316827220
My ANA was positive 1:40 and I have lyme disease.
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487070 tn?1313665952
Hi kourtney. I too have had muscle twitching and am awaiting my Lyme disease tests results anyday. For me the twitchng was short twtiches involving my arms, upper leg area. Not large jerkingmotions, just twitching. They also had a "shock like"sensation with them. I also have some prett painful arthritis in my knees making me feel much older than I am. (maybe I'm just in denial about the "older" part lol. -46)  My general dotor is testing me. he said the arthritis was a symptom. His wife als has the disease so I feel he probably has more knowledge about this than most general's doctors. if positive I will go on from there.. I hope you can some kind of diagnoses as to the way you are feeling.
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There is a Georgia Lyme Disease Association; if you search that name, it should pop up.  I think they may an affiliate of the larger Lyme Disease Association, a name you can also search for.  They can probably give you a referral to a Lyme specialist.

Also, you can simply search/good  -- lyme disease georgia -- and you'll get a fair number of 'hits.'  Mainly to other posting boards like this one, some to organizations like LDA.

Best wishes!
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1797240 tn?1315625968
well it was a guess, i just want to now whats going on with me im scared and im young at that.but i been dealing with muscle twitching for years but i started having muscle and joint pain after i had my son in 2010 ..its like the pain pops up in differents parts of my body they come and go..i just want to find out so i can get some type of treatment.and yes im in atlanta..stay in stonemountain ga
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Welcome --

Well ... I am guessing you are thinking it might be Lyme ... yes?

Twitching, buzzing, muscular pain (mine was more like cramping), lousy memory, irregular heart rate ... all those are associated with Lyme.  Doesn't mean you have Lyme, but I think it is worth considering (tho I'm not medically trained.)

Lupus is a common (mis)diagnosis that a number of people who come here to this site have received.

My best advice would be to locate a Lyme specialist for a work up and testing.  There is a split in the medical community about how common Lyme is or isn't and about how to diagnose and treat it, so  I would, in your situation, find a Lyme specialist -- sometimes called by patients an "LLMD", shorthand for 'Lyme Literate MD', meaning a doc who thinks bigger thought than most docs.  Not a formal title, just for easy reference here and other places where Lyme or possible-Lyme patients congregate.

You might try magnesium (Mg) supplements for the twitching and muscle aches.  I had them too, and they were relieved by Mg.  Lyme bacteria apparently use up Mg in their reproductive process, and low Mg makes muscle (including the heart) not work smoothly, because Mg carries messages from cell to cell in the muscles telling the cells when to contract and relax ... like the conductor of an orchestra.  I have read that any Mg variety ending in "-ate" is the most readily absorbed by the body.  Mg citrate, orotate, aspartate, etc.  I took (and still do take) one brand called Magnesium CAO, and it has three of the "-ate" subvarieties in it.  It worked really well on my muscle twitches and pains.

But that's just a stop gap.  Lyme, if you have it, needs treatment, and for that, you would need a doc .... specifically, I'd find an LLMD if I were in your situation.

Let us know if you need help finding a doc in your area.  Sounds like you're near Atlanta, yes?
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