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Lyme? Help

It's only recently dawned on me that I *may* have Lyme.

One day I had some bad flu like symptoms and thought that I might take some anti biotics as I had some, but decided not to, but for some reason felt like I should have taken them.

Shortly after, I experienced a rapid pulse, and I mean rapid. I must admit it was made worse by my panicky state, as I didn't know what the hell was happening to me and freaked right out. I went to ER cos it was going very quick.

Now, over the past six months I have the following symptoms:

* rapid pulse / episodes of tachycardia on a number of occasions (Been to ER 3 x over it, gets up to and over 160bpm sometimes, less when I don't stress over it)
* occasional pounding heart beat when at rest
* dizziness
* vertigo
* balance issues
* sinus issues and ear pain
* muscle aches
* my underarms ache
* chest pain
* joint pain, mainly knees and shoulders
* hot and cold flushes
* anxiety over my symptoms
* flu like symptoms for 6 months +
* tension headaches
* indigestion
* vivid dreams
* muscle weakness
* tingles and weakness on my face + fingers
* abdominal pain

I have seen a cardiologist, everything was fine other than a minor murmur which he said was very common and wouldn't cause any of this. He said I've had runs of SVT but they can be caused by infections, and stress.
I have been to ER and my ECG and everything is always normal, been tested for H. Plyori, PE's, Thyroid issues, etc etc.

The docs keep telling me it's anxiety, however I know it's not!  I do admit at first I got very panicky over my symptoms when they started, but they always started first! Now I just get annoyed by my symptoms.

Now, I'm still fighting for an answer as my symptoms persist, most annoying is rapid pulse which only happens every now and then and my headaches and aches and pains, which are everyday. Often when walking I get the rapid pulse. I'm told I'm a fit and normal 22 yo.

Have had lots of blood tests, everything comes back normal however recently I saw that my minerals were a bit funky, which confused me a lot because I've been putting in heaps of effort to make sure I was eating very balanced, yet it showed my minerals were all over the place...it led me to think of some kind of bacteria which may be feeding off me.

I was living in Scotland for 6 months and we had a lot of mice in our apartment that crept out at night in the winter. I remember once seeing a mouse on my bed and freaking out and cleaning my bed. Since remembering that, I was worried I may have gotten Lyme off the mouse. I know they're known to carry the disease and also ticks.

I have no idea...it was just a thought.

Any suggestions?

Am I completely mad?

I have since moved back home to Aus and am searching out a specialist just incase. Some of the universities here can test for it.
11 Responses
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I had the same symtoms for years, i was finally diagnosed with wheat gluten and corn allergies,,i am now symptom free
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I had the same symtoms for years, i was finally diagnosed with wheat gluten and corn allergies,,i am now symptom free
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I had the same symtoms for years, i was finally diagnosed with wheat gluten and corn allergies,,i am now symptom free
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Thanks so much everyone.

I'll keep you posted. I'm getting tested this week. I'm a bit nervous because I've read how often the results can come back incorrect.

I just don't know what to do...but fingers crossed for some answers.

Oh and one more thing. I've started having Manuka Honey, and strangely enough this has REALLY helped with how I feel. It's really minimized my palpatations.

Manuka Honey is a known natural antibiotic which is very strong and great for you. I have 4 x teaspoons a day and truly feel the difference in how I feel. It's great for bacterial infections of all sorts and has been proven to kill some pretty nasty bugs.

So, if anyone has Lymes or another bacterial infection, give Manuka Honey a shot.

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Lyme is carried by ticks, at least here in the US, and they are tiny so-called 'deer ticks' the size of the period at the end of a sentence, as they like to say.  

Those ticks live on rodents as well as pets, in the grass, and everywhere you can imagine.  Many people never see the ticks, because they are so small.  Some MDs say you don't have Lyme if you didn't see the tick or get a circular red rash, but that's not accurate.  There are many people with Lyme who didn't see tick or rash, including me.

The second time I was bitten, it wasn't a tiny deer tick ... it was a big dog tick.  I found that tick stuck in my leg and took it to a laboratory to be tested.  The tick had Lyme and a coinfection, Ehrlichiosis.  Then I got tested separately:  Lyme and Ehrlichiosis.

There are many strains of Lyme (I have read there are at least dozens and maybe 100), and the strains found in Europe are different from the US strains, so it might also make sense that the strains in Australia are different from the ones here and in Scotland.  If you get infected on one continent and tested in another, the tests might not show positive even tho you are ill.  That's why a good Lyme MD takes into account not only the test results but also where you have been and especially what your symptoms are.  Be sure to tell the Lyme MD where you have travelled and lived.

Also, just as I have Ehrlichiosis along with Lyme, there are other co-infections that the ticks can carry, and they have to be tested for separately -- they don't show up on the same tests as Lyme.  And coinfections sometimes need different antibiotic treatment than Lyme, so it's important to be thoroughly tested in order to be accurately diagnosed and completely treated.

Be sure to get copies of the test results from the MD, regardless of what s/he says your diagnosis is.  You might need them later.

Let us know how the appointment goes -- best wishes!
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Thanks everyone for your responses.

I've had my thyroid checked a few times, always comes back within normal range.

I do have a minor murmur in my heart but my cardiologist said this is so minor and simply wouldn't cause these symtpoms.

The strange thing is, I remember having an ultra sound of my heart + the doc said the left side of my heart was slightly enlarged, nothing major, but said this can be a sign of infection in the body... but then they did nothing to follow it up. Interesting too is that you can present with a murmur when you're infected with something, then the valve works properly again once you're not infected.

Who knows.

I've tracked down a specialist at a university in Sydney, Australia. So am going to contact them today. I just want to make sure I don't have Lyme! It's good to rule it all out.

As I've said I've had my thyroid checked and told it's not that.

I find it strange that I have the flu like symptoms and have for about 6 months. It just kind of lingers around, always stuff nose etc.

Is it possible to Lyme from mice? I've read it is.
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I agree that thyroid deficiencies are often overlooked.  If only we could get MDs to read online sites like this ... !  Ha.
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640719 tn?1277140030
Your right about the Rheummy's I went in Feb and he didn't even test me for lyme I couldn't believe it! Yes, he wanted to push the steroids which I declined. However, Lupus, RA and other auto immune is good to rule out.

Thank God though for people like you who take the time to educate people like us once we do get a dx of Lyme or should I say show positive bands which mainstream doctors most likely will ignore and tell us we are negative as IT WAS in my case.

Not sure about ANY internist being able to recognize thyroid disease though.. there are many of Endo's out there still not up to PAR in DX'ing ordering correct tests and or treating/reading tests. Just check it out over on the Medhelps thyroid forum. That is why I suggested requesting the TSH, FT4 and FT3 labs specially.  
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and PS

It's suggested above that you find a rheumy to rule out Lyme.  A rheumatologist is unlikely to order the appropriate tests, and even if s/he does, the test results are likely to be interpreted in a very different way from what an LLMD would do.  Rheumies and ID docs just don't believe in Lyme as a serious illness, and they usually act accordingly.
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A rheumatologist is not likely to evaluate you seriously for Lyme or other tick diseases.  The position of most rheumatologists and infectious disease MDs is that Lyme is hard to get and easy to cure, and they do not use the same tests that LLMDs do.

Any internist can run a thyroid panel on you.  If that turns out normal, then think about finding an LLMD.  That would be my personal approach in your situation, but I'm not medically trained.  It can take a while to get an initial appointment with an LLMD, you might want to proceed on both fronts and make appointments with both.

Be very cautious about a rheumie prescribing steroids, as they seem to like to do, until an LLMD rules out Lyme.  Steroids suppress your immune system and that is the last thing your body needs when it has an infectious disease like Lyme.  Like I said, I'm not medically trained so don't rely on me, just giving you my personal take.
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640719 tn?1277140030
Have you had your thyroid levels checked? TSH, FT4 & FT3 labs?

Also maybe a follow up with a rheumatologist to rule out auto immune or lyme?

This would be a good place to start. Thyroid can cause the symptoms you have listed  as I know all to well! Good Luck!

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