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Reaction to herbals for Babesia?

A my recent appointment, my doc didn't like my persistent shortness of breath. It has actually been worse in the last week or two than in the previous couple months. (Of course my fall allergies are picking up so congesition could be contributing.) He decided to try a couple herbals for Babesia to see what happens. I just got my Enula and Mora, both from Nutramedix.

Anybody tried these for Babesia? What might happen if I do react? Does Babesia cause herxes when treated?

I took Enula and CryptoPlus the first couple months I was treated for Lyme.  I didn't notice much of anything. Then I took Artemisinin for a couple months. Didn't notice anything. We concluded my breathing issues were caused by Lyme, especially because magnesium relieved it within a half hour of taking it.

So I am curious... I don't have any other Babesia symptoms, other than a couple rounds of night sweats over a year ago.  Anybody find out they had Babesia with only 1 symptom of it?
31 Responses
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1763947 tn?1334055319
My first symptoms of Lyme is pain all over stomach area. If anyone pushes my stomach area it's still very sore. Sometimes I get sharp pains that come and go.
I think that it is Lyne but lines get blurry so not sure 100%. Praying yours is gone!
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I am pretty sure the Levaquin took care of Bart for me.

When I had to stop most meds, the PA said that if I still had Bart, I would see symptoms returning within a week. She said because Lyme is slow growing, it would take about a month before symptoms worsened. I didn't feel any anxiety (my primary Bart symptom) coming back, so we concluded it is gone.

Also, my abdominal pain dissipated to almost nothing while off the abx, so that was also confirmation. (I am confident Bart was causing the severe and mysterious abdominal pain that put me in the hospital a year ago.). My occasional stomach discomfort seems to be due to my yeast problem.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I have to say for me, Bart's is worse then anything. Lesions all over, in brain, stomach, ears, trunk of body etc. Off balance, no memory.
I wish that was over with. Sigh
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That's a relief. Hope you can get rid of it! It sounds like another one of those horrible nasties like bart.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I am glad you don't think you have Babs, I think I am over most of it. I had sweats day and night, drenching. I sweat now but not drenching.
Just came from my LLMD, she said continue herb for Babs and unless symptoms come back, I don't need abx for it. Phew.
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Thanks for the babs info.
It seems to have such an overlap wiyth lyme I'm not sure, but I haven't had night sweats for a long time and all though the years, only had a few periods of them. Air hunger was a horrible problem for some periods but, again, not my most frequent symptom.
Everything else seems to overlap so much with lyme....
Anyway, I'm not so suspicious I have babs any more! Which is a relief!
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Rico, I can only tell you my experience, but I suffered the air hunger for months, but I probably wasn't as active as you so i didnt have it all the time. Then it went away after the blood transfusion/anemia. It only took 4 months to be rid of it, which compared to my Bart's , which is still there, is great.
Dr Schaller actually gave my friend with Babs Larium now.

I take Dr Zhang's Babs herb  still because my hematologist won't allow me to take anymore malaria meds and thinks it is mostly cured, as I do. All I have left is dry cough.

Wishing you luck and a relatively short cure. By the way, are you still having Bart's symptoms?
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I have definitely been sleeping more deeply and also having complex dreams that I remember.  A least they aren't nightmares!  (Years ago when I went to East Africa, I think we took Lariam to prevent Malaria.  It gave me strange, vivid dreams.)

Yesterday my air hunger & shortness of breath really cranked back up. That has happened a few times in the past when I am due for my next Bicillin shot. (Another reason to think the sob was Lyme-related.) I was due for my shot in the morning, but my doc's office wouldn't do it until nearly 3:30 pm. My husband was out of town, and the doc's office won't do them on Monday mornings...too busy.  My breathing didn't improve as much as I expected in the hours after the shot.  My air hunger actually kept me awake until 1:30am.  I can't believe how much and how hard I was gasping.  Very annoying.

Needless to say, I am tired today.  Took an extra 1/2 of provigil which helped nicely.  When I woke up, my breathing was quite good. But by 11am I was gasping and yawning again.

Given my reactions so far to the meds, it sure seems like herxing rather than just side effects. I wonder how long it will last. I liked being able to breathe last week.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I am glad you are getting use to the Malarone. It helped me sleep at night, lol.
Have you had a CD-57 lately? Just curious.
Healing thoughts and prayers for you.
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Re Mepron

Re statment quoted above that "Mepron is a yellow liquid which is unpleasant tasting and very expensive. It contains a single ingredient: Atovaquone. Malarone, on the other hand, contains two anti-parasite ingredients: Atovaquone and Proguanil. Malarone is a less expensive, convenient tablet."

I was on Mepron a few years ago and didn't find it objectionable, but Malarone does seem to have advantages from the patient's point of view (at least).  Then again, I was so sick I would have eaten a lot of gross stuff to get well.  :)
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Interesting.  I am on Malarone and Cleocin. (No GI problems after more than a month on Cleocin.)  Always nice to hear a validating (and free!) second opinion.

My shortness of breath and air hunger did get a bit worse in the past couple months as my Lyme improvement leveled off. I still find my symptoms confusing. I should know by now that the Lyme complex is not predictable, but I can't seem to stop expecting some kind of predictability.

My good news is that although I was sleepy and zoned out yesterday, today I was better. I seem to be adjusting to the new med. I mentioned my "crash" to the pharmacist when I went in to get the rest of my script and she said, "Maybe that's when it started working."  I think she's right.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
FYI, Dr Schaller told my friend who is his patient, that the red cells should "explode" when Babs is cured. I guess mine "exploded" too much, since I became so anemic.

My Babs did not show up until after starting treatment for Lyme and Bart's, then my Babs igeneX test showed very weak positive.
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I just did a search online for

   -- babesia strains --

and among the detritus was this, which you may already know by heart, since it is 3+ years old at this point:

July 14, 2009 post by LymeMD on his website:
"Babesia questions

" ...  Readers must be reminded that in the main, laboratory evidence suggesting the presence of Babesia tells the physician only one thing: the patient has been exposed to Babesia. Here I am referring to serological antibody tests. Other, more convincing tests, for the non-believers, include a blood smear which shows the organisms or a FISH test offered by IgeneX. These tests are not particularly sensitive missing most cases.

"Serologically, we can test for two strains of Babesia through commercial labs: B. microti and B. duncani. There are numerous other strains of Babesia for which no simple test exists. Clongen lab can perform a Babesia "species" PCR test which is very specific but not all that sensitive. It screens for the presence of Babesia DNA for about 15 species of Babesia.

"In routine lab panels described elsewhere, anybodies directed against B. microti and B. duncani or WA1 are routinely obtained. It is always nice to have one's clinical suspicions mirrored in a laboratory test. But like most things Lyme: the diagnosis of Babesiosis is a clinical one.

"Many clinical signs and symptoms have been ascribed to Babesiosis. In my practice the primary symptom is sweating. Patients have night sweats, sweats after a hot shower, day sweats or chills and flu like symptoms which recur cyclically. A secondary feature is muscle pains in preference to joint pain.

"Another helpful test is the evaluation of a wet mount slide. Many patients show a crescent shaped organism which resembles Toxoplasmosis. I do not believe this organism is Toxo: many patients with the organism have negative serology (antibodies) directed against Toxo. I will explain why I mention this finding in connection with Babesiosis in a moment.

"The standard treatment for Babesiosis has been Mepron, usually combined with Zithromax.

"Mepron is a yellow liquid which is unpleasant tasting and very expensive. It contains a single ingredient: Atovaquone. Malarone, on the other hand, contains two anti-parasite ingredients: Atovaquone and Proguanil. Malarone is a less expensive, convenient tablet.

"Malarone seems to address this crescent shaped parasite whereas Mepron does not. It is my suspicion that this other, yet unknown parasite, is responsible for much muscle pain, including that associated with fibromyalgia syndromes.

"Even though the dose of Atovaquone in Malarone is only 1/3 of that present in Mepron, I have found it is effective for Babesia symptoms. My experience has informed me that it is the length of therapy, not the dose of Atovaquone which helps ameliorate Babesia related symptoms and presumably infection. Anti-Babesia or parasite therapy can be augmented by adding the herbal medicine, Artemsin, usually 200mg twice daily.

"So yes, there are more positive serologies for B. duncani than B. microti here on the east coast which contrasts with the views of local health officials, still, the diagnosis of this syndrome is made strictly on clinical grounds. There exists a subset of patients with antibodies to Babesia who never exhibit symptoms of this infection. Most of these patients improve even though this specific co-infection has not been treated. Presumably, in these cases, the infection was mild and eliminated by a well functioning immune system. Even so, the presence of these antibodies can be used to substantiate the diagnosis of chronic Lyme in patients who are Lyme seronegative: where there is smoke there is usually fire.

"A basic rule of thumb which has served me well for over 25 years of medical practice still holds: treat the patient, not the labs.

"Another comment: Zithromax is not very is not very effective against Lyme disease; its cousin macrolide Biaxin is. Biaxin is frequently avoided when antibiotics are combined because of its it "sloppy" tendency to cause adverse drug to drug interactions: it doesn't play well with others.

"Biaxin may reduce blood levels of Atovaquone by 40%. Still, in patients where the treatment of Lyme is imperative along with the treatment of Babesia, this combination has still been effective in many patients.

"Another, quite effective drug can be mixed with Malarone for Lyme disease: Cleocin. But this drug carries its own unique risks, especially C. diff colitis, the nemesis of physicians treating chronic Lyme and related disorders. As always the need for probiotics can not be stressed enough. I prefer the combination of Sacchromyces with an Acidophilus mix."
         A commenter adds (there are also other comments not pasted here which I did not read through, so they may be of interest):  "Imugen, Inc of Norwood, MA offers a diagnostic PCR test for babesia infection as well as lyme serology."

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Mojogal - Thanks for sharing your experience. I have not been anemic yet in all my blood tests, so I will be optimistic that it will remain that way.

Youvegot... - My only persistent symptoms of Babesia have been chronic breathlessness and air hunger (continuous for 21+ months), fatigue, and brain fog. Since Lyme can cause all three, it wasn't obvious.

A year ago, I had night sweats a couple times.  I have had some excess sweating during the day, but like Lyme symptoms, it would come in a particular place, such as my feet, my back, my torso, and then stop after a couple weeks or so. I had some temperature regulation problems in the summer along with most of my excess sweating, so it seemed like Lyme symptoms.  

I didn't have the common symptoms of chronic night sweats or ice pick like headaches. But my breathing problems have been a primary complaint for a long time.

I have read about others who didn't have any Babs symptoms until well into their Lyme treatment. Others were asymptomatic (except for fatiguem& brain fog)'but just weren't improving with Lyme treatment. Somehow, it can interfere with the abx for Lyme.  My PA said that a lot of their patients who failed the standard Lyme treatment elsewhere have a hidden case of Babesia.

Testing wasn't useful for me.  I was negative on a Malaria/Babesia test at a military lab and then negative on two tests at IGeneX.
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Our 'friends' at the CDC describe babesiosis thusly:

"Many people who are infected with Babesia microti feel fine and do not have any symptoms. Some people develop flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills, sweats, headache, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, or fatigue. Because Babesia parasites infect red blood cells, babesiosis can cause hemolytic anemia (from destruction of red blood cells)."

In other words, a wide variety of symptoms.  In my unscientific view and reading, it seems to manifest somewhat differently from person to person, so I would not use this list as a *required* collection of symptoms:  I had drenching night sweats, but never had air hunger in any fashion.

Babesia is akin to malaria, which also has a variable list of possible symptoms.  The 20+ docs I saw (until I found my way to an LLMD) never mentioned such an ailment, much less tested me for it.  Especially women 'of a certain age' may be ignored because many of the listed symptoms match up nicely with a nasty case of peri-menopause.

I found it much like the flu, but without the gastric upset.  I had Lyme at the same time, but found the worst symptoms went away with treatment for babesia, leaving only mop-up work against Lyme.  Everyone of course is somewhat different.

The good news is that babesia is not as difficult to treat as Lyme, and a five-month course of the right antibiotics (for me, Mepron/atovaquone plus azithromycin) worked well without the ups and downs and confusion of Lyme treatment, due to the different nature of the organism itself.  Then onward to treat the underlying Lyme infection.

Side rant:  Today's MDs seem to believe in a static world, and forget the concept of emerging diseases.  AIDS was not so long ago a new disease, and I recall clearly (and have mentioned this before here) the stooge doctors at the CDC standing in front of the TV cameras in the mid 1980s, opining that one could not get AIDS without being gay or Haitian.  This was risible on its face, and the while the intent was to quell the panic rising among the populace, it was also incredibly dishonest or incredibly stupid ... or both.  Yes, some diseases or conditions do afflict certain population groups, but the initial CDC approach to AIDS would be like saying that in the outbreak of some other terrible new disease, no one need worry except members of the Girl Scouts in their many locations.  Not logical, and sadly we continue to get large doses of this from the medical community re Lyme+.  /end rant/
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1763947 tn?1334055319
The symptoms of Babesia , besides fatigue,  are air hunger, can't catch your breath and drenching sweats. I also had a dry cough which not everyone gets.
In research, they say more people are getting Babs in addition to other co- infections. I hope you don't have it.
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What exactly are the symptoms of babesia? I am starting to wonder about it myself....
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1763947 tn?1334055319

Rico, Malarone did make me sleepy, and it also made me extremely depressed. I had to go on an antidepressant.  It really messed me up.

The anemia came on very suddenly, Sept blood test good and October bad so get tested monthly. The anemia felt like exaggerated Babesia symptoms, that is why I couldn't tell until I passed out and wound up in the ER where they found it.  It was extreme air hunger and drenching sweats.

Sending you healing thoughts.  I believe Malarone did cure my Babs. After the transfusion, I feel so much better and no more sign of Babs.
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So, I sent another letter to my doc's office on Friday indicating that if they thought I had Babesia, I would like to start something stronger than the herbals now, rather than waiting a month for another appointment.  The good news is the PA responded with a Malarone Rx.  

So, I guess that means I am officially diagnosed with Babesia. Kind of anticlimactic at this point. But I felt almost euphoric when I heard, as I am hopeful that I will really start to feel better now. I think I have just been slogging along, feeling crummy even as most of my Lyme symptoms declined. I am so bummed we didn't figure this out 10 months ago, but I am grateful that we did figure it out.

The pharmacist said Malarone might make me sleepy, so I took my first dose last night. Today, about 18 hours later, what felt like narcolepsy kicked in. I had about five minutes warning of felling progressively tired. I was trying to help my daughter wrap a present for a birthday party (thank goodness I was home!) and I absolutely had to close my eyes and lie down on the floor. I was even breathing fast and shallow, a bit worrisome.

I am so glad my husband was home. He took over the wrapping and drove her to her party. I couldn't even get up with help for 1/2 hour because my head was spinning. I crashed on the bed like a zombie for another three hours. I am on a recliner now, but at least I am semi-upright.

Is that a side effect or a herx?  I was waayyyy beyond "sleepy."  I am hoping it's a herx, as that would be confirmation of Babs.

Mojogal - What did your anemia feel like?  I want to know what to look for.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
That is awesome news. So glad you feel better.
I am looking forward to feel normal again.
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I am just amazed at my improvement in just a week. I rarely gasp for air unless I am talking a lot, and instead of getting a satisfying breath about 10% of the time, I can now get one about 90% of the time. I still get winded quickly, but this is the best my breathing has been in well over 18 months.

Both two days ago and today I had noticeably better stamina. I still zone out and don't feel "well" yet, but I have been able to do more and not crash completely in the afternoon.  It is a strange feeling.  I am starting to remember what "well" feels like as I realize I am getting closer to it.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I was only on malarone a few months. I am still taking an herb for babs though.
No, my brain fog I consider part of Bart's. and it's still there as well as lesions all over me. My overwhelming fatigue is gone. I am relating that to my anemia. The first night home from the hospital was rough, very fatigued but stronger and less fatigued daily.
I understand exactly how you feel about another abx, I will be praying you get the correct medicine first try!
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That is great news!! Is your fatigue or brain fog improved without the Babs?

I hope the Bart is finished off soon, too!

I hope the first med I try for Babs works. I am not really interested in months of, "Well, let's try THIS one."
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Rico, I think my Babs is cured after my hospital stay. I think the malarone killed it because it did a number on my red cells which Schaller says is suppose to happen. I don't have air hunger or drenching sweats anymore.
My Bart's is still there though. Hang in there.
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