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1094370 tn?1317134825

Stabbing eye pain

I am very scared. I have been having stabbing like eye pain for a few days now. I gave had this before but niot this bad. Now since yesterday every tine I take a bite a food and open my mouth I get that stabbing feeling behind my right eye which then makes my stomach upset.

Needless to say I am freaking out over this and am thinking I have ms again. Does anyone else with Lyme experience this type of eye pain????
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I have read up a lot on lyme, and I'm no Dr either, but articles I have read have stated that optic neuritis is and can be a sympton of lyme, especially with bartonella strain.
I have tested postitive for lyme here in australia, and am currently waiting for results at igenex.
My 10 year old daughter has had symptons of optic neuritis for the last 3 years, and is also getting tested for lyme.
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Carrie, bartonella is a coinfection of lyme and usually causes the stabbing eye pain.  Mine has subsided and is almost gone since i have been on treatment.  
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hi carrie,

i get similar pain in my eyes very often.  is it only in your right eye or are both of them affected?

my neuro-ophthalmologist is listed on lymenet as an LLMD.  i will send you his name under separate cover.

i am thinking of you,
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I would follow what wonko is suggesting, adding only to ask your llmd's office for a referral to a lyme-wise ophthalmologist, to avoid wasting time w a clueless eye doc.  
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428506 tn?1296557399

If you have deep concerns about MS, then by all means follow up periodically with a neurologist.  I think the usual recommendation is every 6 months or so, but of course a specialist would know how to pick an appropriate time frame.  

I know you feel a lot of anxiety about this, but I guess something that helped me during similar doubts was the thought that, if I truly did have MS, then sooner or later it would be definitively confirmed.  After all, "multiple sclerosis" loosely translated is "many scars."  It is not currently understood what causes MS; it is characterized more so by the kind of damage it causes, which will ultimately become clear through MRI or CSF.

I'm not medically trained, but I don't think that continuing your Lyme treatment in between semi-annual neuro check-ups is the worst plan.  If it is Lyme/co-infections, then over time you will respond to the treatment, while if it is MS, then over time evidence will emerge to confirm it.

I've read testimonials of Lyme patients who had optic neuritis, but I don't know from a reliable source how likely that is.  I do know that Lyme/co's can affect the eyes.  Myself I've endured stabbing eye pain (that comes from the back of my eyes and worsens with eye movement), floaters, double vision, phosphenes (flashing lights that I see in my peripheral vision when I move my eyes back and forth), optical migraines, and blurred vision due to heat or when I get tired.  I did see an opthamologist amidst all of that and while he felt my optic nerve was slightly inflamed, he was overall not concerned.  

If you start to lose your vision, I would go to an ER immediately, as it is my understanding that acute optic neuritis can cause blindness but that permanent vision damage can be reduced/prevented with prompt diagnosis and steroid treatment (which of course is a no-no for Lyme, but if your vision is on the line would be warranted IMHO).  Otherwise, perhaps try to get in to see an opthamologist.  Given your symptoms I doubt you'd have to wait long to get an appt.

I hope you start to feel better.

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1094370 tn?1317134825
I think I am having optic neruritis. I looked it up. I know this is a symptom of ms but anyone get it with Lyme???
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