2115102 tn?1334756923

Starting Marshall Protocol

I just found out last week I have Lyme after being ill since Aug.2011 told Dr I got bit by several ticks and one left a red rash....I have all the classic symptoms muscle twitching, fatigue, depression,etc. the list goes on and on,found a LLMD on my own and he ordered a test for Igenex and yes came back pos. for Lyme I will be starting Marshall Protocol  in a few days.needless to say I am very nervous about the whole thing especially what I have read about the herx part. I don't want to feel worse than I already do.

32 Responses
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7983189 tn?1395976232
You're right, and I probably wasn't clear about my pharmaceutical point. I have used those, and still am, and they are still working, according to my feelings of Herxing when pulsing them. The others may kill some, and may induce more into cyst form for the Flagyl to take care of.

The lifetime of pharmaceuticals I'm referring to are the ones we would need the rest of our lives if long term antibiotics weren't explored as a possible guide to effective remission. :)

i.e.--sleep meds, pain meds, fatigue meds, mood stability or depression meds, heart meds, blood pressure meds, etc.
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You also say (with my added *** marks for emphasis):
"I have read studied that would SEEM to prove that it can and will survive in areas of our body that ABX can't reach, such as the joints, muscles, organs, heart, and skin, or they will ball up into a cyst form most ABX ***(except Flagyl and Tindamax)*** can't kill, and that when the ABX are stopped they will resume exascerbating the infection when they are sure the coast is clear.

"That would raise two questions in my mind:
"Why use ABX at all? or
"Are lifelong ABX necessary to prevent the return of infection?"

My question to you:  why not use Flagyl/Tindamax, which you appear to agree are indeed effective against the encysted Lyme and biofilm colonies?  I was treated with Flagyl, along with other antibiotics.  Result:  Fully well.
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You say:  "Most of us read up on it, did our own research, and decided that we needed to find an LLMD that would believe in our recovery, instead of a lifetime of pharmaceuticals treating our symptoms. Shouldn't recovery be the goal (cure or remission) not symptom management, if at all possible?"

I was treated by an LLMD with antibiotics, and I remain fully well now 5+ years later.  I don't understand your comment that pharmaceuticals require a 'lifetime' of treatment.  

fwiw, the hoped-for usefulness of CD-57 as a measure of Lyme treatment status doesn't seem to have panned out, from what I read.
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7983189 tn?1395976232
Most of us read up on it, did our own research, and decided that we needed to find an LLMD that would believe in our recovery, instead of a lifetime of pharmaceuticals treating our symptoms. Shouldn't recovery be the goal (cure or remission) not symptom management, if at all possible?

The IDSA has strict guidelines about the necessary short-term antibiotic course. Anything over and beyond that is unnecessary, and a potential health-hazard for no reason.

Remember, they still claim that there is no evidence Borrellia Burgdorferi can survive in the human body after that initial course of ABX.

I have read studied that would SEEM to prove that it can and will survive in areas of our body that ABX can't reach, such as the joints, muscles, organs, heart, and skin, or they will ball up into a cyst form most ABX (except Flagyl and Tindamax) can't kill, and that when the ABX are stopped they will resume exascerbating the infection when they are sure the coast is clear.

That would raise two questions in my mind:
Why use ABX at all? or
Are lifelong ABX necessary to prevent the return of infection?

That being said, my belief is that the proper courses of continued ABX, extended through a period of time from say, 3 months to 2 years, depending on the severity of the infection and how many co-infections have to be dealt with throughout that period, should lead to a good enough remission that someone with Chronic Lyme could go without a relapse/flare-up and the need for ABX for anywhere between 6 months to 10 years.

I have been on ABX for 8 months: 3 months of Omnicef, Bactrim, and Flagil, 2 months of IV Rocephin 3 times per week, Omnicef, and Flagil, and 3 months of Zithromax, Bactrim, and Flagyl. This week I will be continuing treatment with a new course of Omnicef, Bactrim, 3 days per week of IV Rocephin, Flagyl (on weekends), and Mepron.

CD-57 count has gone from 59 to 71, but doc will be looking for the significant jump once he believes he has treated me into a good remission. I am also taking various Byron White herbal protocols, for my Babesia, Bartonella, and Lyme.
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I don't understand the blanket aversion to antibiotics.  They worked for me and others I know, with no significant or intolerable side effects.  Lyme is a bacterial infection:  kill the bacteria, the infection is gone.  

Everyone is entitled to decide their own approach, so this is just my opinion.  fwiw.
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7983189 tn?1395976232
The theory of the Marshall program as I see it seems to make sense at first:

Starve those buggers out, since they consume a lot of Vitamin D, cut off their supply.

They also are one of the rare bugs that live on manganese instead of iron, so avoid everything with manganese and magnesium.

Or maybe he's treating the auto-immune disorder PTLDS, and he wants to disable the immune system, which may allow him to operate under government guidelines.

The problem is that, as mentioned in some of the other responses, our body needs these essential vitamins and minerals as well, and the depletion of them due to spirochetal consumption may contribute to some of our Lyme symptoms, or some may be caused solely because of the deficiency.

What my LLMD has told me is that even if you try to achieve the lowest levels of these, the spirochete will still extract it from somewhere in your body.

You may not want to overload your body on Vitamin D, but a normal level along with whatever plan of action to disable the BB infection should be fine.

However, if you decide to give it a shot, I'd love to hear how it went, as I am not an expert, and I have heard this thing works in part due to molecular mimicry.
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