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Looking for an LLMD in CT

Trying to get diagnosed and treated if anyone knows an LLMD in CT or New England. Thank you!
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There is a highly regarded doc in Mt. Kisco, NY.  He's currently a director at ILADS and is the first name listed on the ILADS Treatment Guidelines which you can find at

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Thanks for your note.  I think you're doing just fine in dealing with all this, fwiw.  Glad your husband was there with you too.  You sound worn out, and I can surely understand that.  Give yourself points for plowing ahead -- take care -- all good wishes to you and yours -- it gets better from here on.
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It's the doc you think it is. I said on the other post that maybe he was trying to give me hope. Either way I'm so thankful I found him. He trusted me and what I told him. I was used to being grilled like I was making this all up and was going to be caught giving inconsistent answers, only to be told I was crazy. Ughhh.
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"You know he said in a joking way I would be cured in thirty days, until I relapsed."

Yeah, I think he was joking, if he's really a Lyme doc.  This is the guy who is on the board of ILADS, right?

"I swear to you I already feel better after one day of antibiotics, but who knows maybe I'm just having a good morning for a change."

This is good, but stay tuned and don't be discouraged if you start to feel worse.  Sometimes as the bacteria are being killed, they cause you to feel worse for a while, called 'die off' of the bacteria, which releases irritating chemicals into your body.  You may see the term "Herx" or "Herxheimer reaction", which is that die-off effect.  It will pass.  If it's really bad and intolerable, tho, call the doc and report, because they may want to adjust your meds.  Personally, I am very sensitive to all meds, but I never felt worse on the meds than I did when I was really ill -- I wish the same for you.

"He also suggested I put off my appointment with the LLMD opthamologist until after thirrty days to see how my eyes were doing once I finished the antibiotics."

This sounds quite reasonable.

"I tried to ask about long term effects but he really made it sound as though I would be 'cured.' Please go ahead and tell me your thoughts. I'd rather know now than be dissapointed later on."

If he's the doc I think he is, then I would think you are in good hands, given his reputation and understanding of Lyme etc.  I know what you mean about wanting the straight story, and while he was being upbeat, I don't think he was exaggerating, from my personal experience dealing with Lyme.  Bottom line:  hang in there, see how it goes.  Fingers crossed for you! (X)
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You know he said in a joking way I would be cured in thirty days, until I relapsed. I swear to you I already feel better after one day of antibiotics, but who knows maybe I'm just having a good morning for a change. He also suggested I put off my appointment with the LLMD opthamologist until after thirrty days to see how my eyes were doing once I finished the antibiotics. I tried to ask about long term effects but he really made it sound as though I would be "cured" Please go ahead and tell me your thoughts. I'd rather know now than be dissapointed later on. You are the best. Have a great day.
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Glad your appointment went so well!

Did the doc say you would likely *feel* better, or *be* better (as in cured) in 30 days?  
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Hi there, saw the LLMD today. I already started treatment. He hopes I will get better in just thirty days. I feel very lucky. I have really suffered but only for a short time compared to others. This is still overwhelming to me. I just can't understand how something so horrible can be so easily treated and yet no one, including doctors, seems to know about it. Thank you again for your help. Hopefully I'll report back in thirty days as my old self. God bless you.
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If it's the doc I am guessing it is, I've seen him on video, and he seems very kind and nice and upbeat.  Will look forward to hearing how it goes!  
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I have an appt. I called today and they asked about my symptoms. They knew just what I was talking about. Thank you again! I'll let you know what happens.
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bless you! thank you so much. I'll call him tomorrow.
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