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489867 tn?1209207294

Western Blot results Help

I have been very sick for some time and finally in July 2013 was tested with the western blot test and came back positive they said one line. Didn't understand and Had test done in Nov and now have what I can see 6 re-active. here is the test result copy from my patient portal.
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot LYME DISEASE AB(IGG),BLOT NEGATIVE (NEGATIVE) no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 18 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 23 KD (IGG) BAND REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 28 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 30 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 39 KD (IGG) BAND REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 41 KD (IGG) BAND REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 45 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 58 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 66 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 93 KD (IGG) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot LYME DISEASE AB(IGM),BLOT NEGATIVE (NEGATIVE) no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 23 KD (IGM) BAND REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 39 KD (IGM) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 41 KD (IGM) BAND NON-REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013
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"Borrelia burgdorferi Ab(Lyme)(IgG,IgM), Western Blot 39 KD (IGG) BAND REACTIVE () no change from previous Nov 15, 2013 "

I had a hard time reading the closely packed text (a by-product of Lyme)
but if you have reactive band #39 you have Lyme disease.

Ricobord, a member here, can give you a much better explanation but what I recall -----  if you have a positive #39 then you have Lyme disease. That is one of the more definitive bands.

I hope you're on antibiotics. (You didn't say).
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If that doctor is an ID doctor AND adheres to the IDSA guidelines, as he probably will, then you will receive sub-standard treatment (too small a dose and for too short a time) and then will will tell you you're cured and shoo you out the door.

If that doctor is an ID doctor he has probably tested you with sub-standard blood tests (for Lyme).

However, you were lucky and DID show positive so........ maybe at least he'll start treating you for a sub-standard amount of time.

Your complicated medical history, though, complicates everything. I truly wish you could find an ILADS doctor who will take all those other conditions into account when treating you.

You say your husband can and will drive you. When I was first sick and could barely sit up, I had to lay down in the back of our van on a mattress put there for me for any trip over a couple of miles.

Now that most cars have seats that will recline---- can that help your back pain? Or perhaps even laying down on the back seats?

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489867 tn?1209207294
My friend travels to the Cape in a day witch is a 2 hour drive one way. I am unable to travel due to so much pain. But if all else fail I will.  If I drive I can only go 3 miles other wise I will be crying due to my back. My hubby has no problem getting me anyplace. My 77 yr old mom drives me a lot. And yes it can be SCARY LOL
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Since grey lives in Mass. there should be another doctor closer to her than CA----but CA isn't that far away on the plane.

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Ditto Cave & Jackie.

Infectious Disease doctors RARELY treat a Lyme patient for more than 3 weeks.  They're really not allowed to.  Their organization is very strict about following the protocol, which is narrow minded and cruel to patients.  A small group of researchers still hold the reins to the treatment guidelines and they stubbornly refuse to admit they're wrong on anything.

In the meantime, Lyme patient suffer in misery because doctors refuse to treatment.  It's insane.

Go to the ID doc if you want. Maybe he'll diagnose you and give you 3 weeks of Doxy.  Or maybe he'll be really generous and give you a month of Rocephin, which would be more appropriate for you. But he won't treat you any longer. And since you've been sick so long, you'll need longer.  ID docs are notorious for dismissing Lyme patients, and even being insulting to them. They've been warned that 'crazy' people claiming to have Lyme will demand antibiotics and not to give them without positive blood tests.  Don't be surprised if he totally dismisses the IGeneX results.  ID docs have also been warned that "nonstandard" labs are to be ignored.  Never mind that IGeneX runs an approved Western Blot and is fully authorized by the CDC, just as any other lab is.

Don't be afraid to travel to get to a LLMD.  Some people fly in from out of state to see my doc in CA. Don't be afraid to go out of network.  I'm amazed at people who choose to stay miserable rather than paying for the treatment you need.  We shouldn't have to. Our insurance should.  But given the ridiculous state of politics around Lyme, you have to do what it takes to get better.
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You can indeed try the doc you refer to if he's more accessible, but if he doesn't do what an ILADS-type doc would do, then I would move along.  
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It's true that a lot has been learned about Lyme disease in the last few years, SCIENCE WISE.

But since the IDSA published their terrible Lyme guidelines in 2000 and revised them in 2008  treatment now (except for the few good LLMDs out there) has become seriously degraded.

Before it was 'just' a matter of finding an llmd (no easy task, for sure) but then treatments usually lasted until all symptoms were gone even if it took months or years.

Now doctors that don't practice using the ILADS guidelines use the IDSAs severely restricted treatment mode: Maybe for 30 days then-----no more treatment for most people.

So one can hope for a change in attitude but for the doctor you're talking about but...........
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