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Can you do this WITHOUT antibiotics?

I am 90% sure I have lyme. Lyme isn't showing up on blood tests and I am waffling on whether to spend the money out-of-pocket for testing through IgeneX but I did have IgG and IgM for babesia which leads me to believe that if I have a co-infection (or was infected with a co-infection in the past) that I also have lyme.

I have a friend that tested positive for lyme and instead of going through months of antibiotics, went to a practitioner that does acupuncture and supplements and she said she did NOT take antibiotics and considers herself practically cured.

I am trying to figure out next steps. I wonder if I should do the CD57 test and see how that turns up? or do the IgeneX blood test for lyme? Or start antibiotics even though I would love to do like my friend and go the alternative medicine route...

Why or why are there so many questions associated with lyme and no one believes that you have it or that it's real except friends you have made on a lyme forum? :-(
33 Responses
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Next spring try the wild side of garlic, also known as ramps.  You should be able to find some in PA, they grow in SE Ohio where I'm at.
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Glad to hear you are doing so well!  

If you find that your symptoms are not entirely resolved when treatment is done, however, do consider a second opinion.

With all good thoughts and wishes for your continued improvement -- and if you think of it, keep us posted.  It's helpful for all of us here.
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6690464 tn?1383787370
Per your request, I'm reporting in on how I'm doing with the herbal protocol.  I'm feeling much better these days after three weeks on Monastery of Herbs herbs/tinctures for lyme and for the two co-infections of babesia and leptospirosis. I had already previously taken two months of doxy and two months of bactrim.  

Thanks, no doubt, to all of these things, I have made huge strides in getting rid of my symptoms. The terrible anxiety/heart palpitations were one of the first things to go while on the herbs.  That was a blessed relief!

The doctor is now treating me for the toxins that he says have built up in my body as the lyme/co-infections were spreading, and then as the lyme/co-infections were dying off.  So I have a ways to go yet in getting rid of my fatigue, but I am greatly encouraged.

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Ditto what Rico says above.  I had Lyme and babesiosis, and while my doc was an antibiotics-only kind of guy, I learned from another more 'holistic' kind of doc the benefits of vitamins and supplements and still take a boatload of them now, some years after Lyme and babs departed.  I figure it won't hurt anything but my pocket book.  
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6690464 tn?1383787370
Thanks for this advice. It's very helpful for us "newbies" to hear about being patient and not having expectations about a time frame for getting better.  I'm curious about what herbals you are using, and what your diagnosis was. Do you have co-infections as well as lyme?  If you are willing to share that, I'd be very interested in knowing. You could email me privately if you prefer.  Thanks!
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I'm doing the abx + herbals route, too, and I've been happy with it.  It sounds like you're doing the right things and asking questions.  That's great!!  At this point, don't get anxious about how long it will take.  No one can really answer that.  Just take it one step at a time and remember it's a long distance race, not a sprint.  Just stick with it and don't bail out early.  I've heard that the more failed treatments a patient has, the harder it is to get better.  

I found that when I set my own expectations of when I'd be well, I got depressed when that time frame would come and go.  Instead, just be persistent and know that you'll eventually get better.  Don't be discouraged too much by setbacks.  This is not a linear process.  I was shocked the first time a new symptom showed up AFTER I started treatment.  I couldn't believe that was possible.  How could the bugs spread to a new place when they're being bombarded with antibiotics?!  All my assumptions about how an infection works went in the trash with these babies.
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I got the 'yeast cleanse' online, will send you a private message with the name of the website, tho I think the product may also be available in stores (but cheaper online).  It's a brand I've been very pleased with.
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Thanks for the comment.  I am definitely going to look into that Yeast Cleanse you and rico mentioned. Do I have to get that online or will they have it at a health food place? I work right next to one so it would be great if they have it!
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Well I was having problem with the doxy for the first week of taking it. I've gotten it down to a science now when I need to take it.. I need to take it about an hour after a meal so I don't get an upset stomach.  I've tried it with a meal, right after, eating a little and then taking it and eating more and it has all caused an upset stomach.  But I just generally feel nauseas all the time since starting it.  Most of the time it's bearable but it has caused me to miss some meals because I just wasn't up for eating.  

I am taking a very good probiotic.  I went to a natural based store next to where I work and said give me the best you've got! Cost some money but I've been taking it for over a month and seems to work great. In fact, I need to go get another bottle of it today after work.

I am trying to beat this thing with antibiotics AND herbs.  I am just losing hope because I've been on the antibiotics for almost 5 weeks now and I've had no improvement in symptoms.  I know this is a short time but I am absolutely terrified I am going to need to be on it for the rest of my life. I am only 27 so I feel like I'm screwed. I go to my LLMD on Wednesday so I'm going to ask LOTS of questions then. Also want to get a copy of my western blot since I never saw the results ,they just said they were positive to them.

That is a REALLY good idea about the garlic! I just actually bought capsules because I wanted to try the essential oils route in helping with the Lyme.  I'm super excited about this now. Thank you!
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I second what Rico says, and she triggered a few more thoughts from my experience:

My Lyme doc, being aware of the perils of killing all the bacteria (including the bacteria in the gut), has patients take a particular kind of yeast-based probiotic (mine was called Florastor), because antibiotic meds kill the usual probiotics (which are bacterial), but not the probiotics that are yeast-based.  

Good theory.  Problem was, tho, that I am apparently sensitive to fungal infections, and I got one from the yeast-based probiotic -- a systemic yeast infection throughout my body.  Most people don't have that reaction, but thought I'd throw it out there, in case you take yeast-based probiotics and find you are getting bloated and fuzzy-brained.  My teeth also started to hurt because they were getting loose.  Weird, huh.  And apparently quite rare, but jic, fwiw.

After taking a long course of DIflucan to get rid of the systemic yeast infection, I began taking 'Yeast-Cleanse', which Rico mentions above.  It worked well, I stayed on it for quite a while and have no yeast problems now.  

Also, Rico mentions putting raw garlic in gelatin capsules -- a very good idea.  If you peel the garlic clove and then slice it longways or dice it up, then stuff it into a capsule, it goes down well and gave me no problems.  Takes a while to get the chop-and-stuff capsule prep down pat, but not long.  After a week you'll be a pro.  
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If you're on Doxy, it could most certainly be causing your GI distress.  It's well known for that.  It's important to take it with food, as in eat something, take the med, then eat some more.  I took it halfway between a full meal and I didn't have a problem with it.  Other drugs can mess up your stomach, so unless it specifically says to take on an empty stomach, then take it during a meal.

Raw garlic is tough.  One recommendation I saw was to put it in a gelatin capsule so that it would bypass the stomach and be released in the intestines. I have the garlic and the capsules, but I haven't taken it yet. My GI tract is a little too sensitive right now, so I'm waiting.

I have had a die off effect from treating Candida, feeling fatigued and headachey for a day or two. I tried about 3 different remedies for yeast that didn't do anything for me. Yeast-Cleanse has worked well for me, although that doesn't mean it will work for you. (I've learned that every body is different.) I start getting the white coating on my tongue again if I quit taking it for 2 days. I can speak from experience that you'll feel better if you keep the yeast under control. My doc said the yeast can make the medicine less effective, blocking recovery.  I don't remember, are you on a good probiotic?  That is critical.

You might feel awful on the antibiotics for now, but I've never heard of a cure without them.  From what I read, supplements and nutrition can help someone improve their health and immune system, which reduces the infection.  Some have achieved remission for periods of time.  (I didn't...I started getting worse after only 2 months on herbals alone.) And while antibiotics don't seem to be a guaranteed cure either for late stage patients, they are your best chance of getting back to functionality.  

No disrespt to those who choose the herbal route!  We each have to pursue what works best for us.  But don't shy away from abx because you're afraid of them.  Lyme can do far more damange than the antibiotics do and herxing declines over time.  Have you tried some detoxing?  I definitely feel better when I tak chlorella.
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So last night I ate the raw garlic (1 clove) mixed in with dinner. It wasn't as bad as the previous day where I ate it raw with nothing else. BUT although this garlic has seemed to really alleviate some of my symptoms (Mostly the dizziness) I am incredibly fatigued today.  I NEVER had any type of fatigue since I started having Lyme symptoms back in May.  Today, I can barely move my legs because I'm so tired and almost fell asleep while driving to work. I wonder if this is some kind of herx?

Also, I have read that garlic could be used to combat candida and that you could possibly herx from that. I know I definitely have candida overload in my body, I've had it all my life.  I could feel tired because of that and not because of the Lyme I guess.
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You're welcome!  It took me a while, and I still forget sometimes how to get from one thing to another here.  

I find that kind of confusion happens with a lot of websites that seem perfectly logical only AFTER you figure out how to operate it, but not at all obvious to a newbie, as we all are at some point.  Cheers!
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6690464 tn?1383787370
Thank you so much for the instructions about emailing a person privately.  It might have taken me quite a while to figure that out!  
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"Crushing the garlic clove releases allicin and makes its active ingredients more available, but cooking fresh garlic causes them to be partially destroyed. On the other hand, garlic is still a good source of flavonoids, selenium, and other sulfur compounds which aren't destroyed by the cooking process."

"It's primarily the anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties found in allicin that are lost when garlic is cooked. The anti-cancer and heart healthy properties are preserved even after cooking garlic since these benefits come from sulfur compounds other than allicin."

More science-y articles state this:

"The main phytochemicals in garlic are alliin, methiin and S-allylcysteine. When garlic is damaged or crushed the sulphur components are transformed in different organosulfur compounds. Enzymes in garlic will convert alliin into allicin, which has antimicrobial action. Allicin is not very stable, so it will have no biological effect when ingested by humans. Even when large quantities are consumed no allicin is detectable either in the serum or urine.

S-allylcysteine on the other hand is bioavailable and has the ability to lower cholesterol, act as an antioxidant, inhibit the cancer process and protect the liver from toxins. S-allylcysteine is present in aged garlic extract and has been well researched. The safety of aged garlic extract has been confirmed by many studies."


As with all health claims there's many conflicting and confusing opinions. I've heard of some Lyme people who swallow the raw garlic whole (eek) in order to keep all the anti-bacterial qualities intact. But alliin/allicin isn't stable in the body, so some researchers believe.

Freeze dried garlic capsules had their 15 minutes of fame years back---- but your body still exuded a rather pungent odor!
But I'll keep eating garlic---- raw and chopped in salsa or cooked in other dishes. Something that tastes that good has to be good!  To heck with the phytochemicals.:)

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Try saute-ing the peeled and chopped garlic in extra virgin olive oil, then eat it with something bland like boiled or mashed potatoes or bread.

Garlic is known to be good at killing bacteria, but whether it can penetrate the biofilms that Lyme bacteria hide inside is another question.

Garlic smell will continue to seep through your pores for a day or two after you eat it.  It's not just in your digestive tract.  Try muching on a small bit of washed, raw parsley after the garlic.  That can help take the smell away.

Also, cooked garlic is not as harsh on the digestive system as in the raw state.

Overall, drugs are chemicals, and foods are chemicals, so it's a matter of which chemicals particular bacteria are susceptible to.  

When dealing with a disease as awful as Lyme, however, I would still do the antibiotics, provided the doc is wise enough to understand the biofilm aspect that requires a 'cyst-busting' drug like Flagyl/metronidazole.
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I haven't felt worse on the antibiotic because of the Lyme.  I've felt worse on it because of the antibiotic! lol. I had one night of diarrhea which may or may not have been a herx. I felt worse because it's given me diarrhea, nauseas, blood in my stool, and feeling like I'm going to vomit every second.  Every time I talk to my LLMD ,they assure me that the antibiotic didn't cause any of this. Yeah right! As I posted before, my symptoms go away while chewing so I just chew gum every second that I'm awake.

Although I do have to add... I've read a lot about garlic and Lyme. Yesterday I ate a garlic clove and although that REALLY killed my stomach... I've had no sign of any Lyme symptoms today. Although I think I herxed because I spent all night and this morning with upset stomach and chills. However, don't think I can keep it up because eating the raw garlic was THE worst thing I've ever done in my life. lol Plus I STILL smell like it after a bath and shower. And multiple times brushing my teeth.
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My personal belief that curing Lyme via herbs is as fruitless as curing syphilis with herbs. But I won't deny that it's each person's prerogative to treat the way they feel is best.

Monastery of Herbs, mentioned here by others, has it's followers. For people with faith I'm sure this, taken from the web site, will be comforting:

"Blessings and prayers are done over the herbal blends continuously and special "vibrational imprinting" is spiritually performed daily."


For treatments this is offered:

"2. How do I know what herbals to take?
You will need to be tested. "Neuro kinesiology" testing may by done over the phone in most cases"


Syphilis has it's own herbal treatment followers. Just google it and see.  Since I don't know anyone with syphilis I haven't read at their forums.
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Please let us know how you do with the treatments you are pursuing.

Note that feeling temporarily worse while taking antibiotics for Lyme is often a 'Herxheimer reaction', meaning feeling worse because of the release into your body of the dying bacteria.  Unlike many infections (like an earache, for example) that only improve with antibiotics, Lyme often causes a 'die-off' reaction that will fade as your body clears out the now dead bacteria.  It does not mean the antibiotics are NOT working; it means they are.  

Lyme disease is similar to syphilis (in that both are caused by spiral-shaped bacteria), and I have never read of syphilis being cured with herbal meds.  
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Can you private message me the name of the chiro  you are going to who thinks he can help? I am also from PA, about 1 1/2 hours from Philly, go there all the time and I'm really interested in the holistic approach to this thing. I've been on antibiotics for a month now and really feel no different (although I do no this is a short period of time).  My body has never seen anything stronger than Tylenol so I really want to get off these antibiotics...not only do I feel like garbage because of the Lyme but the antibiotic makes me nauseas all the time.  
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No worries!  There are many different points of view here.

To send a private message (sometimes abbreviated to "PM" here), hover your mouse/pointer over the name of the person you want to send to, and a box will pop up.  The box has several options, and if you click "send a message", it will open up another box to address the message to the right person, and then you can put your message down below.  

Be sure to write down or memorize the screen name of the person you want send the PM to, because there's no auto-fill in the 'To' box, I think to stop or slow down spamming by 'bots (automated spam senders).  If you forget the name before you get it typed in, just close the message box, come back to this main page to get the name of the person, and then go through the same process above.  It's a little strange, but once you've done it a few times, it will be easier.

Best wishes to you -- let us know how the herbs work out, ok?
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6690464 tn?1383787370
I'm new to this forum and I don't quite understand how it all works yet.  I thought my previous post was going to be a private one to blamom.  I didn't mean to offend anyone by my comment about antibiotics. I know they are enormously helpful for many people and we are all different and we need to do what we each feel is right for ourselves. And my two months on the antibiotics was very helpful.  I'm just trying a different route now and hopeful it will help.  
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6690464 tn?1383787370
Hi again,
I'm finding more of your posts now that I have joined medhelp. I found your other post about the Monastery of Herbs protocol through a google search. Now I am VERY interested in getting in touch with you and hearing your story. I am so hopeful. The chiropractor that is treating me with these herbs says he has a 100% track record in getting people better, even really sick people. I am amazed at that. But he does a similar kind of testing to what you had, I think, so he can tell I had lyme and also babesia and lepto something i had never heard of.

I was diagnosed last summer, did the two months of antibiotics, and then was referred to this new doctor, who wanted me off the antibiotics. i was thrilled to get off them, as i'm a much more wholistic type of person who has never liked what antibiotics can do to your body.  but i'd love to hear your success story.  so you got another tick bite when you got re-infected?  and got treated the same way and you got better?  

i'm so hoping this will work for me.  I live just outside of Philadelphia. I see you are also from Pennsylvania.  we are living in Lyme central, as they say.  Best wishes, Jan
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Yes, I am hypothyroid. My LLMD does the correct testing for it. Thanks for mentioning that for others to consider as my Lyme brain forgot.
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