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1297538 tn?1278546102

The never ending Herx???

Hey guys,

Just want to see if anyone has experienced similar problems during treatment. I have been doing my alternative treatment for almost 3 weeks now. All of my neurological symptoms have gotten SO much worse. I have been addressing the die off issue. I take lymph drainage homeopathics, use an FAR Infared Sauna every other day, drink lemon water etc. I have also been taking Lunesta every night as it is the ONLY thing that seems to get me some sleep. BUT the past two nights it just seems to have quit working. I'm thinking my herxing is just getting really bad and its causing me to have even worse sleep. BTW I am curious if anyone has heard anything about the moon phases and worsening lyme? I know on the 27th we had a full moon and that is when it seemed to really get bad.

The past two days I have been more physically and emotionally fatigued than I have ever been and I just don't know how much more I can take. I was about to go to the ER today because my panic attacks are getting SO unbearable and I am so incredibly exhausted. One other really disturbing thing that has gotten worse too is my vision. I feel like everything is dim all of the time. Its like my vision is becoming boxed in and everything seems unreal. It's hard to explain but It feels like I'm going to go blind!

I'm just hoping I've hit rock bottom in my herxing as I just don't think I can endure much more of this. I am fortunate to not have severe pain issues but the neurological and brain issues are debilitating none the less. Does anyone know how long this herxing can go on?

Thank You!
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Hang in there buddy. I am the same way. Listen to your body, and if you can't handle it, lower your dosage a little if possible. I wouldn't up the dose until your body can handle where you are at. You may have to rotate herbs eventually for resistance reasons.

It sounds like you have Bartonella. The anxiety and panic attacks can be nasty. I've been in the ER when I wasn't listening to my body on pharmaceuticals with attacks where my heart rate was about 200 bpm.

Lyme usually starts to flare around the a few days before the full moon for me. Bart flares about every 5-7 days, but in my case, it feels constant.

I haven't tried the Pekana drainage kit (heard it's good). I find that I grab for the activated charcoal most of the time. Sometimes I can't do anything but wait (and yes, the waiting can be several weeks till things calm a little).

Perhaps you have the real intracellular bart, and herbs are attacking your bart as well. For whatever reason, it doesn't require as much herbs/drugs (compared to most people who post) for me to feel a bart die off. I just haven't completely made it through one since it was too emotionally and physically scary for me.

Next time you have labwork done, if your bilirubin is elevated (not necessarily above normal), and your RDW (red blood cell size) is small and out of range or barely in range, whatever you are taking is probably constant killing intracellular pathogens (pathogens inside your red blood cells). This and the toxins from gram negative bacteria is probably what makes me have the constant herxing feeling, but we are all different. My liver/spleen has to constantly dump old red blood cells, and create new, healthy ones. My constant herx is getting better after a couple months of a natural protocol. I've stopped it for a bit when things were getting out of control, and I do feel better when I am not taking antimicrobials.
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428506 tn?1296557399
Earlier in treatment I would have Herxing that would not stop until I had both stopped medication and had allowed time (a couple of weeks) for it to clear out.  I pretty much spent most of '09 feeling awful much of the time from Herxing or recovering from it!  

Keep in touch with your LLMD about if/when to back down on treatment.  I'm not medically trained, but it has been my experience that I had to endure some of the nasty Herxing to get past the worst of my illness.  However, there is only so much one can take, and as you note this process is both physically and mentally exhausting.  I learned my limits as I went along, and at times did need to stop/pause treatment and/or reduce doses.  

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And for your panic attacks, kava worked best for me until I had a CNS ADR from a drug and got hooked on benzos. Benzodiazepines initially work great for full blown panic, and is probably the most potent psychiatric drug for panic symptoms.

Something like Corydalis may work good for anxiety/panic and insomnia, but I haven't tried it yet. You can't get it from a health food store as far as I know.
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And about your vision.... My visual contrast is not good during a big die off. I can walk from outside to inside and see nothing.

I am not sure if this is what your talking about. It sounds like you may be experiencing a little depersonalization/derealization type symptoms as well.
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These are all legitimate concerns -- I'd suggest you call your MD in the morning, or even this evening if you think things are going south.  If you can't reach him or his service, then the ER may be something you would want to do.  No one on this site is medically trained that I know of, so you can't rely on us for advice at that level -- sorry!

You don't mention rife, but I seem to recall that you have been using it.  I've been doing some reading on rife, and it sounds like the herxing can be substantial.  You may be hitting it kind of hard and perhaps need to dial it back a bit, but that's where you need to talk to your MD.

I have read recently that Spring and Fall can cause an increase in symptoms, and I have experienced that recently -- either that or a coincidence.  I had a quiet winter, then >boom<.

Also you might ask your LLMD if you should see an ophthalmologist for an eye exam.  There are things an ophthalmologist can see that an MD without special equipment can't, as I understand it.  I too have vision issues from time to time, and it can be alarming.  

Don't be a hero -- call the MD if you have any doubt.  Let us know what he says and how you do, okay?
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