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I keep reading about detoxing yourself to get rid of the toxins. That's a great idea but what do I use for it?

Is this referring to a herx?

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day so far.

I am having a crappy day as I'm PMSing and so the symptoms decided to chime in as well. I have to say men have it a little easier than women do. :)
4 Responses
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666921 tn?1254990618
On the 'interesting' subject of constipation!! - I have noticed [as wonko mentioned] - that if I become constipated - my 'flares' seem to last untill I get everything moving again - I have read - whilst researching 'herx.' - that a good 'bowel movement' - helps relieve the 'herx.' symptoms.

During - what I feel - was a 'herx' - my body definately - working-on ridding itself of something - I had fluid constantly draining down my throat - I have never had any sinus probs. - I couldn't stop crying!!! - I believe that too was away 'out' for something - I had one bout of diarrehea [like no other!!!] - very 'smelly' urine [constant need to empty bladder] - lots of sweats - and I felt absolutely drained and fatigued - I couldn't get out of bed [other than for the obvious!!] - for about four days - I finally dragged myself into a warm bath [with epsom salts added] - I felt soooo much better getting out of that bath.
I had only been drinking water and small amounts of tea for those four days. Forgot to mention I had 'all-over' itching during this time.

Following this episode I felt the best [almost normal] I had felt for 2 + years.  I had almost no pain!! - tons of energy - and a big grin on my face!!  Even my bowels were working well!! - I was used to IBS. type symptoms.

I am not suggesting anyone should 'starve' themselves - but I do wonder if maybe detoxing by only drinking water for a few days - might have been what got everything 'moving -out' of me.?

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428506 tn?1296557399
I need to talk out of both sides of my mouth on this issue:

One side of me finds terms like "detoxing" and "toxins" suspiciously vague.  They seem convenient in their broad and non-specific definitions for the purposes of those selling snake oils and magic "cures."  There are plenty of products for cleansing and detoxing, and I am wary of most.

On the other side, it has been my experience that during treatment, a flow of "bad stuff" has been trying to escape from my body.  I've had tons of weird acne-like breakouts, as well as larger puss-filled pocks, some of impressive size!  I've had a dark oily substance come out of my ears, thick flaky skin patches, and thick, oily sweats.  Charming, eh?

In addition, I had prolonged constipation in the spring, probably from meds.  That era correlates with my period of worst symptoms ever.  When things got moving again, I felt much more than just relief, I also experienced an improvement in most of my symptoms.

So it does make sense to me to try and help this exodus.

In general, I try to avoid processed foods and eat a high fiber diet with a good variety of fruits/veggies.  I only drink water, tea, and sparing amounts of coffee.  I take store-brand probiotics, nothing too fancy, and sometimes eat plain yogurt.  When I "cheat," it's usually in the form of ice cream or frech fries.  I'm only human!

I'm also a fan of Epsom salt baths.  I'm not sure how effective they are, but it's at least soothing and both inexpensive and low-risk.
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1029507 tn?1287714315
hey their lady we don't have it that much better.................lol i have to put up with my pain and my wife's pain and her pms.lol
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237053 tn?1258828426
Epson salt baths are good for detoxing and also drinking fresh lemon water.  Also I think taking milk thistle helps with detoxing.  

My symptoms get worse around that time of the month too.  

Hope you feel better.
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