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exercise make it worse?

I do cardio everyday for 30 minutes. My face and head hurt so much worse both immediately and hours after I exercise. Does exercise make lyme symptoms worse?
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In my case exercise does make me feel worse, but also no exercise is just as bad. My LLMD told me to only do moderate swimming and walking exercises for now.
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666921 tn?1254990618
... I intended to say - I walk 30 to 60 mins most days with the extra long walks twice a week.
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666921 tn?1254990618
I find a 30 to 60 min. walk good at keeping my muscles/tendons from hurting - I do a 2.5 hour walk once a week - it works for me!

When I say walk I don't mean a trudgre around the block - I try to get out into the clean/fresh air - away from traffic fumes - I do up and down hill walking - sometimes when I start out I feel I am in too much pain to get far but once I 'get going' the pain eases and often has completely gone by the time I am on my way home.

I think walking is a good place to start for folks who are feeling well enough to start excersise - I find aerobic type excersise can make my neck/shoulders/head more painful.

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Here is a really really good site to help anyone who's searching for some answers with getting moving who has Lyme. It's a really slow slow process and everyone is different but the idea is to continue surging forward even when you dont want to...

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666921 tn?1254990618
I haven't been diagnosed with lyme but get terrible head aches and neck pain,  EPSOM SALTS in a hot bath  [about a teacup full]  really helps me - it's cheap too!!   It is basically magnesium.  I only walk for excersise, anything else is too painful - afterwards .  For some reason I remember my grandma always going-on about how good Epsom salts are.  I can't remember why she used it though!!!
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Yes, the weakness will go away with treatment.  Don't give up.
To everyone:  Because Lyme also afflicts the heart, please check with your Lyme dr about your exercise regimen to be sure you are not overdoing it.  I personally walk, and that's about it, along with hot showers.
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