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itchy crawly

while searching i found a lyme thread from 2006 on another site ( Thank you people for posting so others can research years later!)

to answer my question about feeling itchy, like i am being bit my a mosquito or a flea and there is nothing there.

woke up this morning and lazyed around, ( my way of saying i was too tired and in pain to get up! sounds like a princess instead of being disabled!)

and itch was just a bit bothersome, and figured i would change the sheets, clean etc because our cat has fleas..

went to town and it was getting worse and i was in my car and no bugs on me.

not the fleas..it's me!

i showered and put on lotion.

what the heck?

could be due to anxiety, the spirochetes,

no rash, anoying to keep swating and looking for something that is not  there ...it is driving me nuts...

then on the menopause board they wee saying that it happens to them...one woman for years! IDK

i am going to take my vitamins now....

said mag and b12 helps.
4 Responses
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1763947 tn?1334055319
I had similar itching and sometimes still do. The only thing that helped me is Benadryl. I am also doing the menopause thing so who knows but I have Bart's which causes strange itching and rashes so maybe try the Benadryl and see if you get any relief.
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I have heard of the itching as a symptom of Lyme and menopause.  I believe the occasional MS patient feels it, too. Don't you just love it when your sensory system is lying to you!  I haven't had the itching, but I have had excessive goosebumps with a temperature change.

If your cat has fleas, you might ask your doctor for a test for toxoplasmosis. It is believed that a lot of people carry it without symptoms, but then when the immune system is suppressed, as with Lyme, then it can reproduce enough to make you sick, esp. neuropsychiatric symptoms.  An antiparasitic usually knocks it back down.
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I have had periods of this itching and it drove me simply bananas.
My doc reckoned it was more likely bartonella than lyme causing it.
I have also read that it's one of the less well known symptoms of hypothyroid - a feeling like ants are crawling about on you.
Since I've been taking thyroid meds, I haven't had it any more. But I am also on treatment for bart.... so I still don't know what it was. But it may be worth getting your thyroid testes, or asking your doc about specific treatment for bart.
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thanks, the itching went away.. so odd, like there is  a fly on you and you look down and nothing is there..

i do carry AB for toxo and asked my Doc about it and he said not to worry. i am not so sure sometimes...
. my thyroid was checked over a year ago, perhaps i should ask to run them again.

.i am pretty sure it is barts but wont know until my igenx test comes back.

i have only a few days of antibiotics and need to call and see if i should be getting a refill as my igenx tests will not be back for a while.

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