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Shrinking Penis

I have posted here before, but I feel that I must be persistent.  I am 29 years old, and have been impotent for about 2 years now.  2 years ago, I was absolutely fine.  I could have sex as many times as I wanted to.  3 times a night would be no problem.  I woke up with erections, and if I didn't have sex I would masturbate in the morning and before I went to bed.  

It is a different story now however.  No morning wood.  No libido.  If I am able to get an erection it doesn't last long.  Visual stimuli has no effect, I have to use my hand and that doesn't work very well.  When flacid, my penis is smaller now.  The skin feels different--less sensitive.  I see veins where I couldn't see any before.  When I walk around, it feels like I don't even have a penis anymore.  It feels like nothing is there.  As a result of this I have lost my girlfriend, my confidence in life, and I think I am losing my mind.  Oral drugs don't help.  

I've been to urologists at an ivy leage teaching hospital. He basically said 'that's life' and showed me penis pumps.  I really don't know why I am typing this message, as I don't think there is anything anyone can really do.  I am beyond the point of losing hope.  I quite honestly do not want to live like this anymore.  

My only questions are:
a.  Why & how did this happen?
b.  Is there any way to fix it?

If you know a doctor, please forward this to him/her because I really need help.  Thank you.
378 Responses
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I totally get where your coming from,im 34 and i have it at the moment,my penis feels so small and my sex drive is zero, i go through stages of having a high sex drive and every now and then i feel nothing!! I have had this for years, when my sex drive is high i cant get enough but at the moment my penis feels dead, i try and masturbate but nothing is there, any help is appreciated here
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Please do some research online about homeopathy. Learn what it is and how it works. Then go to see a COMPETENT homeopath. They must be COMPETENT as if they are not, they will do you  no good. Do not listen to anyone who says that it does not work. It works. Consider Arnica as one possibility but it is MANDATORY that a complete case be taken in order to prescribe correctly.

Also learn about reflexology. Please do not dismiss what I am telling you. You have here all that you will need to help your son.
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Its not all doom and gloom!!

I had a similar problem to what most have mentioned. My penis would remain small with hardly any sensation. I could get it 'up' but it would go straight back down. My scrotum would also shrink and it became a stressful issue. I went to my doctor many times and was prescribed antibiotics but this did not help at all. I then decided to go to my local vitamin shop (Holland & Barrett) and asked them what vitamins would help with repairing tissue damage and also help blood circulation. (I would get a pain in the base of my penis and it felt like the blood would not flow fully). I was advised to take Magnesium 250g tablets to help with blood flow and Super Fish Oil tablets for muscle and tissue repair. I was not optimistic but was just ready to try anything really. After the first day and night I woke up and felt a difference. I remained quietly confident and continued to take them, It has been 6 days now and I am 90% cured!

I hope this helps :)
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there is some kind a bug in penis and its multiplying day by day and it is very painful so far it has shrink to more then half the size it was please need help I have been drinking Vermox its treatment for threadworm but its not killing all of it
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Being 44 years old I noticed also that my genital shrink to almost half sometimes. I will massage it for few minutes and it size will come back to normal. I don't have a magic solution but try these as I notice it temporary restore penis size. Lose a lot of weight .I lost 140 pound and I noticed it size became normal. Stop masturbating and you will see your average size restored . For penis massage look at okaydickcom. I do not promise your **** will get bigger but massage will restore to its original size at least temporary. There are some supplements that boost testosterone naturally like fenugreek . helping restoring your testosterone will help restore your original size.Also lifting heavy weights ( bodybuilding help increase testosterone). If you are desperate like me try partial fasting every day (only eat one meal a day : there was a research paper that says it naturally raise testosterone in the body , which will translate into helping restore your penis size. Again I do not have a magic pill but theses are pointers. I am in the same baot as you.
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Being 44 years old I noticed also that my genital shrink to almost half sometimes. I will massage it for few minutes and it size will come back to normal. I don't have a magic solution but try these as I notice it temporary restore penis size. Lose a lot of weight .I lost 140 pound and I noticed it size became normal. Stop masturbating and you will see your average size restored . For penis massage look at okaydickcom. I do not promise your **** will get bigger but massage will restore to its original size at least temporary. There are some supplements that boost testosterone naturally like fenugreek . helping restoring your testosterone will help restore your original size.Also lifting heavy weights ( bodybuilding help increase testosterone). If you are desperate like me try partial fasting every day (only eat one meal a day : there was a research paper that says it naturally raise testosterone in the body , which will translate into helping restore your penis size. Again I do not have a magic pill but theses are pointers. I am in the same baot as you.
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139792 tn?1498585650
Try this technique. Google agnisar kriya . This is a yoga exercise. Learn it and do it about 30 times.This is a stomach exercise. Study it properly. I thin you will get the results in a month time. continue doing this exercise.Uddian bandh is a part of this exercise. you will have to learn Uddian bandh first and then agnisar kriya.You will not find your problem(retraction of penis) in the list of benefit in the website. This is done by me personally and I was successful. If you learn all postures for groin area you may have better sexual life. Go for kundalini yoga. The above exercises belong to this group. All website will have enough details enable you to learn and practice.
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Well i have been having a lot of the same problems, i woke up and my penis shrunk ~3 inchs. I used to have rock hard erections that grew 4 inchs. but not i cant even get an erection. I am so confused and scared. I am 17 years old and had a 8.5 inch penis now its just 1.5, thats a big change. I went out last night but i didnt drink any, but last week i did. i doubt that is the cause, but i need help and answers. PLEASE!!!!
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8 years later- would love to here from you!
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I'm 29, never had issues until recently. Erection was always super hard, obtained at will from the slightest stimulation. Length 6+ Inches. I then started noticing excessive pre-***. That worried me because I wasn't as strong after the clear pre *** so I bought a few natural remedies like celery juice and a couple other things. Then one day while I was jerking off something snapped and erection subsided. I finished off but became alarmed, and, as it turns out, for a reason.. My doodle is now 5+ inches when erect, is more brown than before and it's harder to sustain an erection and to finish. Libido also seems to have gone down. Morning wood is now more like morning jelly, if it's there at all that is! This is very alarming!
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Yes your body fat is burying your penis, lose weight or else suffer even worse things to come.
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11477704 tn?1418586947
my wife stopped having sex with u about six years ago and i thought that would change but it never did and I've always been faithful to her and i used to be six inches and after all this time I've lost half of that now i have three inches do u have any advice i can give me cuz now that we don't live together for a little more then a year i'm worried about getting together with another woman i just don't want to be discouraged cuz of my
size cuz i no it's small and i have no i idea how my penis has gotten so small i even stopped masturbating cuz there's no enjoyment im jut looking for some advice if u have any thank u .  
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Stop watching porn.... PERIOD, you've been doing it too much, thats why nothing visual stimulates it anymore, take a break from and sexual activites for 3 months, do nothing, no stimulating your **** or looking at sexual images/videos, after 90 days of non stop of that, get a girlfriend and she will make you harder than wood
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Guys, i totally understand u. Got pretty the same, but not with penis, with my nuts.
Chronic pain for nearly a year now, cant sit still sometimes cause it hurts so bad. My venes come more and more through on testicles.
They are now maybe half size they used to be.
This **** is killing me guys, i am ****** down like i never was....
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Did you people ever use accutane in your life time?
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I have experienced the same here, did u find any solution if so please send to my email id at "***@****" .  when i physically strain my body I too get same experience. please don't forget send msg on that problem.
and one more thing , that i had thyroid problem.
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After research for another problem, Doctors told me I had a pituitary gland Tumor. Long story short, i take Cabergoline. It definetly is working because now i think about sex often and my shrinking penis is growing back to its original size, I **** you not! The day after i take Cabergoline my testicles seem a little sore but i find it amusing cuz i know it is working. Cabergoline is reducing my Prolactin levels which started out at 1700 and rapidly dropped to 30 the Doc says with increasing Testosterone.
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hey guys have you read this one : http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Mens-Health/Shrinking-Penis-Recovery/show/1619995

I'm pretty sure this is the cause but it's just damn hard to find  a PT who specialises in both pelvic region and trigger points. I called one but she said she doesn't do both together as she only does dry needling.
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Just to share what i've been told. I'm the italian student with erection problems. They told me that my morning wood absence doesn't indicate a particular disease therefore is normal and i have to keep living with that. Moreover they said that it could be linked with masturbation and the wrong excitement with porn. So if I didnt explain well what i wanted to say at least i think this would be more useful: porn doesn't help. You only lose your sexual desire.
So now i'm going to try to think less at my disease and stop watching any kinda porn, and see if something changes.
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I have a son that had a bicycle accident when he was 10 years old which crushed one of his testicles. He is now 22 and his penis is the same size as when he was 10. This problem has ruined his life and is now unable to function as a normal person. He has been filled with so much rage that he has become a living time bomb ready to explode at any time. Is there any help out there for my son? Is it possible for his penis to become a normal size? Would a penis extender be able to help?
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I've read this post, I'm an italian student and I'm having your same problem in my life. I'm sorry for my bad english, but i hope you can understand it anyway. I've tried searching on italian forums and i visited a doc twice but my limitation is that i'm 16. This is bringing me lots of problems in relationship with girls and  friends. It began one day, I was sleeping at my girlfriend's home, and the following morning i didn't feel my erection as usually. I haven't seen it anymore and I'm t shy to explain the situation to my family. I always think that i can't keep going in this way, but how can i try a solution for this problem. I have the varicocele at the sx testicle ( It's the only thing i was able to ask to the doctor) . During the doctor visit I also tried to ask about erectile disfunction hiding that with the varicocele problem.
Is anyone in the same situation or know someone who is having this problem.
Meanwhile ill try to be positive... but they are two years that i keep going like this...
I also thought that it could be linked with my mind, my anxies and a complex of mine, but I don't trust in this because i can't see any relation with the absence of morning erections.
Do you think it could be caused by some mental complex or as me you think it couldn't be this one the explanation?
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hey guys im sure the reason has to do with some sexual behavior my porn addiction was pretending to do missionary position for three years straight once a day everyday even though not twice missionary is more addictive then jerking off ive stoped for 1 year three or four months and jerked off no more then 6 or 7 times total its dedication you need to fill those sperms up and I feel sperms coming or producing more in my testicles I jerk  off and only last maybe 4 0r 5 seconds or less originally lasted 60 minutes when fully hard it could take years to get better just fill in those sperms and be dedicated strong as **** be positive hope that helps
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Hi, I basically got some of the similar symptoms I read above.
1. First thing I noticed was a sense of loosing interest in sex or indifference.
2. Then a loose erection and low to watery ejaculation.
3. A burning sensation at the tip of penis(inside) and quickly became  
   unbearable. I went to the Emergency and was given anti-biotic which he
   said was a bacteria and it felt much better.
4. Currently, my penis and the skin on the penis has shrink. Penis generally feels soft than normal and feels like muscle stuff is loose. There is a stinging or irritating feeling for most of the day. Warmth on the right side of the testicle. I see vain on the lower side of penis and tends to get erection in the morning but get scared to get it erect all the way as stinging feeling is not gone completely. This hole process happened in one month as I listed it in order. I have anxiety and feel very scared. Plz, any suggestion what this could be and how to go about it.... Thanks a lot for any help
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My boyfriend who is only 22 has this problem. I love him but I've been worried it was health related. He does have the excess tummy fat, retracting ****, and he also doesn't precum. I recently found out that his **** has been retracting since he was a kid and I was worried until he later told me that he had a wicked sister who use to kick him down their often, like every week often, now I am thinking because of your post it is probably low testosterone and maby too much esteregin. Is that correct? I love him so much, and it does get frustrating at times, but I worry more about his health and the possibility of us having kids one day.
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