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Too much porn/masturbation cause ED?

Hi I m a 28 year old and suffer some degree of ED in recent. I start masturbated since I m 19 and usually use porn as a form of visual stimiulation. I have observed that I have lost the ability to maintain erect during intercource or I only get weak erection. My question is: does masturbation in association with porn will "exhaust" my interest towards sex and create a negative impact on my ability to get aroused in real sex? I m worried cause I think I m still young to have physical cause  for ED. Any thought?
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1923088 tn?1338600006
Hey there!!!!

In our current society and state of technology its even more difficult to avoid porn because it is accessible everywhere!!!  
Even watching television can be a toss random trigger your way.  I've seen women making out on reality shows which in some cases can be like lighting stick of dynamite.  
Kicking porn/mb should help reduce the impact of your medical conditions causing ED.  

Keep up the fight!!!
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Did stopping P and M cure your ED?

Currently struggling.
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I don't know yet, I've not managed to stop, I keep thinking "once more won't hurt" so I'm still where I was last month! :(
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Hey guys.

Please forgive my poor English and manner of writing.

It's been a while and this thread has been quite. Last post was July 26. I hope guys still come here to view and reset counters.

I have been trying to stop masturbating to porn for some times now, but the longest I have gone was 5 weeks. But, whenever I relapse, I reset my counter and try again. This method have helped me to reduce my exposure and remind me that it is a struggle and I have to keep fighting.

I have had a girlfriend for about a year now. My erection was terrible when we met, but she was understanding. Sometimes, I use performance enhancement drugs (L'arginine and L'citrilline has been helpful too, although I try not be over reliant on them) and always remind her that I will get better even if I don't know when. I have been keeping fit, improved my diet, sleep well.

Recently, I mistaking stumble on a pegym forum when I was doing some research on L'arginine vs L'citrilline, I decide to look deeper into the forum and I discovered some amazing tips (be careful when you look around the forum).
After I did some readings, I decided to experiment with one of the PE exercises (kegeling), although I have read about it some years back, but I was not interested because I thought it is not relevant to my ed problem (my regret), I was dead wrong!.

Just 3 days of doing the kegel excercise, I noticed a significant improvement that I could not have imagined. It does not only improves your erection quality, but it also helped with premature ejaculation.
Due to the benefit of kegel, I decided to try other PE exercises. Although I was a bit skeptical about trying out others because of the caveat that was included, but I eventually included basic stretching and jelqing. I was like, wow! After just one week, It feels like I was on performance drugs.

I can't say that I'm 100% recovered, but the improvement has been massive and unexpected. I have never had this sort of confidence for decades, expect when I'm on one of those drugs. My erection quality has improved. I can stay far more longer and I can feel blood freely flowing to my penis. Let me also add that, you can experience size increase, if you're diligent and dedicated for over a long period.

Finally, sex last night with my girlfriends was awesome. Awesome without using any drug. Is that not an amazing feelings?

Understand that, I don't know if this will work for everyone, but it's not a bad idea to try it out.

I hope this will be helpful and not just long and boring
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Well abstaining is harder than I thought...I lasted 48 hours.

I was doing ok, managing to change my train of thought whenever I felt myself pulled toward fantasizing or looking up some porn. But then I heard from an old lady friend (actually the mother of someone who was in my year at school, who could resist?!) who I used to have some fun with about 7 years ago. The conversation turned to old times and before I knew it I found myself looking at the pics she sent me in the past and I just couldn't stop myself.

I guess I might have more of a problem with self control than I thought. At least I didn't break a big streak, I can start again, and hopefully be more successful now that I have gotten that out of my system.
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Hey Choking_Chicken,

You might want to try support groups as well. This is a difficult battle to face alone.

There are several groups like Sexaholics Anonymous who have helped men with their addiction.

They would be a great group and resource to get in contact with. There should be one in your local town or city.
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Wow, I am so glad I found this thread... If only I had found it years ago! Thanks to everyone for sharing your story and experience. I in turn will share mine...

I'm 27 years old. I haven't had a proper girlfriend in about 4 years. The last one, we were at it like rabbits and after dating for a while I was having to fantasize during to make it exciting and keep going/reach climax. I stopped being able to maintain erections and this caused me a lot of embarrassment, frustration and anxiety.

I put it down to being overweight, or depression which started due to some other triggers in my life. I have since overcome the depression and am pretty happy with life, but the problem remains and is one area of life I'm obviously not happy with. I also strongly believed it was psychological and caused by performance anxiety; "I'm worried it will happen or expecting it will happen, so it happens."

In the 4 years since the relationship ended I maintained the frequency of release by pmo, normally once or sometimes twice a day. I would occasionally go a day or two without, but it was something that I just generally did, even if I wasn't in the mood I would stick on some porn and get in the mood. I would infrequently get morning wood, but never got random erections, and would generally only get and stay hard by my own hand, and go soft again as soon as I had ejaculated.

I've had a handful of experiences with girls during this time, and sadly only 1 of them went without any problems. A girl I've got with a few times doesn't seem to mind and is good at helping, but it doesn't stop the frustration and embarrassment. The anxiety and fear of knowing I will fail to perform stops me from even trying with girls anymore.

Last night I found this page, read a bunch of posts, and instantly deleted my list of links to re-watchable videos. (Normally I needed fresh material each time, and was needing more unusual categories, but there were a few I found which I felt I would go back to.)

Just knowing what the problem is is such a relief and so empowering to know I can fix what has been broken for so long. I feel that with knowing this and my determination to get over the problem, I shouldn't have any problem abstaining. (We'll see if I'm still saying that next week!)

I think part of it was also in my head, and feeling the relief and confidence for the future already seems to have had a positive effect as I got a random erection earlier this evening which persisted for a good few minutes without any stimulation!

I'm looking forward to the journey and getting back to normal. Thank you all, and good luck to all in the same position!
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I went off porn for a couple of weeks but then on and off in the last month.
I get morning erections and I can have an erection easily without watching porn.

I am even hard with my GF when we start fooling around.  But as soon as it starts with actual intercourse I lose the erection!

I am REALLY getting frustrated and I am guessing this is causing more anxiety for the next time as well...

What can it be???
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hi i slipped, again. i dint realize that this site tribe.net had pictures(aka pornographic imagry) and i went to this instead of video site. After scrolling and clicking i jumped into an area of the site where no one should even go(illegal imagry,hint). This made me so disgusted i left, its a wake up call i need stop this porn/masturbation. Its porn addiction that makes you want to escalate that will et you in trouble. AND still have solved my erection problems. this site has been reported by thier were little action against it.
havnt solved my ed troubles
I never went into as deep as that illegal images, but theres is alot of insinuations, in the comments and pictures. and i found out that the site does house illegal pictures.
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yes it will.  The stimulation you now seek is porn. we dont obviously make love this way. and the women are gorgeous and the men are long, whatever So subcontiously you try to relate to sex in this way. Its all in ur head. Stop with the porn and FEEL with ur Heart. Its a mindset.....
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Yeah so I have this same issue. I'm 17 but the thing is I'm physically active everyday. I'm healthy and in shape, I drink lots of water everyday and I eat really good. I did use to watch porn everyday and I masturbated at least 2 times a day. Its been 2 weeks without watching porn. Just the other day I was gonna have intercorse with this girl and I had the same problem, I couldn't get up . When I finally did get up it was kinda of a weak erection, I was dissapointed because I'm pretty big and I'm capable beating the p up . What should I do ?
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2022414 tn?1329662448
I'm 30 days in already. No notable changes. No morning wood. No spontaneous erection. I noticed getting moody and a lacking sleep a lot. I don't feel the urge of watching P or M. I think I'm in the flatline since I started. I have less problems getting an erection when touching, but no major changes.

I O 4 times. 3 times with my girlfriend and 1 time "with" her doing stuff on Skype (long distance *****). No vaginal sex for now, so I can't say if my ED is cured. Erections are stronger than before, but they don't last long. I also don't get hard easily from kissing or cuddling.

Only 30 days in. Let's do another 30.
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One day at at time.  Being moody and lacking sleep is part of the withdrawal process.  Fight the urge to "test" your penis.  Stay away from porn and you will see a big difference.
Nice to see you here.

2 months have passed since the reset. I am able to have normal sex and I get an erection only from touching or making out, sometimes even by thought.

No morning wood or random erections. I viewed P twice and M like 5 times (including fooling around with my girflriend)

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I have the same problem like "over and over", im 18, i masturbated with a technique called edging, when i was about to reach the orgasm i stopped, and now i cant get a full erection or last longer.
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18!!!! Whew I barely remember those days but they were great I'm sure.

The good news is that if you stop edging and stop all contact with porn (visual, mental, audio, reading, fantasy etc.) you will get better.   You are the solution to your problem.  
We are STRONGER than porn.
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I havnt been on here a while as well, as im fighting contact dermatitis(which is chronic and affect my skin, which inlcudes penis, it becomes itchy and causes me to scratch it. i must admit staying away porn was harder than one believes, it makes sense if one is exposed to it for years.

I also believe. now my neuropathy, through my own research, no useless doctor, is caused by spinal issues(disc herniations, scoliosis, disk bulging, stenosis,,,etc) and at 28 right now. as you know neuropathy affects sensations, and that is a big problem if you have porn-ed as well.
i also am amazed that its been 1.5 years(starting on here in june14 since i saw this post to ask for help, and still trying to recover from it. I have several months of no-porn, but with mb, from oct14 to around march. but infrequently slid and watched porn. I now know how aggressive porn-mb addiction, on your mobile device, sadly i was using this around fall last year. Even though its very limited, and slow when comparing to computer search, because of its portability it has become addicting. without a sexual partner, tis hard to overcome an addiction,especially if you have NEUROPATHY.
@over and over, your PORN-md seems to be , mild, use your gf to do some manual stimulation, this sets your brain to not use your hands. from what ive been reading right online premature ejactulation, can be mitigated with some techniques.

@pfaith-how old are you, if your around 16, your recovery will be easier, since you havnt done porn-mb for long. by the way erectile dysfunction, means inability to get erection despite stimulation. ED from porn-mb is highly recoverable, but hard to get out of addiction. ED from diseases like PERIPHERAL AND AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY, diabetes, or diseases that affect erections is much harder to overcome and requires doctor visit and testing.

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2022414 tn?1329662448
Been a while since I posted here. Nice to see some familiar faces (GhostDog)

It's been some years with periods where I didn't think about PMO for months and periods when I relapsed even more times-a-day.

Coming from the latter period now. 5 days in.

No morning erections.
During sex I get a semi-erection with condom.
I can't finish if I am not helping myself sometimes.
I get spontaneous erections from time to time.
If I don't have any manual stimulus I can't stay hard for long.

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Welcome back!!!!
I'm here lurking in the shadows.  Its time for you to get it back in gear and let PMO go.
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It's been 5 days since I quit porn and masturbation. What motivated me to do this was an erectile dysfunction incident 6 days ago when I was in the act of making love to a beautiful girl. I have never been more embarrassed in my life.
As soon as I got home I went online looking for the reasons behind my problem, maybe some answers. I came upon this page and I have been reading all of the posts on this thread. I want you to know -any of you who have posted here before me- that I deeply appreciate the sharing of your experiences and understanding about this addiction.
Right now I'm experiencing a great deal of anxiety and edginess. My body misses my 16-year-formed habit. I do feel the 'cold, shrunken penis' other people have talked about.
Yesterday was a little bit more bearable than the other days because I experienced some success at work; which must have given me the dopamine 'hit' I used to get from masturbation. Today though, I'm back to feeling anxious and short of breath. I want a better life than this, I won't relapse; I can't.
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please have been masturbating to porn for about 5 or 4yrs now without knowing d consequences. just saw it as a way to relieve sexual energy. 15th of October 2015 I masturbated to a movie Spartacus after dat day I felt d guilt and decided to stop...  what scares me now is since that day till now have not had morning erections,spontaneous erections, my **** is dead and shrinks .... please help m so scared
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You are going through a flat line period. It will pass, it is important that you do not try to "test" your penis.  I went through it I called the stage Zombie D*!k because that is just what it felt like, completely lifeless.  
You'll be fine & stay strong!!!
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I was reading my old post and realize how much happier I was when I wasn't PMO'ing. I am open to contact for talking via email or instant messaging, send me a private message, for support and encouragement.
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message acknowledged Dan. no prob?

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I have regressed and been on and off the porn/mb loop for weeks.

Currently I feel like I have no energy, I feel like crap, getting sick frequently and taking long to recover. I have lost my focus for work and school, I am actually getting poor grades now, people keep saying I look sad (when I am not actively talking to any one and putting on a conscious smile). I remember when I went 100 days without porn/mb I had so much energy my mind was clear, my thoughts were positive. I felt I was going somewhere in life. Now I feel like I am in a mental cage, with thoughts of giving up, my mind feels clouded, I can hardly concentrate for long periods, I am restless, and I did mention I get sick frequently as if my body is tired and cant fight off common viruses as it used to. make matters worst.. now I find I am searching for smut I wouldn't normally watch, as if what I need to shock me for that boost of dopamine has gotten worst depraved.

It is around last year this time, I discovered the information of porn addiction and ED. I am trying to get back on that winning streak again, so that's my aim now as it relates to this fight. I was feeling really down by myself, I know I should come here for support but I was reluctant. I know I do not want to keep doing this cycle. I need to stop and break free. Why do I keep giving in to the feeling? I have so much access to materials that clearly explain. Am I weak mentally?

Pray for me,
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Jaga, I sent you a private message, please read it. Thanks, Dan.
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Guys i have a problem...recently i stopped masturbation...last time i masturbated it was 3 of october....but yesterday i tried to have sex with my girlfriend...it was terible...when we played everything was fine...but when i wanted to get inside her...i cummed and that happened 3 times...and we want to try again on thursday
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Hi guys,

truly glad I found this forum and find out that I'm not alone. I've been dealing with the bad side of this addiction for a while. Like most of you here I used to get proper erections in my  18's, but for the last five years I've been deep in to the web porn, although I had few girls through that period I noticed that I started having difficulties. The most common scenario is I'm all hard during the foreplay, but once I need get down to business It becomes softer and I cannot go on. It happened at least few times and its becoming really frustrating. The worst thing is that I'm afraid that it will happen again. I
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with the advent of mobile devices, like smartphones and touchscreens, its extremely accessible.
My neuropathy, combined with my dermatitis issue hit my like a ton of bricks last year and this year. And this actually prevents me from joining the "services", now that i have documented medical issues.
I had been searching for since feb several specialist, in my welfare system, and i am convinced these last 2"neurologists" were not interested in my symptoms, but are trying to point like i have a mental problem instead. They blatantly ignored my fingertips "altered sensations,a nd my loss of smell. I dont think i will be offered anymore tests or doctors, because of my mysterious "neuropathy"

NEUROPATHy still affects my penis, by making it itchy to the point of desensitization.
When i started out last year, of porn/mb my dermatitis wasnt severe enough to affect ED. i do finding porn /mb, when stopping it helps with ed.

I also realized that neuorpathy is extremely hard to diagnose( a possible cause), because it can be caused by various diseases, injuries diabetes, also most of them.
Just giving experience from someone who has Peripheraly neuropathy, and ED, porn/mb.
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nice to see you back, its hard when you got porn now readily available, then ever. At first it was computers, now people have it on thier smartphones and touchpads.
I know how people were concerned about Diabetes or neurological induced, but in fact was suffering from porn and Masturbation ed.
For some like me, over this year(7months), i developed peripheral neuropathy, now i suspect autonomic(mild) neuropathy as well, which is known to cause ED combined with my addiction to porn/mb it has made it hard to know if im recovering or not. I must note that stopping frequent mb/porn does help. ED induced by diabetes is caused by Autonomic neuropathy, over the 7 months i realised the diabetes that induced ED has a name. of course neuropathy affects othe rparts of your body as well.
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1923088 tn?1338600006
I have not posted in quite a while and I wanted to let you guys  know where I am in life.

I have NOT relapsed I still avoid porn like it is poison.  Occasionally I accidentally get exposed to some and for a brief moment I feel the chemicals in my mind raging before I remove myself from the exposure.

My Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction is completely gone and I am now able to enjoy the presence of a woman like a man with a non compromised by porn mind. Its like night and day and I am so glad that I found the resources and support online to assist me in my recovery.  

For those of you who are deep in the throws of battle with porn, its truly mind over matter.  I've dated a few women here and there and have not experienced any erection problems what's really funny is a had a woman over my place a few months ago and we were messing around.  We didn't have sex but at one time she ask my why my penis was super hard and took a while to go down.  I was so damn proud of myself to be 48 years old and have a raging erection.

Work and school have kept me busy its important to find something to do with your spare time.  I hope to find a woman one of these days and start an relationship and catch up on some lost shagging time.   8)

As always I am here for advice, a sounding board etc.  Don't hesitate to reach out.
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15531963 tn?1441179484
Yes, it will.
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I believe one thing men who struggle trying to quit masturbation-to-porn fail to realize that the desire to do it, the temptation will always exist. It's no different then those who are alcoholics/drug addicts. I know when I would try to quit I would wake up in the morning feeling horny, wanting porn; and I would tell myself, well there's that feeling, I still want it, so I guess I have to do it. I never realized that the desire to do it would always be there if not take a long time to go away. I figured if I wanted to quit or was going to quit the desire to do it should not be there. For years I didn't understand that. So many times after trying to quit I would be at home and the urge to do it would strike me even though I had sworn masturbation-to-porn off a couple of days earlier. I would honestly think to myself, well, I guess I don't really want to quit this addiction cause my brain and body are asking for it again. It's a really twisted train of thought, but it's something that I really did struggle with.

            Guys the temptation will always exist; there is nothing wrong with that. There are scriptures in the bible that read temptation and sin are part of every man, it's the actions of what you do that define you.
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