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as mentioned what happens if you just don't masturbate?

do your testies get bigger?

i have only ever had one wet dream and i have gone 4 weeks without a pull..... what happens if you just don't wank

does anyone not wank?

i usually do it at least twice a day
801 Responses
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i am a All India national champion and we were taught a special yoga for masturbators and the first thing we were taught before starting yoga was "not to masturbate".

so all you people who want to be bald, fat, or skinny, four eyed, tired, lazy , dull and dumb  then wake up its never too late... you can do it... i did it too !!!

and for all who wantt to be the same, please keep your hands in pants and enjoy ! ;)
if still anyone needs more info i can give... i have lot more stats and info but i am tired typing...
have fun guys..
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lm very much interested in the special yoga you were taught if u dont mind. l very much want to engage in sexual transmutation to harness all that sexual energy l have been wasting.
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I just want to add to what lookingup33 said and I hope that what I can add will help all the young folks out here who seem to have a lot of guilt over this.

I will start off with a joke I heard growing up. A survey was done that asked 100 men if they masturbated. The results from the survey were as follows:  75% said yes, 25% said no, and 100% lied! ;)

The rest of this post is honest, factual, from my own experience, without religious influence or medical jargon. Not everyone has the opportunity of sex-ed class or the ability to just talk freely with parents on the topic. Guys (and gals) it is just as hard for your parents to talk about this with you--as you with them. However, I do know that your Dad or Mom will gladly welcome the time if you care to 'privately' sit and talk and ask questions about it with them individually. Meaning guys, its better you talk to your Dad about this (not your Mom), and Gals speak with your Mom. It is just easier that way.

I truly hope that any and all of you find it helpful.

The reality is most everyone masturbates (period). It is completely natural.

First, I'm an older guy, in my 40's, married, and with children. I have been around the block and I am sharing with you my experiences with a "been-there-done-that" point of view. I, like most kids growing up, had discovered an awareness of my body and the sensations of masturbation. Some of you may even have had "wet dreams" before you even tried masturbation. This entire process is entirely natural. Personally, I have masturbated on/off since I was a kid. As you get older it is something that you get less interested in, lets be honest when you are kid you have a lot of free time on your hand ;).

There is nothing inherently wrong with masturbation. I respect everyone's individual religious beliefs and I am not going to say anything against anyone's religious views. However, from a pure basic point of masturbation and growing up, it is entirely natural and ok. Honestly, more harm will be done trying to think you have to "fix" something or yourself. You are a beautiful unique human being and there is nothing wrong with you--NOTHING.

Now to dispel a few myths.
- You will NOT grow hair on the palms of your hands from masturbating.
- You will NOT go blind.
- You will NOT have a permanent erection.
- Eating different types of food will not stop you from masturbation.
- or any other myths you may have heard in the locker room, or from your buddies...whatever it is you have heard I know they are not true.

There are plenty more I am sure, and I can tell you 100% they are all false. Unfortunately, people (parents, etc.) passed these over the years to children to make them feel guilty instead of doing the hard thing--being open and honest. All of these myths just cause lots of guilt, angst, and fear. Just imagine how much better you can feel just knowing that you are 100% NORMAL! I have to get this point across, read this to yourself clearly, loudly, and slowly:


Every, every, every person has the same need and experience growing up. (period).

I don't have hair on my palms, I'm not blind (I have glasses, but that is just because I am old).

Now where can this not be good for you. First off, this is something that is very private and personal for you only. As an example, this is not something you would do in public, or post on Facebook, or something completely stupid.

In the end, be true to yourself and do not hurt other people. And know that if you need to, I know your parents are there for you. Go where you can get the truth, not the locker room, or your buddy. Hell you could probably spend an afternoon in the library by yourself and get all the facts on the topic (for what it is worth).

Be kind, be safe, and be honest. You all are wonderful people and I hope that you can free yourselves of any guilt with masturbation. It is a natural part of growing up and your life.


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I am 27 years old I need to stop masturbation how may I stop advise to me pls  
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I am still do it
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A related discussion, Mr was started.
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asburges and masturbation? not sure there if anti social behaviour like compulsive sexual acting out is any different for someone who does or does not have a medical condition. Are you aware there are support groups for all types of mental illness and problems. Grow and Aware are two that come to mind.   BUT, as for masturbating. Its a problem if it affects your ability to socialise or turn up and do a daily work or hobbies.For me - it became a problem when i chose masturbating over being with my woman.... I find also that the more i exercise regularly- the less of a difference wanking can make on my general feeling of wellness and balance. I dont use porn because it degrades both men and women, and leaves me feelin shame and perverted. Maybe if i watched it with a woman and we only watch the woman take her clothes off seductively (and a man strip as well - if the woman wanted to see that) then turned it off.The vulgarity would not exist and provided the woman wasnt a jealous or religious  type- there may not be any problem. might even spice up the love making. But anal, DP, *** facials  and gang bangs arent exactly romantic or seductive for most woman to watch.
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Thanks for your comment. I do think a beneficial exchange happens during sex with a woman. I've heard that a lot from Asian sources based on Asian medicine and I think there is something to it.

I am lonely at times but I haven't been able to find a good partner worth marrying and having kids with. At 39 with aspergers, little money, and average looks I don't think it's going to happen. Even if I find a good partner it will be hard to support a family because of my aspergers.

I won't be too rigid in my view of abstaining. If I somehow find a good partner and am able to support a family I think I might have sex (very infrequently though).
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I'm totally on board with stopping mast.  I've cut way down....but not stopped yet and it still sets me back.  But never having sex again?    I read ( and have experienced ) that sex and mast. are two different things.  A man obtains vital nutrients through his micro pores when he's inside a woman.  True....he loses a bit when he comes, but it is healthy to have sex regularly.....probably once a week or at least a few times a month.  Whereas masturbation is not because there is no proper exchange of vital fluids.

   I think you should re think never having sex again.   You would be basically relegating yourself to a life of loneliness....not passing on your seed and having a life partner to deal with the toughness of life. Everyone needs love and I don't want to be on my deathbed alone.  
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I am 22, I stopped masturbating 4 weeks ago, 2 weeks later, I started feeling pains in my suprapubic region and sometimes testis, have never felt this pains before while masturbating, could this be that my system is adjusting to the new lifestyle or I have a problem? has anyone who stopped masturbation felt this dull pain
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For me the key is moderation, we are humans and we're going to do what we're going to do. This doesn't make you a bad person and it sure as he'll hasn't made anyone into a *****.  You are who you are, stop trying to conform to "Social Norms".  By the way what is "Normal".  Live your life how YOU want to and stop trying to listen to other people. These are all opinions and opinions are like assholes every one has one.  Some people decide to abstain  and others indulge find your center.  I am a virgin and i'm 27 and i'm glad i haven't had sex because it seems like everyone ***** up, 12,14,16, 17 with a kid is NOT the way to start your life because of "base Instinct".  have fun while you can, without children  and or a mistake.  later the women will come and more than you know what to do with.
Because people will begin to notice you for what you really are an INDIVIDUAL and that's what matters.  Masturbate, your not hurting anyone and you won't have to live with that nagging feeling and question yourself
"have I hurt people".


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Hello Friends,
My self arman
i have been mastrubating scence last 10 years.
and now i am 25 year. i try sex now with my girlfriend . but i cant do it for more than 5 min.
and i feel pain in back boon. i m afraid now . after 1 year i going to get marry .i m not able to understand how i will make satisfy to my wife.
plz some one advice me i want stop matrubating and want to consantrat on my future wife.
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well when u said that u were taking pills for wet dreams and it didnt work is because wet dreams are not a bad thing actually u need them to get rid of the sperm that is accumulating in testicles is like pee and poo so u need wet dreams so dont masturbate and let the body do it by itself and i dont blame u am in the same process
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sorry mate but this is absolute BS... not listening to rock BUT  listen to religious talks? what??? Some fair points, mainstream media, movies, internet, etc. is the worst thing to show to people. But to all you Jesus fans, where did you get all your ideas from?? I'm still abashed every time I speak a God-fans like you. Why don't you meditate instead of believe so hard in the Love of Jesus Christ.... Meditating will give you inner strength, kinda like the one you get from Jesus, only that you aware it is thanks to YOUR greatness and not something else's. Stop thinking about sins in terms of God, the Bible, etc. and think more about being good people. Kind, loving, all those things you don;t need a Bible to figure out are essential to us.
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Quitting masturbation and porn is possible, but very difficult, especially if they have been part of your life for a long time. It is a difficult process, but if you understand what is really going on in your brain, you might just find the will power you need.

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if you really wanted to stop you would, making excuses to as why you cant is ********. yes it normal to wank every now and then, but for it to become and addiction is pathetic. instead of wasting your time and energy wanking to some naked chick on a screen, you could be out in the world making yourself better and becoming stronger. all that masturbation does is make men into pussies.

that's why most guys today cant look a hot chick in the eye, hell its rare if i see a guy who has the confidence to look me in the eye without looking away.

keep on tugging that leaves more chicks for the strong men
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So after reading these posts last night I decided that i was going to stop masturbating after doing it for years. I guess i can call myself an addict, last night i decided i would stop for 30 days, and you know what I couldn't even go 24 hours. I am starting to feel so disappointed in myself for letting some stupid activity control my life. I am so sick of myself, sometimes I imagine myself having sex with girls I know while i masturbate. Its ********, it has f***ed  my mind, and the way I acts around girls. At times I try stop myself but if i can't even go a whole day, what am I supposed to do?  I feel like I am wasting my life. I have read that masturbation, well over masturbation causes fatigue, lack of concentration, fuzzy vision, and more. The funny thing is i suffer from alot of these condition that i never had when I was younger. So I'am begining to think masturbation is the cause.  Even if these symptoms don't improve i feel like i could be a better person if i took control of my life. My grades are suffering and everytime i meet or even see a pretty girl my mind goes immediately to sex. I wan't to stop.

The thing is for the first 10-12 years of our lives for (most of us) we did not masturbate so why can't we stop now?
I am happy to see others wondering the samething I am.
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by reading these replies it may solve my many questions and problems.
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I am finally free from masturbation!!! I'm so happy that I've come to this point! I want to share how I got here.
You have to realize 3 things:

-temptations can pop in your mind from anywhere, but they're not from you. You did nothing to invite them. All you need is to identify that when satan whispers something evil in your head, instead of fighting it, ask for Jesus to fight it for you.

-Remember that Jesus Christ came to set us free, so that we would be free to NOT be mastered or enslaved to these otherwise endless cycles...It's humbling to invite Jesus into our grossest, most disgusting temptations, but that's what He wants us to do -- to invite Him in the darkest, grossest places, so He can renew us. When I have a temptation, I tell Jesus I invite Him into the temptation, and to remove from me the desire to masturbate, and I'm telling you the truth, I get enough strength to stop. On occasion if I'm alone I migth get distracted again and continue, and then I try my best to ask Him again, and it works; I can let go...then I try to be responsible and go outdoors and go for a walk or something. Sometimes I forget to ask or I close my heart from really meaning the prayer and I don't receive His grace of strength, and I fall...but then I can sit back and see that I'm doing so much awesomer than a year ago when my mind was just wild.

-Finally, Scripture gives us a great tip: that confessing our sins to one another is good, so that we can pray for each other. I don't know about you but just talking about my sins helps me because now I'm accountable to someone, and then when I slip back into old habits, I can feel so miserable and I don't want to tell them I fell back... but, I tell my best friend, and since my best friend is my fiancee, I know it hurts her to hear this, but she encourages me and forgives me and she prays with me, then and there, that I may grow in strength. (We are waiting for each other for marriage)

I am telling you the truth, I still have temptations. But now I can let go just for a few seconds and I ask Jesus to help me fight. And I tell my fiancee that I had a victory this morning, that I was tempted but I didn't fall! And we rejoice together and we thank God for setting us free every day. I'm at a place where I still often need to pray this prayer I wrote above. But now, apart from a slip-up a few weeks ago, I haven't masturbated to orgasm since 2 or 3 months ago.
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then why the hack you have time for writing this article dear friend. You have done everything just as us say. but, you still lack something. Admit it, otherwise you will live a life of LIE.
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your not sinning!, don't let anyone ever tell you that, plus the whole religion thing is a lie to keep you in line, nothing done out of fear is doing good and anyone who does things because they are scared of going to hell is not a good person, do whatever makes you happy and find your own answers to what really is right and wrong, i can't ever stand by and see someone think they are being "sinners" there's no such thing just treat people as you yourself want to be treated and do what makes you happy and you will be fine :)
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I Just had to post. In order to stop you need will power and some motivation. It might sound simple but that's it. Some of the benefits I have experienced since giving up flapping for now on 50 days  is (1) more self control (2) less anxiety, this was a real problem for me. (3) No more depression (4) Been able to look people in the eye again, especially women! (5) Erections are harder and flaccid pens looks longer! (6) Women seem to check me out more (7) Feel stronger and more confident (8) Feel like I'm being or behaving like the person I'm supposed to be, not been fake or screwed up in the head (9) No more urinating at night, had this for years with many visits to the doc's even a consultant.
I can't explain how my life has changed for the better and this as all occurred while having a new baby that has been sick. With flapping I would have never of had the patience to help out my wife. All I can say is that its worth it. Like many others posters I have masturbated since a young teen and in the last ten years I added porn into the mix which in hindsight was not a good idea. First couple of weeks are difficult, but if you stick with it the benefits start manifesting and you won't look back. Here's to freedom!!
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Hey peeps, i need help!!! I'm 18, I masturbate and even though i hate to admit it, its the truth, i started when i ws 14 by playing with myself, and nw its a frequent habit and i know it's nt as bad as you guys but i hate myself everytime i do it. I masturbate 1ce or maybe 2ce a month. Bt the urge comes everyday. I really just wanna stop, cn sumone/ anyone gve me tips on hw to stop?
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correct it helps the body not the other way around, i have seen people saying it cripples you and makes you go blind, where are these people getting this from!!!!!
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masturbation is perfectly normal, its actually natural, primates do it in the zoo, other mammals do it, none of them are married, thats not natural, whats not natural is denying yourself one of the greatest pleasures you can have, god gave us the pleasure to enjoy, if he only wanted us to do it to reproduce then why make it "fun", i masturbate daily, i also have a partner i **** on a daily basis, i am also a aerospace engineer masters graduate and have a trim body, masturbating i found kept me calm, when i did do it i no longer thought of doing it for the rest of the day, it kept my head clear to do what was needed throughout the day, no distractions! when i didnt do it its what i was thinking about even after months of not doing it, it was still in my head.  god never said that you have to be married, god never said it was wrong, he only gave the 10 commandments!!!!! he didnt write the bible, man did! it was man that made all these rules saying what was right and wrong, god only wants you to enjoy the life that he gave you, he loves his children so why would he torment us with this. he wouldnt!!!!! oh and by the way, god never said anything about gay being wrong either, im strait fyi, and i think all love is pure, man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, its still that strong love that god gave us. believe anything else and not do what god wanted for us is going against him and that will get you a ticket to hell!!!! it feels natural because it is!!!!!!!
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