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as mentioned what happens if you just don't masturbate?

do your testies get bigger?

i have only ever had one wet dream and i have gone 4 weeks without a pull..... what happens if you just don't wank

does anyone not wank?

i usually do it at least twice a day
801 Responses
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Through studies of medical and spirtual literature I came to the conclusion when I was 24, that masturbation does weaken you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  There is a lot of information out there that agrees with what I am saying and a lot that does not agree with what I am saying.  So how will you know the truth.  Stop masturbating for a minimum of 90 days and you will know that what I am saying is true with 100% certainty if not long before the 90 days.  I no longer masturbate.  Rather let me be more honest.  I am human and have a slip up once and a while--which means maybe once per 5 or 6 months.  Other than that I do not masturbate.  It took me years though to be able to develop this sexual discipline.  My advice.  Start with a 15 day goal the first time.  Then once you master that go to 30 days, then 60, and by then you will know what to do next.  Do not watch porn, or look at pictures of naked women though even if you are not masturbating or you will fail more than likely.  Everytime you have a lustful thought think of something else or make yourself do something you do not want to do like clean up, or do a push up, or ***** yourself with a needle and you will quickly master yourself.  Trust me you can get this handled.  I did, and I am far from being a naturally focused or disciplined person.  The crazy thing is when you stop masturbating you will develop strengh, focus, and discipline you never thought you had.  
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1279316 tn?1271192277
I am a 21 yr old male and have been masturbating almost everyday since i am 12 yrs old, just because it feels good. I was born with a non descending testicle, meaning that i only have one that produces sperm. I have always considered myself as an impulsive person one that acts more on emotions then by reasons but after having researched i have begin to find out that it has been because of my routine masturbation and have seen info on this blog of the same though. I have read some things about how dopamine levels are affected by prolactin and its functions and what not, people should read on to this. I consider myself inmature, unrealistic and unfocused. like if i never developed any social skills unless if it was with alcohol. i have been slacking off and had some problems with addiction to adderall, dont know what to do with my future and always insecure and afraid of succes/failure, though i am kind of egoistic. I have been researching why I am the way i am i terms of my phisiology like not having a prominent adams apple, being tired all the time, having add and being depressed in terms of having the motivation of playing sports and excercising, i just never thought how immature i was until i dropped out of college after changing departments because i dont know what I like or whatever, i dont have a stable personality and im bipolar. I post this because i'd like to know if other people can correlate the same symptoms and i just decided i want to stop, i want to grow up im 21 yrs old and believe that this masturbating everyday ride took away from me the mental and emotional maturity and manliness that I could of have growing up. In fact, i submitted myself to a girl because i was so horny for her and was with her for 4 years for the sex and she wasnt that good of a girlfriend, couldnt hang out like id like no senior trip, and you know... so if you are not sure wether masturbation is right or wrong i believe it is relative to wether how it is or do you think it is affecting you. I will find out after a month abstinence or whatever. keep ya posted. -masturbation, to conquer or be conquered- PS i dont regret having learn to sex a women until she O's ;)
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hi, im addicted to masturbation and porn for 4 yrs already and im 20 now. im regretting why i did not take efforts to stop it earlier as this addiction has really spoilt my youth life. socially, physically mentally. and now in college im not competent anymore like how i was in high school before i started all this.i strongly advice that everyone to stop masturbaion as i would create a better you. you will have more confidence, happiness and peace in life. anyone who has tried many thins and still couldnt stop, try candeocan.com. its website whic deals with the members online to help them get otu of their addiction. its a very new apporach as their help you to go to the root or cause of your addiction and help to rewire your brains. they do it so scientifically and it surely will help you as it is helping me.
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My wife and I are in our mid 40s and have an 'open' marriage.  We have had this arrangement for almost 10 years now and enjoy the freedom we both feel with no regrets.  She is highly-sexed and needs to have sex many times a week.  I can go without it for a long time, with an occasional masturbation taking care of my needs.  My wife has a 'date' usually mid-week, on most Friday's and every Saturday night.  I prefer to stay at home and read a good book, rent a movie or surf the Internet and occasionally masturbate to illeviate sexual tension.  We both are happy in our own activities at this stage of our lives.  All our children are grown and have left the house and our neighbors do not know of our lifestyle.

Is anyone else in this situation and if so, how do you enjoy it while handling any 'issues' that may crop up?  Just curious.
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hi im 22 and I really wanna stop but after a week i feel like a firefighter hose and I have to take out the fire.. i had toys and dolls even in highschool its been 10 years i cant stop i did it on the highway driving in the bathroom at church at my work in locked rooms in the attic right in my parents house in the living room if i thought i could wack fast enough within 2 mins i just beat it up and down like a freakiing hammer with a never ending nail like i am beating it to death I get turned on way too easy by any girl and im afraid porn has made me so horny that  didnt care i would even $%^# a guy just to get off cuz women werent around i beated off maybe 5x a day atleast cuz i was homeschooled i would beat off read a chapter then beat off then read a chapter i never wanted to leave the house just beat off and sleep eat to regain energy to do it again... now i go to the gym and i see girls in tight spandex and i want to beat off right their looking at them sometimes i have to leave cuz i want to go home in my and think of beating off to her or porn i quit drugs i did it for 5 yrs and it was even worst then but now my sin is beating my skin up and down until i explode! its like the sperm is a stress releiver but i quit smoking cuz i wanted to rely on god and I feel like i am not doing that cuz whenever i am stressed i beat it like a drunk guy beats his wife... ; ( oh yeah i been with 22 people and when i had a regular gf it helped i didnt do it as much but now i feel that women dont want me cuz i beat off like no tommorrow and they might think that is nasty or im a sick plz help
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i just masterbated for my first time and it was in front of my girlfriend what do i do im 12
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated.
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious.
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