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periodic warm sensation in lower left leg

For the past 2 days I have a very slight heat sensation in my lower left leg (no other problems). Is this some thing I should be concerned about now, or wait for my drs. appt in a few weeks?
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What this sounds like could be related to a several things:

bakers cyst --which causes pain behind pain
you also could have some nerve entrapment causing the sensations your explaining such as burning and shooting down. Since its on both sides it also can be due to poor cirulation. I would see a ortho or foot/ankle doctor for an EMG test to see if its nerve related and also a MRI of the back..lumbar and sacral as that can be causing referred pain as your describing..its amazing how many things can cause this.. also the cramps that wake you up an be electrolyte imbalance to dehydration...drink take vitamins..espectially the bcomplex..if this all comes out negative, I would see a rheumatologist and a neurologist...make sure you check your thryoid glands as well..good luck
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if you live near gold coast, go see george gebhardt, chiropracctor -  he can fix these things naturally without pills, plus he is cheap - $100 for first appt and $50 after that - most things sorted in 3 to 4 appointments
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I too have started to have the same feeling of warm water running down my lower left leg, and a google search found this forum.

Im really hoping it is a trapped nerve or something along those lines.

Bit of background. Im 42 female, not overweight, do minimal exercise due to painful joints, some days an hardly walk without assistance, other days can run with my dogs etc, xrays normal with only slight degeneration noted in my neck, nothing at all shows out of normal on my joints.  Blood tests once showed inflammation? which went unexplained. When i lay down in bed on my back my legs go really numb. Every morning when I get out of bed I stumble and wobble all over for 20 minutes or so, sometimes even fainting, but then im fine - except for the pains in my joints and tingling and numbness which is more often than not constant.  I have IBS and get migraines. I get constant abscesses on my gums.  Tired all the time.  I also have calcification of the optic disc causing some slight blind spots - this is the only definite diagnosis I have had.

Any ideas anyone? im sick of going to the doctors to be tested, xrayed  etc to get nothing back but suggest i have physo, without any diagnosis.even changed my mattress twice last year just in case it was that causing the problem.

Its really interfering with my life now as i used to love horse riding and dancing and can now do neither.  I still work full time although this is getting harder to do, if not though the pain the tiredness is the bummer!  
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I am a registered Massage Therapist. If you have ruled out blood clot and anything else more sinister, eg DVT, head in to your local Massage Therapist and/or Chiropractor and get your pelvis realigned. You are most probably experiencing a pinched nerve which is causing the referral of the "warm" sensation into the lower limb.
Having the muscles and spine relaxed and realigned should take the pressure off the nerve which in turn should stop the sensation. Bare in mind that nerves take longer to recover and you will almost definitely need multiple visits within a short period of time to alleviate this problem.

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A related discussion, I will add my name to the list was started.
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I have the same thing feels like a blow torch or a hairdryer on high heat on my left calf. have gone through three surgeries. possibly arachnoiditis
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Thank god I found this post.  I have this warm sensation on the outside of my left leg from mid Knee down to the middle of my calf.  I know from an MRI that I have osteoarthritis in this knee as well as a Popliteal cyst.  The cyst will come and go if I irritate the knee (exercising).  I am now wondering if the cyst has compressed my nerve or if I have the Vitamin B12 deficiency such as suggeseted in these posts.  I am an ultrasonographer so I know that I do not have a clot as I looked (since it is the first thing I thought of).  No pain is involved but just a weird sensation.  If the cyst gets drained, I know it will come right back, but I am considering it.  I have never heard of this before and I have been in the medical field for 30 years.  I am surprised to read that it is so common.  
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I too am having a burning numbness from the outside of my left knee running down my lower leg to my ankle.  It also feels cold at times like I can't get warm.  One difference is I run alot and had tight calves so I used a tool called a "stick" to loosen my calves.  When I ran it down the left side of the shin I crunched a nerve of some sort and caused some good pain running down to my foot.  Then the very next day I have this burning numb sensation and it has lasted 5 days so far.  

Seems to be a nerve issue, hopefully.  At first I thought I had damaged my knee running and it caused the pain.  Have any of you found anyway to alleviate the burning sensation yet?
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Ok, I am 30 yrs old male. I started feeling this same feeling in my left leg.
It all started after I fell into a sympathetic relationship. And by that I mean, i had gone back home oversea for love. To be with a girl I had always prayed for to one day make my wife growing up since 7th grade.
We never talk about love until 2007.
After 3 years of talking she lied and told me she has no kid.  
Not knowing the lie, I took a surprise visit oversea, after spending $1,800 in airfare.
She then tells me she got two boys. I just couldn't believe my mind.
I then wished I had never come on the trip.  
I was devastated so much I didn't know what to say or do.
So, I just out of the blue said before her parents, I forgive her.
Now that I am in it, I just do not know how to extricate myself. Plus, I have invested so much time and money.
I came back to the United States and the thoughts of the kids hunted me and still do.
She is a beauty, I must admit. I am averagely looking, 150 lbs, and 5’10 height with a master degree and no kid.
I am so sympathetic to the point I do not know how to pull out. The thought to pull out is not even coming up as I would like. I love her but love is not keeping me in. It is the urge and fear to see her hit bottom that speaks to my heart. She at first lived in a slum. It rained and water entered the bedroom. No electricity whatsoever.
My love and faithfulness to the relationship and attitude do not feel natural at all. I feel burdened and feel it over my left leg.   The negative thoughts are so strong, my left leg hurt.
Since I came in, she has home with electricity, water, toilet and going to college.
I met her ex and children father and he's with the girl he cheated on her for. I am just hoping for miracle because my happiness has since been clouded. And my left leg feeling weird tells me that.
I had always been a happy person. Not anymore!
I just hope she'd say, she wants out instead of me saying it.
Since I got back to the United States I had been thinking about my initial plan to marry someone without kid. But I just do not know where that conviction had gone. I am overwhelmed with the thoughts of raising someone else's kids to the point my kidney, my heart and now left leg hurt.  At first, I even talked to myself. Nowadays, I whine so much.  She even noticed it over the phone.
My heart and kidney problems come as I am thinking all the potential negatives about my future with someone else's children and Ex.
I am feeling dizzy when I just move my head back and forth in motion.
My blood pressure sometimes read: 111/69.
One moment I forget the thoughts after reading the Bible and then in another when I do not read the Bible, I am reminded about it.
Today, my left leg feels warm, a little sense of about to give up type of feeling. It also feels like blood is finding it difficult to go up. My big left toe is also feeling weird. My hands are cold. I feel cold.
I am a little dizzy now. I should add, I have not been eating healthy and I stay up all night until 2am studying for license and wake up 6am twice a week and 8am on other days. I am a student as well.
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I started feeling warmth on my left shin this week and the first thing I thought was poor blood circulation due to sitting down all day at work.  I've never had this symptom before so I got really concerned. I am so glad to find this forum and I got to read all the correspondence, especially the post about the "nerve entrapment".  Every 6 months I go to my doctor for blood work, and according to my lab results just last week I do not have Vitamin B12 deficiency.  But over the weekend, I was playing with my daughter laying down flat on my back and I started having pain on my sciatic nerve area.  It was so painful and more so when I moved and tried to get up.  The pain lasted 2 days, that is when the warm sensation started.  I'm planning to visit my doctor again and see what he says.    
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I too had this start today  55 ok health.  Had a By-pass already.  On my feet at work 8 straight hours.

  But had the warm sensation this morning for the 1st time, weird to say the least .  Happened several times.  Glad to see I'm not alone.

Been havbing back pain also, neck the worst.  So as some said could be nerve.
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re my last post (10 minutes previous)... I have been taking B 12 and B complex injections for almost 20 years due to the type of anemia I have.  I recently moved and haven't been keeping up with my weekly injections.  This past week I started experiencing the warm feeling in my left leg in the shin area.  It only lasts a few seconds but it was freaking me out! I am very healthy, non smoking, light weight...  I am happy to see that so many others have this weird experience and even happier that B 12 may be related- since I have a specific B 12 deficiency that I can easily treat.  I will repost with an update after I resume my injections.  Hopefully they will help resolve the problem!
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Wow! That must be the solution! I have pernicious anemia but have neglected to take my injections over the last 3 months.  All of a sudden I started getting the warm feeling in my leg.  I will take my injection right now and hopefully this warmness will go away.  Thanks!
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Same here - Started having the weird warm feeling just after the 14th of Feb. I really think it's just my lower back out of whack. I was going to a Chiropractor for years and had to stop because of health insurance issues. Anyway don't want to "scare" anyone off but I had a lot of sex last week. (It WAS Valentine's Day ya'know) anyway I think the "activity" threw me out of alignment. I guess it can happen with any strenuous activity but, anyway, I recommend y'all out there to see a chiropractor. Your lower back may just need an adjustment. Be well!
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A related discussion, Low levels of B12 was started.
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139792 tn?1498585650
Just mentioning 'nerves' will not help. I am 80. I had periodic warm feeling im my legs. All neurological reflexes are still normal on physical examination.  Periodic feelin has turned into strong numbness in both the feet. No B12, iron deficiency. no dibetis. No known cause is traced. there are lot many posters presenting similar issues.My symptooms (warmth) when i was 35. I am just adjustiing myself to the symptom. Aff therapies , nutritive, acupunture, acupressure, Reiki, yoga, and many other therapies were tried. I smoked for 50. I thought, smsoking must be the causative factor. Now i have stopped smoking since the last 5 years.cessation of smoking did not help.
I was doing vajrasan(kneeling on Hills- putting pressure on calf muscle) It is supposed to be yogasan for doing meditation. I found a websete which says tha vajrasan done for 5 minutes may cause vericose vein or if done only for a minute, it may have therapeutic effect. Now I do vajrasan for a minute , 5 times a day to increase the bood circulation in my legs and feet. I have just started. Let us see if it helps.It is Sucokuyoga.com.
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1606724 tn?1297923101
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1606724 tn?1297923101
Had this hot sensation for many years now. Sometimes on my left or right leg where the back of my leg is behind my knee. First time it happen I was sitting in church and began feeling  my leg burning and began to cry that we had to leave church. It would be worst when i was lil and I was about 7 years old and up till now...i'm 21 now. It happens  anytime (out of the bloom). When this happens, I can't stay still or otherwise, the pain of heatness gets worst...It even makes me shed tears pasting back and forth in the room. I noticed that it hurst less by walking Or taking off my shoes, socks, pants. I have to lay my leg on the floor since the floor is cold....
or dipping them in cold water...basically anything that's cold relieves my burning sensation in my leg. Also I noticed as i'm getting older it don't really happen as often as when I was much younger. So far reading some of people post, I still can't find somebody I can relate too since mostly all of you barely got this feeling when I on the other hand, had it for many years now....

Also, between the years, I would wake up from  Leg and foot Cramps.
It would wake me up to the point where i'm crying hard and would see my toes stiff pointin forward and backward and it be hard to move them.......It caused my toes joints now to be croaked and gap that i'm embarrased to wear sandles. As years going by, they're just getting worst and worst.

I don't truly know why I sometimes get burning sensation on one leg that may be my right or left leg or sometimes both at the same time. AND I don't know why I get the cramping that wakes me up at nights sometimes.

This is why I haven't found anybody I can relate to since this is strange of what I have......Maybe it can be that I have something wrong with my leg and foot nevers and poor circulation through my legs and brain for the fact that I sometimes get head rushes that causes me to get light head and if I get up so fast (even slow) it makes me see blackess with little black dots for couple seconds and sometimes it makes me faint that I hit the floor hard..........Help anyone? Thanks.

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I'm 44 Male and have been having the hot flash sensations between the knee and foot for the past 3-4 weeks. At the same time I've also started to feel cold all the time, which is very unlike me!

Like others, I find it extremely odd to find so many others with this exact same problem around the same time. What is going on? Is there an epidemic that we're not being told about? Where do we go from here? Maybe we need to start a support group to better voice our concerns and to get to the bottom of this. Any journalist in the list that can follow this up?

Maybe it would help to put this in context by knowing where each person lives. I live in the Great Toronto area, in Canada.

Like others, I find it extemley odd to find so many others with this exact same problem. What is going on. Is there an epidemy that we're not being told about? Where do we go from here? Maybe we need to start a support group to better voice our concirns.
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I'm 36, female, and it's been a few days now that I've experienced a "warm water" sensation starting from my right ankle down to the foot.  It passes within seconds and when I first experienced it, I thought I wet myself! It was truly weird.  I'd like to rationalize it by thinking that it's because I've been wearing tight, heavy sweat socks (that leave marks on calves) for the crazy, cold, winter we've been having in the northeast.  I'm guessing poor circulation?  I'll have to get back to you in the summer, when I return to wearing flip-flops.  
Btw, I'm on my feet all day at work, haven't exercised in months due to lower back pain, had mris to reveal ruptured discs and tried phys, therapy that hasn't resolved issue.  Is this all connected to right foot weirdness?  I don't know.  I'm sticking to my tight sweat socks theory.
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32 m here. Just found this thread and this just started today. I was in the store and I had to stand there for a minute. My foot got really sweaty during this sensation on my left leg.  
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WOW, I can't believe so many others have the exact same symptom and no definitive answer has been uncovered.  I'm hesitant to think its nerve or B vit deficiency (for me) and here's why:

My symptom is identical to so many: warm sensation on outer left calf  2/3 down from knee, about the size of my palm.  I do not experience the "wet" sensation, more like being warmed from the sun, yet not hot to touch like I expect it to be.  has been occurring for a week+, while standing or sitting

38 yr old, nonsmoking, occ social drinker, ~15lbs overweight
good health/bloodpressure/cholesterol, no other medical issues.
SAHM, so no job/desk to sit at, climb stairs 30 times a day, sit on couch a few hours a night
Low activity level currently, but avid rollerblader up until a few months ago
No meds, just prenatal vitamins (which includes 800, 750 & 600% of RDA of B6, 12 and 5)
Also 2400 mg Omega 3,6,9
I do not believe it is my back, no injuries to spine, however I have been seeing a Chiropractor twice weekly for the last 8 months, so it should not be a pinched nerve.
I have little if any stress and eat a good deal of fresh foods, though have a big sweet tooth.
Do have trouble falling asleep before 2 am, but that has been the last 25 yrs of my life.

If not the B's or pinched nerve... then what??!?
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