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9 weeks after D&C - no period

I was diagnosed with a missed abortion earlier this year.  At first the clinic thought it was an ectopic pregnancy, so they told me I had to go to the hospital.  

The hospital set me up for a D&C on August 21, 2010. It has been nine weeks since the procedure. I have not got my period at all no spotting.. nothing. I have also been suffering from some other odd symptoms.

They scheduled my follow up for Oct 6, 2010. However, I ended up going back to the emergency room at the end of  September (around the 28th). I had suffered though about three days of terrible cramping. I couldn't stand, sit, move. Everything hurt from coughing to simply trying to use the bathroom. The ER doctor gave me a pregnancy test - which came out negative. After that he basically said there wasn't anything he could do for me.

I went to my follow up the next week.  By this time the cramping I was feeling the week before had stopped.  The doctor that day simply felt around my pelvic area to see if anything was sore. She said she didn't see anything out of the ordinary and sent me on my way.

I shrugged off the cramping and figured I would wait to see if my period would come.

This pass week Oct 24-27 I started suffering from the same sharp painful cramps. Yet again there was no sign of bleeding. This time I went to my usual clinic. They gave me a pregnancy test that came out negative, an annual exam, and a sonogram. They said they didn't see any retained material from the D&C or any back up of blood from menstruation. The doctor on site there gave me a prescription for the birth control pill. I am suppose to start it this Sunday in hopes that it helps jump start my period.

The cramping has died down a lot and by tomorrow or Sat it will probably be gone.

Can anyone give me some insight on what might be going on with me?
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961574 tn?1520648103
You may want to ask your RE/Doctor for a saline sonohystogram or a HSG (where the run dye through your tubes/uterus to look for scarring from the dnc.  This could cause the symptoms you are describing.  I pray the b/c pill helps : )    If you have scarring around your cervix, it would cause the cramps/no bleeding.  They will tell you this condition(ashermans) is rare, but it would be better safe then sorry.   You can also talk to Kris71 on here.. she had similar symptoms, and they found scarring.

Good Luck and please let me know how things go!

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I really feel for anyone going through this. I had a d n c 9 weeks ago and only had light bleeding for a day..I hav not yet had a period and showing no signs of having a period and I am not even sure if I have ovulated yet..I am worried..if anyone has any answers that would be great and good luck to those searching for answers as well
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I just found this strand and it's years later. I'm having the same exact issues you faced.  What ever became of your situation? We're you diagnosed with anything? And how were you treated?

Thank you
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961574 tn?1520648103
I don't know what to tell you is going on, and hate to hear you are in so much pain.  I have never heard of someone having painful bm's w/ashermans or pain during sex, but the cycle pain and lack of periods indicate ashermans to me.  I will tell you the truth on 1 thing... I would not wait to call either the Dr. Dr. March gave you , or the 1 I gave you.  I think the sooner you get this taken care of the better.   The 1 thing I am thinking about with you keeping your appt next week before contacting anyone else is, what if you go in next week, and they tell you nothing is wrong or that they don't know what's wrong?  Then you are out another week or 2 before you get help.  If you call 1 of the doctors we gave you, you can tell them that Dr. March feels you need to be seen, and I bet they get you in right away.  It sounds like you are in pain and need help as quickly as possible!  I think you best bet is to get in with someone that  knows what they are doing, and get it taken care of.  But, that's just my opinion, and that's what I would do if I were you.  
It sounds like you have been dealing with this long enough, and can't get any anwers from anyone.... and that sukks!  But, like I have done with my own issues, you have to take your medical care into your own hands and be your own advocate when no one else will be 1 for you.  Please call 1 of the #'s we gave you and see what they say... it really sounds like this should be taken care of right away.. whatever it is.

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I never had any issues prior to the D&C. And this was my first D&C. This was also my first miscarriage I had a suction planned parenthood abortion 3 years earlier, but that is about it.. I am not to surprised about the miscarriage the stress I was under was pretty intense.  

If it was just the missed period, I would think that maybe there is a greater possibilty that it is just taking longer then usual. However, during my normal period I usually don't cramp at all!.. If I do cramp, it is just some light to mid cramps on day one or day two of my period.

What is worrying me is the BM's that bring me to tears. I remember one night having a fight with my body to pass a BM. I have a high pain tolerance and tried to fight through it casue I really had to go. I ended up sweating and dizzy from the pain and just gave up. In Sept this lasted for about three days.. in Oct it last even longer. Up until 2 days ago I was still getting small pings of pain from a BM.

The painful urination and debilitating cramps also scare me. During the worst of it, over the counter pain medication won't work. I have never ever had an issue with sex. Now the only way we can have sex without hurting me is if I carefuly do everything casue if brushes against the cervix in the slightest there is a ping of moderate pain.
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961574 tn?1520648103
Thanks for the input!  I, like you, hope Zehriya is cleared : )
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961574 tn?1520648103
Did your pain just start after the dnc?  Or could the endometrium have just been aggrevated by the dnc?  I am not at all familiar with endo.  I think one of the 2 docs I fowarded you could help though... You just need to find out what is going on, because you know something is not right.  I am glad you listened to your body though and not the doctors!
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Hi, I'm a bit late jumping on this thread but hope what I say may give you a bit of hope and also keep my fingers crossed that this isn't Asherman's.

I had a D&C at the beginning of January, I only bled for one day after the procedure and then a week later had horrid brown loss and was diagnosed with an infection.  I spotted on and off for a week or so and then it all stopped.  I kept getting very strong cramping and thought that my AF was on it's way but then the cramping would stop after a few days.  This went on and on.  I didn't get my first AF until about 14 weeks post D&C and the Dr said I couldn't even class that as a proper AF as it didn't last long enough and was only really spotting.  It was about another 42 days after that before I finally got a proper AF.

I to was convinced I had developed Asherman's as it wasn't my first D&C and I'd also had a retained placenta with one of my children, so 3 procedures with potential to scar the uterus.

Although it is unusual for your AF to take so long it isn't unheard of so don't give up hope yet.  It's good that you're being proactive though with regards to getting further investigations to rule out Asherman's and I really hope they find that you haven't got it.
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961574 tn?1520648103
I just saw your other post.... both Dr. Palter and Dr. Cooperman can help either way.
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961574 tn?1520648103
I told you Dr. March was the best there is!  Can you believe he called and didn't even charge you?  What a kind man!!! I have heard good things about Dr. Palter.   I also sent you information on the other doctor close to you.  They are both A-listers which means they are experts in ashermans.  Please take my, Kris's and Dr. March's advice and see one of them.
I didn't and am regretting it everyday now.  I am a year into this. I don't even know how I got it. And, after a year,  if needed, am going to go see Dr. March.
I was in shock too.  I kept thinking... that's not what I have... I'll be fine... I'm not like these "other woman"... then 1 day it hit me, I am like them, and I have to take care of my uterus if I ever want to have children...  Don't mess around with Doctors that don't know what's going on... go straight to a top notch doctor, and get this taken care of the right way!  That's what Kris did.  
I won't even contact the other doctors now, if I were you.  Call either the doctor I gave you or Dr. March gave you... I will also foward you Dr. Palter's info.  
I am sorry to hear you are having to deal with this, but like I said, if you deal with it the right way the first time... you will save yourself alot of wondering, heartache, and time.
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OK.. I am doing more research.. the more research I do the more unhappy I get.

Asherman's explains my lack of a period.. and even my monthly pain.. However some of my symptoms are also pointing toward Endometriosis. That would explain the painful urination and BM's that I have had since the first set of cramps; as well as the painful sex and tenderness that has developed with the latest set of cramps..

Normal pain killers don't work when I am dealing with any of these pains.
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He said his name was Dr. Stever Palter. he wasn't sure of the location, he thinks Nassau.  Dr. March actually called me instead of sending me an email. I liked that he did and am sad that he is too far for me to use as my doctor.

I think I am still in a bit of shock. This whole ordeal has been insane. I conceived in Mid July. There was a slip of during sex and I was supposed to go get the morning after pill. However I got distracted cause that same day I ended up getting let go that day (which is a whole another tragic story. My job was doing some not so proper things and I was suppose to confront them about it the day they let me go)

So that's how that happened. Then the clinic thought I had an ectopic pregnancy and sent me to the hospital. They diagnosed Missed abortion and said I needed the DC.. my first ever at only 6-8 weeks. Non of the doctors where I am at seem to know whats going on and are happy with telling me I am good to go, or don't want to get involved.

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961574 tn?1520648103
Good Morning, I am just checking in to see how you are doing?  Are you going to call the doctor Dr. March referred you too?  Please keep in touch, and let me know what's going on ok??
You are in my thoughts!
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1129232 tn?1360800358
Glad to hear you got in touch with dr march. Good luck and keep us posted.
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961574 tn?1520648103
OMGosh!  I am so glad you contacted him!  please join asherman.org too.  You will get so much support from those ladies.  It sounds like your scarring, like Kris's is in the cervix area.  Hopefully, it will be confined to that area.  My scarring is in the area where the embryo implants.  I mailed my records to Dr. March today, and am anxious to hear what he has to say.  What doctor did he refer you too?  I'm curious, as I live on the East Coast also.... in Ohio.
Please feel free to lean on me!  I know exactly where you are and what your going through.  Please keep in touch with me.  I am here for you every step of the way!!!!
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Dr. March said he thinks it is pretty clear that is Asherman's. He called me and recommended someone a bit closer.
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1129232 tn?1360800358

Try Dr. March again - he almost always responds in a couple of hours. He will probably tell you that you should get either an HSG or a sono ultrasound (not sure if you got these already - a regular u/s will show nothing although it might show that you have a very thin lining which will be indicative of a problem as well) and then go from there. if scarring is visible or if the dr can't get into your uterus - then you know there is scarring. At that time, you will want to get an expert in uterine adhesions to take care of this - Dr. March is the top surgeon for this but there are others as well. Ashermans.org has an A list, B list and C list i believe. where do you live? Are you in the USA? Dr Isaacson is also an A list and i believe he's in Boston if you are on the east coast.I completely understand how frustrated you are and how your money is being thrown out the window. I felt the same way with my previous dr before i went to Dr. March. he kept telling me everything was fine before handing me a bill. I KNEW it was not fine. i was very lucky in that i live in Los Angeles and that is where Dr. March is. Please, let me know what else I can help you with and email me with any question or if you need advice. I will do my best to help you as much as I can! Just ask your OB (if you can't find an RE) to do an HSG on you or have the hospital do it. That will give you answers you need. Then dr. March can advise you on what you should be doing regarding the scarring (although hopefully there is none and all is back to normal soon).
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961574 tn?1520648103
That is to bad about the other obgyn.  They just don't want to get tangled up in someone else's mistake probably.  It's unfortunate if you ask me!
Well, since they made you an appointment, i would ask to have either a saline sono hysterogram, or an HSG (that is where they run dye through your tubes and into the uterus.)  Those are the 2 ways to see scarring.   Tell them your not asking them to treat you, your just trying to see what's going on .

As for your email to Dr. March, you may want to consider sending it a 2nd time.  Every once in a while, emails will get overlooked, or maybe not go through.  But it would definately be benificial for you to send it again if you don't hear from him soon.

Did you think about joining the Ashermans.org site?  The ladies on there are very helpful... it's not as user friendly as Medhelp, but you could get alot of good advice and suggestions on what to do.

I hope all of your testing turns out normal, and that it's just a delay in your af returning.  I am thinking of you often, and hoping that you keep in touch and let us know what's going on.


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I am still waiting for to hear back from the doctor that was recommended. However now I am just bummed out.

To try to get another opinion on my situation I tried calling a gynecologist in my area for help and that didn't go very well. They kept telling me I am suppose to go back to the hospital I got it done at for my follow up.. and I kept telling them that I went back twice and complained twice and was sent away twice with no help... So she tells me I can come in but they don't know if they can really help my or if the doctor will even consider touching me before speaking with the original people and getting the original files of what started this in the first place.

It sounded like they didn't really want any part of it.
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1483220 tn?1288807713
Thank you for your advice..I will see how everything will be in a few weeks time...Thanks a lot... xx
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961574 tn?1520648103
The only thing I have to add to that, is that scarring will not show up on a routine ultrasound.  It can only be detected with an Saline Induced Sonohystogram, or a HSG test.  (where they run the dye through your tubes and uterus).  But I do agree with you that it is wayyyyy to early for Vestall to know/think anything is wrong.  But, I will say Vestall, if time goes on, and you really think something is wrong, and your periords don't return,  be your own advocate.  So many times this is overlooked.  

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1428239 tn?1333457053
9 days passed my d&c.....

and I did go to the ER when this occured.. and they did an ultra sound and I was cleared...  Your follow up care should consist minimally of a pelvic exam and HCG testing.. But a full care plan should include an ultrasound. But I understand sometimes they wont do an ultra sound unless they are concerned there is damage, especially in the states when patients have to pay themselves or their insurance companies do.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
Vestall I wouldnt worry if I were you yet.. It was 9 days passed my miscarriage, the day I cramped out and passed all the blood clots.. My bleeding stopped after 4 - 5days then came back after 7days.. and after the day I passed all the clots, it stopped within 2 days... and iddnt return until my period returned.  So what you are going through sounds normal and your cramping has stopped.  If you do not have a follow up appointment with your doctor yet, I would make one for 3-4 weeks post d&c to be safe.  You period should return by 4-8 weeks.. Average seems to be 6 weeks.  If it doesnt return by 8 weeks, I would contact your doctor or if you start to experience any extreme cramping, have a foul smelling discharge, or start passing clots bigger than a golfball (grape size clots are considered normal for the most part). Another big thing to watch for is a fever.. generally if you get an infection, you will get a fever
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1483220 tn?1288807713
I wanted to join here as well...Because I am started a little bit worried as well.. But I think its to early for me to decide that its something wrong...Maybe I need just a little bit support..
I had DandC just 10 days ago..I had a little bit spotting, but no bleeding, just a little bit yesterday and stoped again..I had a little bit of cramping for a couple of first days, not any more...Is this normal? When I should start worried?
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961574 tn?1520648103
Please post what your Doc says.  And please, do not hesitate to email Dr. March!!!  He WILL answer! and he WILL NOT Charge you!!!!!!!!  Kris will tell you he is a Godsend, and a wonderful source of information!!!!  I promise you, you will not be bugging him, or stepping out of bounds in any way!  I promise!!!!  He is a Wonderful man!!!!  Email him!
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