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embarrasing question

I have posted on back pain dr forums, and no answer for 3 months.to ANY of the questions! I did WebMD symptom checker, and was told probably prostate problems.duh..I don't HAVE  a prostate, LOL. I do have bulging disc in lower back, cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. My problem, is that I have trouble starting to urinate. I have to strain. And if I stop straining, so does the urine. In order to empty my bladder, I have to continually strain the whole time, and bend forward. This seems to be getting gradually worse. From what I have read, this is the opposite of the normal problems for spinal problems, which are incontinence. Anyone have any ideas?  I always seem to end up here (or start here) because this forum is so diverse, and so wonderful about helping answer questions, even if it is not MS related. I hope someone has some ideas, or a cure would be even better!

Hugs & Prayers to all.
7 Responses
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147426 tn?1317265632
Maggie - I just saw Kathy's and my urogynecologist in Portland.  She is sooo awesome and gently and kind.

With so much going on in your back, urinary retention could be quite possible.  One of the things that you might do before you see her is see if your doctor could check for retention.  This is check by catheterizing you right after you have emptied your bladder.  If there is more than 100cc or so left in your bladder then you are retaining and giving bacteria a lovely home to grow and cause infection.

I will also give you the name of the Providence Continence Clinic which is located at Providence Portland Medical Center about 20 miles west of the other doctor.

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405614 tn?1329144114
I've PM'd you the name and number of my awesome female urogynecologist; I'm sure she'll help you find the answers you need: and make you feel comfortable about the whole thing.


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Thank you so much for your replies. Living in little town in eastern Oregon, there aren't many specialists available. However, I did just send a n e-mail to Kathy, asking for her female uro-gyno's name.  Have been to Quix's dr in Portland, so a trip to see a female uro-gyno may be next on my list. I so appreciate all of your expertise and replies.

Hugs & Prayers
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Hi Maggie,

Sorry you are having this problem.  I'm like Laura and my bladder does it all.  

I'm with everyone else, go see a urogynecologist.  You don't want to have a UTI or kidney problems!!!

Take care and let us know how it goes and if you get some answers.

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Yes, a urogynecologist would be the person to ask.  Hopefully you can find a female one near you so you won't be embarassed.  There must be some kind of nerve compression to the bladder.

I'll write soon Maggie.  Take care and call for the appt!!

If there is no female one near you, maybe you can go to Kathy's!!!

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405614 tn?1329144114
I've started seeing a urogynecologist recently, who is wonderful.  Nothing is embarrasing around her; she truly has heard it all.

Have you seen any doctor at all about this?  The words "bladder prolapse" sprung to mind, but I'm not sure what the symptoms of that are. I just did a quick google on it, and one of the symptoms of a prolapsed bladder is difficulty urinating.  

A good urologist or urogynecologist should be able to help you figure it out.  I'm sure there are plenty of other things that could cause such symptoms.

I've had days when my urine just trickled out, and I found that bending forward was helpful in hurrying up the flow.  I can't imagine how uncomfortable what you're describing is; I hope you can find a good doctor to help you.

Keep those fluids flowing!

Take care,

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Hi Maggie,
No, it is definitely not your prostate!  Funny, I took flomax for a while and that was my joke too- the insurance didn't want to pay for it because I don't have a prostate either.

I wish I could tell you a cure for this one - I have a crazy bladder with a mind all of its own.  You name it, it does it ------------- urgency, hesitancy, retention, incontinence.  Yep, and it is especially wild when it happens all at once.  My urologist has declared mine a neurogenic bladder,  as byproduct of my MS.    

Here's what I know to share with you and hopefully something here will help -

First of all, don't slow down on your liquid intake, especially water. Lots of times that is the first instinct but is absolutely the worst thing to do.  Make sure you are drinking lots.

Consider seeing a urologist for this problem - yes, I know it is embarassing.  But you will be pleasantly surprised to find the uro docs have heard it all before and can really help.  

I currently self-catherize 3-4 times daily to fully clear my bladder of urine.  If I don't empty my bladder completely. stagnant urine can back up into the kidneys and cause further problems. These problems can include UTI's or even kidney failure.  This opportunity to fully empty my bladder also gives me the freedom to be further away from the restroom and my constant urges to go.  

My urologist also suggested I consider a neurogenic implant that would control the muscles/nerves that cause the urether to contract on a timed basis.  Pretty cool unit after I read about it - it is wired to the nerve bundle in the tail bone area.  There is a trial unit that they can try on you to see if it is effective before they do the permanent implant.  I nixed the implant for now, because it would eliminate me from being able to have followup MRI's to check my MS progression.  That might be a problem for you too with the need to monitor your back problems  

I hope something in here will be of help to you - please see a urologist to discuss your options.

Gotta go,

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