1307298 tn?1305946851

Best Bet diet tips?

I'm considering going on the Best Bet diet (as described on direct-ms.org).  This post isn't meant to start a debate on whether or not the diet is good or effective.  

Rather, I'd like to hear from those who have tried or are on the diet and any tips they can give or any recipes / resources they found helpful.

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1307298 tn?1305946851

Yep, I don't think I'm ever giving up my Copaxone!   Well, unless they come out with something even better ... or a cure!   =)
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Any change in diet that is a positive change and nutritionally sound can't be bad.  I know I could use some dietary changes myself but I'm not ready to give up the ice cream.   :-)

Dr. Emby himself notes in the bottom of his page that this is meant to be complementary to any treatment you are doing with your own doctor.  

Good luck and keep us posted on how you do with this.
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