382218 tn?1341181487

H121 vaccination

Will you be getting the H121 flu shot?  If no, why not?
23 Responses
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198419 tn?1360242356
I went to get the vaccine tonight. They ran out and closed up shop early. For those planning on it - arrive early. Really early.

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338416 tn?1420045702
I'm going to get one as soon as I can - the last time I had the flu, I was laid up for a week, and it was just a little bug.  And then I had a relapse!
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147426 tn?1317265632
Yes, I don't not want to bring it home to my 85 year old parents.  I don't care if I get a little relapse from it.  I might lose a parent.  Also, my sister has asthma.

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382218 tn?1341181487
I have made mistakes at work too, for example sending out an email about "shift schedules" but omitting the "f."  yikes.  That wasn't cog fog though, that was from my stupid numb fingers missing keys and then my careless proofreading.  Fortunately it was only an internal email and the recipients just had a good laugh.
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559187 tn?1330782856
I think we all noticed the H121 but know exactly what you menat.  I am doing that a lot lately too.  I work for the Dept of Navy and last week when I sent an email and job offer letter to a new hire I told her "congratulation on your new position with the Dept of Army".  Don't think for a second that that littler slip went unnoticed.  :)
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335728 tn?1331414412
Ha ha ha...join the club honey...isn't it great that our other half always seems to know what it is we are TRYING to say!?!!  he he

I don't know yet whether I will get the H1N1...I have my physical on Monday with my ever "knowledgeable and helpful" g.p....don't know what she will know about it I will let you know what I come up with!

Lots of Hugs,
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382218 tn?1341181487
BTW I have no idea why I wrote H121 and not H1N1.  I'm getting used to making silly errors like this.

Today I meant to say 'seatbelt' and I said 'shopping cart.'  My husband is getting used to it and he knew exactly what I meant even though these two objects have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
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198419 tn?1360242356
For the 1st time, I went this yr for the seasonal flu vaccine and will go get the H1N1 when I can. It's said to love the lungs and mine were jacked up bad last year.

Though I understand the reasoning behind those who choose not to (was my choice too in the past), they are saying it's made the same exact way as seasonal flu vaccine is and mercury is no different than eating tuna fish....for what it's worth.

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751951 tn?1406632863
A church member called early this morning to request prayer for her 15-year-old nephew, who has now been hospitalized, in serious condition, with H1N1.  He's from the county to which I am moving, where Nancy presently lives.  Last time she & I were visiting at Children's Hospital in Columbus, (about 10 days ago, I think) we walked through ER Waiting to get to the main hospital.  It was packed, on a Sunday evening, and virtually everyone in the place was wearing a mask.  The predominant sound in the room was "that" cough.
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749148 tn?1302860959
I had the seasonal flu shot a few weeks ago and will take the H1N1 if and when the injection id avaliable.  I will not get the nasal H1N1 as it is a live form of the vacine.

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649926 tn?1297657780

I had the seasonal flu vaccine last week with no problems except a sore arm and I get that from my weekly DMD anyway.

I was at the neuro this week and she told me that they haven't done much research on people with MS and the H1N1 vaccine .I asked her point blank if she were me would she get it and she said for sure. The risk from the vaccine in her opinion is not even a dot on the radar compared to what a real case of H1N1 could do to my body.

So if we get it here and there is enough after all of the health care workers etc. get theirs, I am going for it.

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405614 tn?1329144114
We're having a shortage of both vaccines around here now; my PCP's office has signs up all over apologizing.  I talked to my PCP about it, and she said that the small amount of the flu-mist H1N1 vaccine that they had before, I was too old for.

My roommate and I drove around looking for flu shots at pharmacies, grocery stores; no one has any, nor expects any soon.  Her mom called last night and said that there was a place being shown on the news where she could get her flu shot, so she should jump in the car!

I'm somewhat allergic to eggs, so I've discussed whether I should get flu shots, and my PCP says that my risk from the flu far outways any risk from my allergy.

I've read so much about the H1N1 vaccine, comparing studies, and about the flu itself; I will choose to get the shot when it is available.  When I look at my Timeline, any time I've had a virus, I've had a flare of symptoms.  I would hate having a really awful flu, and then a really awful flare.

After the horrid neck/throat/upper chest pain and tightness after my sinus infection, I'm more than willing to take preventative measures.

I quickly headed for the other end of a store today as a man walked toward me with "that" cough, unmuffled.   H1N1 is putting in a big appearance here.  I use the sleeve of my jacket to open doors, push elevator buttons, carry my own pen, have hand-sanitizing gel in my car, wash my hand often, and haven't been out to eat much, not at my favorite Sweet Tomatoes buffet at all.

I'm seeing more and more people wearing surgical masks in public; one in the waiting room at my PCP's office yesterday.  I noticed because I heard the cough, looked over and saw the person holding the mask.  After they notice me glaring, I mean looking, they put the mask on properly.

My lungs still hurt from my sinus infection post nasal drip, so I'm not taking any chances.


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559187 tn?1330782856
I will get the shot when it is available - hope that will be soon!  

I am very scared about getting the H1N1 flu.  My son had it 2 weeks ago and knowing what he went through gives me a sneak preview of what to expect.  I have decreased lung function right now so there is no doubt in my mind that I would end up in the hospital if this happens to me.  It really is a dreadful flu and I am taking it very seriously.  There might be some issues with the vaccine and that is a bit scarey, but knowing what would happen to my lungs is even scarier - even life threatening.
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751951 tn?1406632863
Just got back from getting my regular flu shot @ PCP's office.  They didn't have the H1N1 stuff yet.
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867582 tn?1311627397
Hi, doublevision!  I'm glad you asked that question because just today I discovered some very interesting points made by an MD on Care2 about the swine flu shot which I want to share here!

Dr. Frank Lipman voices his concerns about the Swine Flu shot stating the following:  

"The FDA has authorized an expedited approval process for the swine flu vaccine, but we don’t know yet if it is safe. Even GlaxoSmithKline, one of the vaccine manufacturers has said, “The total population studied in clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be required and conducted after the vaccine is made available."  

-- Vaccine manufacturers have been insulated from liability by the government. --

By shielding the manufacturers from any responsibility for any harm caused, the pharmaceutical firms have no financial incentive to make the safest product. In fact, they have a negative incentive to test it for safety, because if they are aware of problems, then they could potentially be held liable for willful misconduct.

Taken from:  http://www.care2.com/greenliving/swine-flu-vaccine-pros-cons.html

Dr. Lipman makes more points on the above website if you care to read them.

As for me, I will NOT be getting the swine flu vaccine as I still harbor the bitter memory of my father-in-law's unexpected death from a swine flu shot received in the late 1970's in the final week just before they took that damaging vaccine off the market.

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704043 tn?1298056844
  no not me i cant c  how getting that shot is going to help ...  why do so many even just die from the flu. and the mercury in some of them . to many side effects !!!   il take my chances    tick
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667078 tn?1316000935
I had my seasonal flu shot.

I may not have access to H1N1 vaccine until next year but I hope get it.

A Doctor I know got H1N1 and said it was the worst flu he had ever had. I just pray everyday I do not come in contact with someone with it since it is all over the place hear.

If I get H1N1 I won't be able to afford hospitalization or a trip to the ER. I have been there and do not want to be there again.

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I will take the regular flu vaccine, when the serum arrives - the doctors are out of it locally because the H1N1 shipments have been prioritized.

I will also take the H1N1  when it becomes available- a day of discomfort from any localized reaction is far better in my mind than having influenza.  I work on a college campus, and the H1N1 is already here in our faculty, thanks to their younger children.  Its only a matter of time before the virus spreads through our dorms.  

So many people talk about having the flu, when they are really only suffering from some mutant virus.  

The real flu is horrible - it will last at least a week and make you alternate between thinking you are going to die and wishing you could die and be out of your misery.  

Please talk these decisions over with your doctor(s) and let them help you to make an informed decision on a case by case basis.  

be well, stay well.......
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hmmm, i'm not anti vac's but when half your family has a form of Autism and the H121 multiple dose has thermersal (murcury) as its preservative, i'm not going to be keen to recommend it. In Australia we have a huge add campain and dr's are offering it to everyone that walks in the door, its free here. We have a children's under 10 single dose with out thermersal because they cant legally put thermersal in childrens vaccinations anymore. I know the link to Autism is not scientifically proven but no one here can forget the reaction my youngest had to the thermersal vaccinations he got. I'd be asking for the thermersal free vaccination anyway, i ask what the preserative is for any injections my family are recommended to have. It maybe over the top to think of these things but i cant help but be cautious when it comes to thermersal.

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I plan to get it because I think getting the actual disease would be so much worse.  This past weekend I had a "mini flair" and I was all set to call my neuro on Tuesday morning, but by that point I wsa starting to feel better.  Then I realized I had the flu shot (seasonal) on Thursday morning.  I think that was the instigator for the worsening of sx. Lucky for me it didn't last long.  But I think, if that's how my body reacts when I get the vaccine (a dead virus), how would I react with the real thing?

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I have decided against having this injection because Transverse Myelitis attacks can be triggered by vaccinations.

I work in an open air environment so I don't consider myself high risk, I have no respiratory trouble etc.,

My old neurologist told me NEVER to have any flu shot, especially in an active phase but that was years ago, my new neuro was undecided about me receiving some other vaccine for one of my holidays and told me to weigh up the risks of me contracting the disease that I was being vaccinated for, so with these views and very little info I have decided not to have it. Not that my TM was triggered by a vaccine but vaccines are a trigger for some people of TM.

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738075 tn?1330575844
The first ones coming to the hospital I work in are the "Flu-Mist" type, contraindicated in MSers.  If they come out with a more attenuated injection, I may take it.  It's still a **** shoot to me, though.  This seems to me mutating at a rapid rate.

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382218 tn?1341181487
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