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405614 tn?1329144114

does "phantom cell phone buzz" count as symptom?

I've been dealing with a new buzz/tingle on my left thigh for almost a week now.  It started in the middle of the front of my left thigh, and kept "ringing" for several hours.  It took a short break, then moved to the inside/top of the same thigh.  It was pretty steady on and off for a couple of days, and for the last several there has been more time between the "calls".  It moved to the outside of my upper thigh,  in the middle just above my knee, but always on the same thigh.  It just tingled again on the inside/top of my thigh.

What do I call this event?  Weird neurological symptoms, mild flare, what?  It happened a short while after I had an infection that I had to take Keflex 4 times a day for a full week; yuck.

I'm stuck in my room because they're mowing and blowing the lovely lawn right outside the door, and I'm really allergic to grass.  They've been at it all day; mowed some, went and did something else, came back and mowed the rest and then used a leaf blower to clean up.  I'm waiting a while for everything to settle, if they're truly done.

I had some time to think, and thought I'd ask some questions.

I've been having increased bladder symptoms; could they be connected somehow with the buzz/tingle?  A few months back I had some bad bladder sx and buzz/tingle between my legs, that spread to my thigh.  Hmmm.

On the flight down, I had to use the outhouse (what else can you call those nasty little airplane bathrooms) before they turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, while on the ground in Reno, and before we landed in San Diego, then in the San Diego airport.  My urine stream stops and starts, so I have to sit there for a while before I'm sure I'm done, and won't have to make another trip to the outhouse.  I'm starting to feel a bit like I have a UTI, but I haven't had one of those in years.  Maybe just yeast from the antibiotics, though I've been taking acidophilous?  Sorry if I'm thinking outloud, but I'm finding no answers in this brain, so I thought maybe one of yours might have an idea.

The urine issues have been going on for a long time, just seem worse from time to time, more so lately.

Any input would be appreciated.  I am seeing a uro-gynecologist on the 24th, so I can ask her for answers, but in the mean time, I would love to hear from anyone with similar experiences, and if you think this counts as a flare or just weird sx.


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I'm so glad I found this forum, I didn't know it existed.  I'm still in the diagnosis stage as far as my symptoms go so I still don't know what is wrong. . I've been having weird symptoms for over a year now.  My muscles get tired easily, but it still doesn't prevent me from doing what I need or like to do.  I walk a mile everyday without effort.  I go to my gym 3 times a week.  My muscles still seem to work but tire easily.  When I go up several flights of stairs the muscles will " burn" by the time I get to the top.  They usually recover after a few minutes, but it's still alarming.  My feet and sometimes my calves turn blue if I sit on this bar stool for too long.  The Dr. says it's probably Raynauds.  My muscles, or nerves tend to be jumpy..like when you have a twitch under your eye.  It can occur anywhere on my body and last a few minutes to several days.  Sometimes my muscles hurt to the touch.  My leg muscles especially are jumpy when I relax, and no I don't have RLS. I can feel what I thought was my pulse in my feet, but as I read the prior post's....the buzzing cell phone feeling more accurately describes it better. My left leg especially seems stiff and I aways concentrate when I walk because it feels weak.  I feel like sometimes I'm on a 2 second delay.  I'm usually quick paced, but I've been walking into unopened doors.  It's like I tell my hand to open the door, and 2 seconds later..it responds!  By then I've already walked into the door...so I've slowed down a bit.  I feel like I have tendonitis in almost every joint in my body.  I do not have Arthritis.  Body parts will go numb for no reason at all, or tingle..the prickly pin feeling.  I have been tested for Lime disease, brain tumors, and many of the other diseases that might cause these symptoms.  I used to use Aspartamine alot, and after reading about some of the issues with it, I stopped using it.  I have been reading about a few diseases that have some or all of these symptoms.  It could be anything from Fibromyalsia to Parkinsons or MS.  I'm going for a MRI in a few weeks to rule out MS and Parkinsons...hopefully.  At first I thought the muscles were tired because maybe there was a narrowing of the arteries.  I had a Doppler scan a month ago that came back normal.  Other symptoms I have are...trouble sleeping...sometimes feeling blue...and anxious, the bladder thing sounds familiar.  I have to push the urine out or I'd sit there and dribble forever.  Sometimes it feels like something zapped all the energy right out of me...all of a sudden like.  Sometimes it last 20 minutes , other times I just need to lay down for a while.  I figured maybe since I'm almost 50, some of this might be caused by hormones.  I'm really not sure what count the Dr. was talking about but when your entering Menopause the count is 50 or above...mine is only 26.  So I can't blame any of this on hormones.  Any Ideas anyone?   Do these symptoms sound like MS?
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405614 tn?1329144114
Thanks for the chuckles!

Quix, the ball of your foot must feel really bizarre.  Does it tickle?
Somebody catch doni's phone before it drives her crazy; maybe one of the cheezburger cats will help!

And jensequiter, so the joints in your body are like those little massage things that turn on with pressure?  Tee hee!  

Lauri, I actually had trouble with an EMS machine a couple years ago; my quad (the same one as now) kept buzzing for about 8 hours after I turned off the machine.  It does feel similar.  I had a tingle on the outside of my upper left arm for a few days, very light, though.

Deb adds another thigh to the list...

Holly, my very first phantom cell phone buzz was on the right side of my jeans where I was wearing my cell phone at that time.  It would buzz when no one called, or when I wasn't wearing it, either.

This is a common symptom, I know we've discussed it before, I was just curious as to whether or not to add it to my timeline.  Why not?  It may be mild, but it's definitely not something that happens to everyone, at least not to the extent that it does to those of us with MS or in limboland.

Thanks for all the smiles!


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359574 tn?1328360424
I'm seriously addicted to icanhascheezburger and all its sister sites.  For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about, stick the usual www and .com in and check it out.

I had my cell phone clipped to the left side of my jeans where I usually wear it a year ago when I was in Canada.  Trouble is, I didn't bring it with me.

Speaking of lolcats and invisible things, they go well together.
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My cell phone likes to crawl up and down my back.  I would answer it if I could reach it....ha.....ha......

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429700 tn?1308007823
Phantom cell phone calls--that term cracks me up!!!!   I have to say that has given me a really good chuckle.  That's exactly what it feels like!  I get the call on my thighs, too.

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Hey everyone -
Hope everyone is feeling well today and flare free.  I was just telling a good friend of mine about the cell phone that is taped to my left shoulder.  It reminds me of EMS (electircal muscle stimulation) which you get at physical therapy to loosen muscles?  Its great if theres an actual machine/wires hooked up to you, but when your body is doing it on its own it is a weird feeling...
Dont know what mine is caused from...maybe nothing, jsut funky nerve conduction?
Take care all -
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338416 tn?1420045702
That's my secret new vice at work...  

Sorry you've joined the club, Quix, but now you know how it feels!  I get the sensation especially in the joints - like the balls of my feet, my knees, shoulders, and the tips of my fingers.  A lot of it seems to be pressure-generated - the buzz in my knee and my feet are there with pressure, and go away when I step off that leg.
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147426 tn?1317265632
I don't think acidophilus is all that great a probiotic.  Try something like Lactobaccillus GG.   It has been formally studied in preventing the diarrhea and yeast overgrowth with antibiotics.   Acidophilus is mainly to help with lactose intolerance, I think.

Yaya!!!!!!  I get to join the "Phantom Cell Phone" club!!  Yes, it is a new symptom, though a minor one.  My cell phone is duct-taped to the ball of my left foot.  What a bizarre sensation!  I've had it off and on now for the last three days.  what to call it?  I think Phantom Cell Phone (on vibrate) is a great term.

Did you ever check out "icanhascheezburger?"

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405614 tn?1329144114
P.S.  Forgot to mention that my PCP thinks my bladder symptoms are neurological.

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