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Different sized pupils?

18 years old - I've posted on this community before due to strange symptoms and am still convinced in the back of my mind that it's due to MS. I would like to ask specifically though - can different sized pupils be a symptom? I've only had two separate chunks of time where numbness/weakness has showed up sporadically but one of the things the neuro pointed out that has stuck around was the different sized pupils. It is almost always apparent (if I'm looking for it) when I look in the mirror. Although I feel like I've noticed this abnormality on other people before too, which has made me feel better.  Is this something usually attributed to MS?
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I have already been to a neuro about it as well as my family doctor. The text that supermum_ms copied onto this post was from earlier this year (maybe 6 months ago) explains the results of my neuro exam. He noticed that my reflexes were slightly brisk on both sides as well as the eye stuff and that's about it. I had a brain MRI too (with and without contrast) and he said it was clear. He said he didn't think it was anything serious, probably because I told him about how anxious I am. I think he assumed that was the culprit but I know it's not.
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667078 tn?1316000935
You can seen your family doctor ask for a neurological exam. It is easy to do. That way you will know if what is going on is neurological. If it is the family doctor can refer you to a neurologist. It will give you some assurance.

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Thank you for responding! The eye appointment seemed sort of inconclusive. He said maybe it's congenital (which I doubt since I've never noticed it before nor has anyone else) or might be due to complex migraine? But I'm not really sure if that sounds likely either I've never had any sort of problems with migraines. But I don't think he mentioned any other abnormalities besides the indistinct disk margins.
Also would like to add that I had tremors in both my hands for about a week not long after the second episode of numbness ended. And I stated earlier in the year that the sensations I was having jumped around- and they did - but they usually returned to the same spots. Like a patch on my left wrist would feel numb-ish for a minute and then a few hours later it would be my whole face and then the patch on my wrist would return eventually too.
This fear of it being MS sort of just stays in the back of my mind & I get nervous that someday these strange symptoms will crop back up. It was making me very anxious day-to-day when the symptoms were present but I've been really good about not worrying about it since they stopped.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hi there, originally back in feb you wrote....

"I'm a 17 year old female and have been experiencing pretty sketchy symptoms similar to your friend's. In November 2014 I had about a week long episode of numbness all around my body. It didn't occur on one side of the body or in the same place every time and always went away and then returned. I visited the ER- they didn't do much- just lots of bloodwork which all came out fine (including B12.) Visited primary care doctor too and they did lots of bloodwork ruling out HIV, syphillis.

These sensations completely went away for two months and came back about a week and a half ago. The sensations almost feel like tightness on my skin and sometimes only occur in patches. One moment it will be on my left arm and then a couple hours later it would occur on my face. Only a few times did I experience weakness in a limb- but none of them corresponding- always seemed random.

I just got back from the neurologist today and he noticed that one of my pupils is only slightly bigger in one eye. He also noted that I have indistinct optic discs in my eyes (whatever that means?) but he was pretty clear that he wasn't concerned. He mentioned my reflexes were a little bit brisk (legs specifically I think) and told me he would do an MRI to respect my concerns but didn't think it was totally necessary.

He ordered me to set up an appt with the eye doctor and told me he really didn't think it was anything serious.
I had a fairly rocky summer in terms of health- got pneumonia, pink eye a few times, 3 courses of antibiotics etc...

My twin sister has IBD and my dad had ankylosing spondylitis (both autoimmune diseases) so I'm very concerned! Had *serious* problems with anxiety ever since this summer- have tried researching whether this could all be due to that. Any thoughts?? Please!!! I'm driving myself crazy and pretty much have diagnosed myself with a million things.

Also- not having problems with vertigo, vision, balance/coordination, speech etc. The neuro I saw today said everything was clear except for the eyes and slightly brisk reflexes, which he said could all just be nothing. I also have mild scoliosis and a swollen lymph node right below my jaw line. I have pretty bad sinus problems (allergic rhinitus) so I was told that could be why it is swollen."

You also mentioned in the neurology community that your "neurologist said "there is a 95% chance this isn't something serious." But I was not totally reassured by this- I am the world's most extreme hypochondriac. I explained that I have really bad health anxiety and I think he sort of assumed that that is the problem (which it might be) since I am not presenting with unilateral numbness most of the time and because I haven't had any other symptoms.

The only thing a little off in my neuro exam was my slightly brisk reflexes- but I've been told that it's not very worrisome if they are equal on both sides (still worried though.) I also had one pupil a little larger than the other and headaches in the eye region for about two days but no vision changes. Praying that this is all harmless. "

Which brings me to say, that what you have described would not be consistent with a neurological condition like MS!

You were scheduled to see an ophthalmologist or neuro-ophthalmologist to investigate the health of your vision and determine the cause of the differing pupil size, which may not actually be abnormal so it basically depends on various things as to if it 'could' be related to MS or not........what was the out come of your visual assessment?


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