147426 tn?1317265632

Further MiSadventures of Quix and her Crew

Hi, Team, I didn't expect to fall completely off the virtual ledge.  I was taking a break when my mom fell and broke her finger.  She wouldn't go into Urgent Care until it became clear that the finger was going to remain permanently pointing north.  So she agreed to go on Monday.  Well...not wanting to let a trip to Urgent Care go unenjoyed, Sunday I experiemented with blowing up a joint.  Many of you will remember that last summer I fell out of a rocking chair and fell gracefully onto my right ankle, thus rupturing all the medial ligaments.  This caused my joint to be unstable and I twisted it just right to get a spiral fracture of the fibula out of the experiment.  The injury healed uneventfully, but the orthopod was concerned about lingering instability in the ankle.  This didn't turn out to be a problem.

So, fast forward to now.  Things are going swimmingly, so to speak, a little dip into depression which has been an old chronic problem.  Sunday i was standing still at the counter in my bathroom.  I shifte my weight onto my right foot and lifted my left foot up to nudge a bottom drawer closed.  There was an instantaneous explosion of pain in my right ankle and it dropped me.  I fell backward and hit my head on the tile floor.  Just hard enough to get a sympathy-worthy goose-egg, but not hard enough to shake my ancestors.

So, I'm lying with my head under my sink, crying because my jaw hurts.  Why my jaw, you ask?  God only knows,  it wasn't involved with the fall - my goose-egg is on the back of my head.  I am aware of the pain in my ankle and head, but wollering about the spasm in my jaw.  The crew shows up on the scene .  One by one each cat shows up to sniff my face and express concern.  They really are empathetic.  No raccoons deigned to express their well-wishes.  This  may be reflected in their rations, we'll see.

Every disaster teaches us something, I suppose.  I now know that my right ankle is not trustworthy.  I know that the contractor did a very neat job installing my sink and I know that my water filter is ka-put.  All useful knowledge.
And as I rolled over to try to get to my feet without bearing weight on a rapidly swelling ankle, I found the missing mouse carcass in the floor of the shower. Actually came face to face with the little guy.   It was fresh, and I think one of the cats brought it in to raise my spirits.

So mother and I were seen on a Two-fer in Urgent care.  Her finger is nicely shattered and will have to be rebroken and set.  My ankle - aside from looking like a small pumpikn - looks fine.  I am scheduled to see the same ortho guy on Friday.  It isn't the same injury as July.  It swelled differently and hurts way more.  The pain is a sickening kind of pain and not just the usual "injury" pain of a strain or sprain.  Last July the question was whether I needed to had the ankle stabilized with a pair of screws.  We were able to avoid it.  I have a sinking feeling that now I am about to be really screwed.

So, again I am too loopy to post or get much knitting done.  I will begin dropping in here to get my mojo back.  My posting is slower with the laptop, cause the keys are all in the wrong places.  I am back under the order for "No gatuitous walking."

My sense of humor has taken a powder.  We're hoping it is a brief hiatus.

Love you guys.  Take care of each other.

Quix, Clyde, Abby, Trax, Tony and Fizzy
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I see that your cats are never too far away.....from trouble.  They seem to be re-occuring actors in your story.  And they're bringing you gifts - how sweet.  :-)
Perhaps some of the raccoon rations should go to the kitties?

And, if you ask me, you NEVER lost your MOJO.
I hope your doctor appt goes well.

53 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
Sorry you have been through the ringer. Glad your back We need your wisdom, I sure do not have your know how for the new folks.

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In the wise words of Yoda - "Help you [we] can, ...yes, ...mmmmm."  
I think this community is good for the soul, so I'm glad to see you back on here.  You've really been missed.  
And I kind of like the idea of being whipped....back into shape.  :-D
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1253197 tn?1331209110
"You are the best"  It takes one to know one.  Great to see you post again and thanks for sharing another chapter from "Antics from Quixotic".  How is the book coming along?!!!!

Love Sarah x
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338416 tn?1420045702
Hey, while you've been relaxing on some Caribbean isle, drinking banana daiquiris, we've been roughing it down here!

Seriously - glad to see you're still kicking.  
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738075 tn?1330575844
Woo Hoo!  Quix is back!  I'm so glad your ankle is healing - bummer about the TN, though, BTDT.  Not fun!

I've been good, but to paraphrase Mae West, when I'm bad, I'm better ;)

Stay dry, up there!
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198419 tn?1360242356
I opt for the whipping. No other form of discipline has worked as of late.

Bring it, whenever and at whatever strength you have! I, we'll all, gladly take it!

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1523516 tn?1330044257
You are a hoot and so positive when things seems to be pummeling you! Thank you for all you do for this community.  I have greatly enjoyed and found comfort in your posts and info on the health pages!!  I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

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1394601 tn?1328032308
Thank you, Santa for sharing the magic of Christmas!!!!!!!
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987762 tn?1671273328
Well look who finally got out of hybornation, missed you heaps!!

TN isn't funny, something i've not had the pleasure and will happily not have the pleasure lol closest i can relate was cracking a tooth straight down the middle to the root/nerve, that was bad enough, the thought of TN just makes me cringe, ouch!

How are the racoons, still helping out with the washing? What about the cats, have they improved with their knitting skills, hope they finished that sweater. lol

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147426 tn?1317265632
I really did fall of the edge this time.  Clearly I needed the vacation.  Have you all been good or do I need to whip everyone back into shape?

My saga has continued.  The ankle never healed and I got an MRI.  However, the gods of irony decided that the morning of the MRI they would take away the pain, and I had an essentially painless and normal ankle MRI'd.  Of course, ALLLLL my tests are always normal.  Why should this be different?  I think the ankle injury was this.  I think the joint opened up and allowed some soft tissue and nerves to get caught between bones.  Then as I walked this tissue was impinged.  Finally as the swelling slowing went down, the tissue escaped and the pain with it.  It still is a little twingy, but slowly healing.

However, with all the limping, gimping and waddling, my back has been in and out of spasm.  Let me just say that I LOVE Flexeril.

The latest has been the arrival of Trigeminal Neuralgia on the other side.  It feels like someone is pummeling my lips, cheek and ear with a hammer, bruised and achey with waves of really severe pain.  The trigger is chewing and swallowing.  I am titrating up my carbamazepine and the clonazepam because the chewing muscles are in spasm most of the time.  I don't like it and was very willing to experience it all vicariously through Ren.  Pain meds here I come!

I hope to be seen back on the board soon.  Thank you to everyone that has sent messages.

Thank you to all of you that have kept the board healthy and vibrant.  You are the best!

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Just caught up on some postings.  I so look forward to reading yours posts.  They are so hilarious I forget that you are describing real traumatic experiences.  I know they are debilitating as I have been there with the heavy metal in the foot thing.

The mental picture of our Quizzle eyeballing a dead mouse on the floor of the shower with 5 concerned cats running around is just too much.  That was my tonic for the day .I hope your mum's finger is now pointing in the right direction again.

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1168938 tn?1327154232
My dear, you really must slow down :o)
I'm pleased to hear Abby returned home, she was probably with the Raccoons and your knickers!
Hope Mum, Dad and you get sorted out soon.
Relieved to hear your ankle wasn't broken and your thinking thingy is still working even with an egg on it.
Take care of yourself
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429700 tn?1308007823
Good heavens, Quix!  You should buy a lotto ticket because your luck has got to swing in the opposite direction soon.  I can't imagine it being much worse than this.  

I agree that you should write a book.  

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1312898 tn?1314568133
Quix, you really should write a book!!   Red
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1493284 tn?1294875712
Good grief! Sorry you are taking such a beating. Love that you share it the way you do.
Thank you.

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338416 tn?1420045702
Oh, man... you need a vacation!  
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987762 tn?1671273328
I dont know how you do it but you do! Imagine you've got an injured leg, funny that you do so please SLOW DOWN and take care of your self!


PS hope your dad's growing dementia turns out to be his meds :-)
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667078 tn?1316000935
I am praying hard you catch a break! You sure deserve better. I am learning this darn disease has nothing to do with how good a person you are. Take care my friend.


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1207048 tn?1282174304
Oh Quix, what can I offer you except ((hugs))? You are in my thoughts! I hope everyone gets healthy and things settle down for you soon :-(
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147426 tn?1317265632
Things aren't going so well.  My sister overseared the pot-roast which smoked up the house.  All 11 smoke detectors sounded and I was naked as a jay.  I'm running around looking for a robe, tripping over the cats who are dashing out the door.  My soulo-mate, Abby, didn't show up after the brouhaha, and I was terrified she had had a heart attack and died.  she is 15, in renal failure ande very frail.  I tried to find her outside in the windy rain, tripping and sliding around in my cast boot.

When she didn't show after a couple hours, I took some meds and took a nap.  My mom (who is now wearing a neon lime green cast) called down to let me know that Abby came home.  I jumped up to go see her, my leg gave out and I fell again hitting all parts of my body on the way down - none lethally, but it feels like I have been through the spin cycle.

Now, I have all the signs of a new UTI, my 6th or 7th since the early summer.  It is quite tiring.  Tomorrow I have to take my dad to his doctor and discuss his growing dementia.  Mother and I are suspicious that he is over-medicated.

I hoped for better news.  Talk later.

Quizzle Diddle
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147426 tn?1317265632
I agree, TimC, that I need to see the funny side in the non-disasters.  

I figure THIS is my blog.  I'd love to see a blog come of it.  My dream is our discussions of the day to day things that Msers deal with that the regular books don't talk about.  I have always been told that that I should do standup comedy.  I used to do a stand up routine for the Lamaze classes that were always a big hit.

JJ - You know how I cherish the pink tutu that DB or SB gave me last Christmas.  I was up to two pirouettes.  How can I give up my dream?!

Maybe tomorrow

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465013 tn?1289261142
You are certainly amazing. I don't know how you do it. You have a disaster and get us all laughing. It would be a whole lot better if you just get us laughing without the disasters. So, just get better. OK?
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That is such good news, despite your disappointment about not getting screwed and the lack of pleasure from a big joint.  

Now go back to taking your break from all of us and we'll see you on the flip side.

hugs, L
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147426 tn?1317265632
You guys crack me up!  I'll talk tomorrow, but I'm zonked todnight.  I saw the orthopod and I'm feeling quite sheepish.

You have all received a constructive lesson in how the Himalayas were made from the mounds of a small prairie dog village in southern Iowa.  I must have studied at the feet of a master in a private life.  My whacked out, blown up ankle is not.  It is a simple sprain, not even related to the injury last summer.  I'm on light duty for a few weeks and then back to normal - though in all honesty, I'll never trust that joint again - wishing that it were a giant joint about now.  Sheesh!  What a fainting Camille I can be!

The doc was completely puzzled by how angry I was at the "sprain" thing.  No, I didn't want badness in my ankle, nor was I looking forward to a good screwing, but, in all honesty, that was my only hope for any kind of screwing for the foreseeable future.  It just brought back all the memories of "The Before (diagnosis) Time" when there was nothing to show for pain and suffering.  At least my ankle is grossly swollen and ugly.  He did believe that something HAD happened to it.  And he never said the S (stress) word or the A (anxiety) word.

The cats are all snickering.  The raccoons feel vindicated and want their full portions returned.  I say not until they return all my panties.  I know what's lining their little dens....come to think about it, I don't really want the knickers back, but if I can't have them - NOBODY can have them.

Kelly - your answer was sweet and I thank you for it, but heaven only knows how I chose it.  I'm still learning that darn touchpad and my errant taps have sent me all over the galaxy.  I don't think anyone ever really have a better answer than anyone else.

Off to nap and regain face.


And,Yes, the filter will be replaced by none other than the workhorse of the family, my intrepid sister.

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