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HELP-  PLEASE ADVISE!diagnosed with Lyme back in 2002 treated with rocpehin way to long and had togot Mayo Clinic. Perm side effects from rocephin mytrovalve prolapse, mile tremor time  to time and minor short term memory.  The drs said on a MRI that there were blips of things in my brain and thought MS but said too small so na gotta be lyme. I fully recovered in 2007.Over the past years my short term memory has gotten BAD.  We call it movie memory because I cant remember things ex: I saw a Clint Ewastwood movie preview on tv and said wow I wanna see that and maybe buy it.  My BF said Um we did see it because you already own it.  At night I get lost going home because at night thngs look different.  I have been ther efor 3 yrs now and we havnt painted our home different. I cant remember what we eat many a times.  On a Sunday I ask what did we make for dinner lst night my stomach is torn up.  My BF said we went out we had Mexican.  I cant remember and search my brain it is black.  BUT most recently when he comes home from work and gives me a kiss I dont remember at all and it ws within 5 minutes time. I try to play it off like a joke and a way to get more than one kiss but I think he is worried.  I cant remember to clean up snacks or minor things around myself.  I forget that he even bought TP when we were out and not only did he buy some but it was the jumbo pack and I commented one it why so much.  I am currently off work on Wcomp 5  mths now and just had a triple subtalar joint fusion two weeks ago finally.  I now have a knee scooter but I ame latetly off balance, week and mechanically off.  I pain as a hobby Im am good and I make $$ off it.  This morning I couldnt draw a straight line my hand shaking and it ws visible.  My appetite is way off my sleep is way off Im exhausted.  Something is really wrong. Toinght I brushe my teeth washed my face and scooted into bed. within one hour i happened ot brush my forehead and out of  the blue there was a massive knot above my eye close to the space between my nose.  It is not a zit nor a insect bite either. nor did I bump it.  I do know that much.  I get up to look at it and it is huge like I hit something, but notice trying to get the the bathroom I am week and struggling to move my scooter and almost fall off it I feel off .  I get scared thinking WTF is this I go to get a ice pack in fear of a stroke.  I am struggling to type and this even and have to back space a lot. I am still shakey like its coming form the inside out of my bones.  This bump dose not hurt its kinday mushe but hard raised under it.  We have a BIG history of  aneurisims in the family that scares me as well.  Once back in bed I rest my arms  cross oneanother holdin my right wrist with my left hand.  I notice OMG my wrist is so tiny I grasp my fingers around my wrist and se how far up I can go.  Usually its not far but I can go twice as far as ever. My left wrist is normal full plump  and thick meaty so to speak. So i then move my arms about in tandum when I move then in directions they are a bit jerky ever so suttle but i feel it.  I raise my left arm laying down and place it back over my hear its solid smooth controled move,  I Do the same with the right and it feels lite and about qtr way back it drops no control.  WHAT TO DO.  I am not a hypocondriac this is all real.  Should I got to the ER in the morning? Could I have MS and it was misdiagnosed. I am going to be 39 in Feb and I am a female non smoker non drinker.  PLEASE ADVISE!
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You sound just like many other late stage Lyme patients.  It sounds like you might be experiencing a relapse, or perhaps were reinfected. Please come post on the Lyme forum. There are experienced people there who can help you find a good doctor.
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3054080 tn?1358722856
Hi and welcome!

I believe you and don't think you're a hypochondriac at all.

JMHO, I think you need to get checked out by a doctor soon. You are the expert on your body, and if you feel like something is way off, you may need to get to the ER.  How long has it been since you have been to the doctor?

You may need to get a good workup again. If you decide to wait and not go to the ER,  write a brief, concise timeline of your symptoms. It could be that the Lyme is still there, or you could have something else. Unfortunately, just because one has had one condition doesn't mean one can't get something else. I know it is difficult, yet try to be calm, clear, and specific when describing what is happening.

Best of luck. I know how scary these symptoms can be.

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