645800 tn?1466860955

Help I'm going crazy

This started last night just before I went to bed and has been going on all day. I keep feeling what seems to be bugs crawling (actually like a fly just landed ) on me. This is happening on my right leg, arms, right side of my waist, and right side of my face.

Yes I have checked many time ( that is one of the reasons it is driving me crazy). I have also taken a shower, and put powder on my body. It will stop with those for a few minutes and then start up again. It also stops for a few minute if I rub my hand over the area. There is also no sign of any kind of rash, bug bites, or anything else that might be making me feel this way where this is happening.

Does anyone else have any ideas of how I might stop this before I do go crazy? :)

13 Responses
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338416 tn?1420045702
It's a paresthesia, caused by damaged nerves.  I used to get this all the time on the side of my head - as you say, it'll drive you crazy!

Any sort of distraction will help.  You might try applying cooling lotions - something with menthol - to the areas.  
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293157 tn?1285873439
I get the creepy crawlies at times too... they are not fun.

hope you feel better soon
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Avatar universal
Yes, Dennis.  A bunch of us are inhabitated by the cooties.  I get the sensation of worms wiggling under my skin just below my left knee.  I could actually see it move, too!  

hang in there - Lu
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667078 tn?1316000935
I think I have fiberglass insulation between the same two fingers. Finally I realized it is a phantom nerve itch. It feel just like after installing insulation and getting it in your skin.

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147426 tn?1317265632
Hmmm, Have you really LOOKED for these critters?  We don't want you running around in public with fleas or something, ready to jump ship.  You could go to the VA.  They would probably take this seriously and quarantine you as a Public Health precaution.  They are run by the USPH aren't they?  they would pump you full of anti-psychotics until you didn't feel the buggers.

If you have really ruled out cooties, then you have the classic, psychotic, MS Bug Paresthesias.  Fun, huh?

Have you read the HP on paresthesias?  It talks about this.

Actually you have to check on these things.  Last night I thought the numbish side of my face was irritated.  Later on I felt and the whole side had been chewed up by a mosquito and was red and very swollen.  So there is some danger in "thinking" something is a paresthesia when it is something real.  You really don't want that spider on your face.  We all get it going both ways.

My worst moment was when I suddenly developed blurry vision in my right eye.  Great, I thought.  Now I have MS eye problems.  I watched another couple hours of TV, then I rubbed my right eye, only to find that the lens had fallen out of my glasses.  I was really glad I hadn't complained to anyone.

I hope this is short lived, because I don't know if they have WiFi in the looney bin.

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338416 tn?1420045702
One time I thought I was having the usual stabbing pains in my toe, so I ignored them.  Later I looked down and there was a big ol' splinter sticking out of my toe!  So now I check once for every pain.
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645800 tn?1466860955
Well at least you gave me a good chuckle. I am sure it is the P... ( Can't speel it as I'm brain dead right now). Yes I know it is not fleas or any other critter ( Don't have any pets other than peeves). :)

As of about 1 hour ago I can add major MS hug to the things going on. Most of the time the hug that I get is just a pressure type pain, but this time it is like someone is stabbing me with 3/4 inch spikes in my back and sides (rib cage).

I called the VA earlier about this, the vertigo, and hand tremors, and of course no return call yet. My friend Dave called the other day and talked to the Telecare nurse( like I did today) because he was out of his pain meds. The nurse never contacted his doctor about it. (this is one of those pets I have) :)

I did manage to get a little bit of sleep ( nap) earlier as I discovered if I have something in contact with my skin I don't get the bugs on my body feeling. So I only had bugs on my face if I laid on my left side. Maybe I need to get one of those dive dry suits so that my entire body has something touching it. ( but man would I be in pain from the over heating of my body).

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911669 tn?1294099188

Sorry to hear about those little "buggers."  It can drive you absolutely nuts.  I have no advice, but hopefully they will crawl away soon!!!

Quix, you also gave me a good chuckle.  No lens!  LOL

At least we can all have a sense of humor....

When I have gone to bed at night, I've had bugs, goosebumps that go bump in the night, but no bumps, and exercising those restless legs!

Dennis, feel better soon.....

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751951 tn?1406632863
I've used Benadryl effectively for some of these things.  It sure didn't help with the sensation of a cell phone vibrating inside my left shoe on top of the ankle, but with some of the bugginess it did pretty well -- sometimes.  I'm talking tablets or gelcaps, not the topical sprays or creams.

Once (25 years ago, maybe?) I had terrible hives from head to toe.  Went through two series of prednisone over about three weeks, & they still came back, naturally flaring up big time while I was on my way to work one morning.  My route took me to within one exit of the hospital, so I stopped at ER, where they gave me Benadryl injection.  Helped almost immediately, and I was so soothed.  I felt I could go right on to work, but the staff was concerned that someone else should drive me home.  "I'm fine, really" I told them, as I slowly let myself down from the exam table onto my feet -- and then fell flat on my face on the floor.  They hoisted me back onto the table, where I think I cranked out Z's for the better part of an hour.

Hope you're better soon, Dennis.
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987762 tn?1671273328
I've have/had the worm crawling under my skin, like Lulu you can see it. The first time I saw it, was when my twit of a neuro saw it, i'd been so hell bent on ignoring it, i'd not looked lol.

I also get the bug bite or pin pricks and i sometimes get spider legs crawling on my face and arm. I ignore the bites or pin pricks, it does have some advantages though. Through out summer i couldnt tell the difference between real and sensory, so when i did get a bite i didnt scratch the carp out of it.

I've found that i can distract my self just long enough, if i dont it seems to snow ball and i cant stop. Cooling the skin down seemed to help sometimes, and i'm not sure why but i also pinch/squeeze the muscle between my thumb and pointer, its a pressure point apparently.

Really the biggest help has been knowing its not something i can change, once i understood it was likely to be paresthesia, i've found it easier to acknowledge but not let it get to me, sometimes its easier said than done but i always know its going to stop........eventually lol.

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560501 tn?1383612740

   Ditto for me....AND, I have the same as you...ONLY Pet Peeves!!!!
Actually I have several!!!!...At least they are potty trained.. ...Lol

Hope you are feeling better tonight
Big Hugs,
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525545 tn?1293181194
I was just reading all that you and your MS friends are going through. My youngest daughter has MS. I have not been online much this past year. but I am back. I wish I had some advice for you to make you feel better at least a little bit. We had some very special talks and you were a very good listener with helpful of advice. I have Fibromyalgia and I get creepy crawlers under the skin occassionally which is strange, mostly it has taken my cognitive issues , I have trouble finish a sentence or remembering what I need to do, what I was going to say. And I have a lot of problems with my balance, so  I use my walker,or cane or my power scooter. I am dealing with a concussion & concussion headache, right now because I have taken 2 bad falls hitting my head. I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten you and feel better soon. You are in my Prayers.

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645800 tn?1466860955
Thanks all! The bugs seem to be leaving me alone for longer periods of time right now so I am thinking of taking advantage of that and getting some much needed sleep. Lets see..some Amitriptyline, Hydrocodone, and Gabapentin should knock me out pretty good :)

I am planing on heading up to the VA tomorrow since they never returned my call today. I would bet anything the nurse never contacted my Neuro about what is going on with me. :(  I was already planing the trip in order to get some breathing help. I think between my COPD and the high pollen counts have been the culpret in that case.

All have a good night sleep.

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