335728 tn?1331414412

I know it's Friday but where is everybody?

Ok...Friday's are notoriously slow around here but just where the heck is everyone?  Heather3418...not swimming in your pond's with your fishy's are you?  Shelley....too much Birthday this week or what?  Cowboy...still out looking for that Moose I bet...Lee...yep we still have an APB out on you!  Ada...Spastic Ada...Spaz...where the heck is everyone...this is almost as spooky as the possessed dolly! hehehe
21 Responses
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335728 tn?1331414412
WHERE'S WINGNUT...ER TAMMY!!!???  I haven't heard from her in ages either...oh Tammy, where are you???

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611606 tn?1315517767
Girl, you sure know how to wake everyone up!!!! LOL
You are one awsome lady... Thanks for being there... Now you have a Beautiful day and weekend to
Love, Hugs & Prayers...DJ
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335728 tn?1331414412
EWWWW...you must have had evil brother's growing up did ya?  This doll actually gave us some major laughs but she just wouldn't cooperate!  Good to have a good laugh now and then eh?

I agree that we all take breaks but it's also nice for the people that are away to know that we are thinking of them I would imagine...like all you missing people today that showed up and responded...didn't that feel good???

However we still have some missing persons...Cowboy, Lee, T-lynn, Wanna, Penn, Heather (Mother Earth or Earth Mother?? tee hee), and the list goes on and on...hopefully they will drop in soon and see our call to FORUM and let us know what is up with them before we send out the National Guard to find them ok?


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338416 tn?1420045702
I think we all take breaks, either because we're feeling like crud, or because real life gets in the way.  If I'm feeling bad, I'm home and sleeping!  Not playing on the forums.

Personally, I like creepy dolls.  Dolls are always kinda creepy anyway, especially when they lose an eye and some boy burns their hair off.
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No, andi, I've been worried about her, though.  I sent her a note today, but I haven't heard anything back from her.  Maybe she will check in before too long.

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293157 tn?1285873439
oppss  I think I did that backwards... Earth mother...Heather...

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293157 tn?1285873439
has anyone see Mother Earth lately??  I've been looking for her and wonder if she is away or not well??  anyone??

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486038 tn?1300063367
Hey there, I'm here for a second, and then I'm off again... I was busy today getting all the blood drained out of me for the tests that Dr. Kistner from NYU ordered. He stumped my AL technicians, and had them scrambling all over today. What fun!
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393986 tn?1303825975
I have been lurking in the shadows, I have been reading and wanting to post and then finding myself at a loss for words.  My brain feels very heavy and fuzzy, I think I need to knock the cobwebs out of my ears and get the broom out and do some good old fashioned brain sweeping!!!  I am never too far though!!!

Love You All,

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Yea, I've sure been missing TLynn (young at heart), and Wanna and Penn.  I see Quix has popped in a little, but she still must not be feeling well.

As far as the getting up early I think Shell has us all beat....I haven't been sleeping well and usually it's 2 am before I go to sleep, but usually up by 7 or 8 am, well.... awake anyway, takes a while to get up cuss the old body doesn't want to cooperate....ha...he...he

Maybe everyone will come back soon and the family will be complete again......unless the creepy doll has kidnapped them....ha...ha.....ha......

Hello, hello where is everyone!!!!!

Hope all of you have a good weekend.


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198419 tn?1360242356
I'll definitely be jotting that unwritten rule down in my Pro (Pro's and Con's) list.....

I'm w/Laura, needing a nappy....and it's dark, rainy and gloomy today.  Woulda been perfect.

Do hope if anyone is in IKE's path that they are safe and out of dodge....

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Good Morning Lady,
Got up at my regular time 9:30 PDT.  Been checking up on Ike. Hopefully the Lord will watch over the residents, as they evacuate, and hunker down. Very scary. I too noticed it being slow this week. Haven't seen a word from Retired! Hope he's out having fun, not in a flare. And Cowboy, etc. We may have to send out Quix with her sticky sweathers! LOL. Have to go eat, and pay some bills, then get ready for work. Hope you are doing okay.

Hugs & Prayers, Maggie
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Some of us actually have to be at work .... my day starts here at 8:30 but I have lots of opportunities to check in.  I did notice that it seems like a slow week, but then again maybe that was just me being slow after my LP on Tuesday!

Maybe the TX and LA folks are busy preparing for Ike .... I would be evacuating all the way to Arkansas I think :-)

What I would give for a nap  today - they said I didn;t need to be here since I was off Tues-thurs, but I couldn't really justify burning one more sick day when I don't feel sick - just extremely loopy from the constant dizziness.

Be well everyone,
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333021 tn?1207759633
Hi Rena

I'm still here.  Just resting my eyes for the last few weeks.. I'm not up on most of the threads , but can appriciaiate not wanting to get up in the wee hours ..  I HATE getting up when its still dark..  It feels like I just went to bed..  

Take care

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405614 tn?1329144114
But Rena, there was a heron fishing in the pond outside my door before 7 this morning, and a few minutes ago I looked out and there was an egret fishing (of course I grabbed the digital camera both times).  Some 'birds' are still out there fishing!  Oops, different climate, I guess.

Yeah, I'm on disability and was up before 7am.  Roommate had to work, and neighbors two babies had to cry.  Will probably need nap later.  :o)

I'm here, been in and out.  I'll be doing some running around this afternoon, but will most likely get run down and come back to rest, and then check in with you all again.

Hugs all around,

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335728 tn?1331414412
Perhaps it is...THE DOLL...creepy little thing that it is... he he he

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335728 tn?1331414412
Don't you know that once you are on a disability pension that there is a law about rising prior to 0700 hours???  It is strictly forbidden unless of course you are going fishing but I think that is done for the year so seriously...don't expect me up before at least 0800 hours ok?  hehe
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198419 tn?1360242356
We have been missing some regulars....maybe this will wake them up.  Hey, anyone ever end up hearing from Retired?
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198419 tn?1360242356
Oh, pipe down! LOL! SOME of us gotta work! LOL!

Just kidding.... literally, just was able to pop back in.  YOU are nowhere to be found at 0700 while I'm checking in on us...hee/hee/hee....while you sleep!
Love ya!
p.s. I did eat lots of cake for days though....
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281565 tn?1295982683
I'm kind of here. If I could stop yawning enough and keep my eyes propped open.lol

I'm not usually on through the day so I didn't realize this is abnormal.

Maybe it is the doll Rena! heehee

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293157 tn?1285873439
I know...it's been pretty quiet around here this week??  
is something up that we don't know...heheh

now, here I go being paranoid again....


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