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I think it's official that I have MS at this point...

I think I'm finally coming to terms that I have MS at only 20 years old. Today pretty much confirmed it.

The constant dizziness, the eye pressure/pain, the burning/tingling sensation, my speech has also not been that great. I feel like I sometimes struggle to say words and they come out very lazy sounding. I always blamed it on being tired but before when I was tired, I could still speak without sounding careless.

The thing that officially confirmed it for me though was about an hour ago, I woke up feeling very weird. I didn't even feel like I was in my body. I was freezing and I had the burning/tingling ("pins and needles" feeling) sensation all over my body. Plus my muscles (mostly on my arm) felt very constricted and weak and my right leg felt like it was going to cramp up/spasm. I couldn't go back to sleep. Plus I've noticed pain on the back of my neck/head as well.

I thought most of this has been from anxiety/sinuses but MS pretty much explains what's been wrong with me for the past couple months. The constant dizziness, the "pins and needles" feeling, the sometimes chest pains/abdominal pain (from the MS hug), the back problems, the reason why my body reacted to getting blood work the way it did, why I'd wake up feeling like muscles were being constricted, excessive fatigue, the muscles spams, the muscle twitches the reason why I can't take hot showers anymore. Plus it explains my two week relapse where I felt fine until my dizziness started up again.

Right now the only thing keeping me hopeful is that my memory is unaffected and I'm still able to focus around the dizziness, weird eye feelings.

I'm so scared and confused. I know it could be something else still, but I really don't know what else it could be at this point. I know I suffer from anxiety but there's no way anxiety would wake me up in the middle of the night the way this did, due to the cold temperature in the room. If anything, this MS gave me anxiety. Planning on going in for testing, hopefully on Friday. I think my biggest fear right now though is being told I'm fine or they don't think it's MS, as there has to be something causing me to be like this.

Sorry to rant, but it's just so frustrating. You never expect to watch yourself turn from feeling completely normal to feeling they way I do at 20 and not knowing what it is.
18 Responses
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923105 tn?1341827649
Don't let stress ruin your life.    I can appreciate where your coming from, but until all tests have been performed 'try' not to dwell on anything.  And I know that it's easier said than done, but as an above poster said, don't read Dr Google anymore.......PLEASE????

However let us know what your results are............(fingers crossed)

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572651 tn?1530999357
That is great news, Mike.  I hope that this clears for you and you can put this scare behind you.  Just remember what you have learned about MS and help us to spread the word on this disease and those of us who live with it.

be well, Lulu  
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Thought I'd follow this up.

Went to the doctors, told me I more than likely don't have it but they're going to do tests at the end of the month to be sure.

Doctor told me alot of my symptoms sound like they could be from high blood pressure and my sinuses, which of course caused me to develop anxiety.

Another thing I realized the other day was that one side of my neck feels very tight/stiff and seems to be bigger than the other side so I could have swollen glands or something too that's bringing on some symptoms.

Still slightly worried but I definitely feel better knowing there's other things it could be that aren't debilitating and are controllable. lol
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1253197 tn?1331209110
Hi and I don't think our paths have crossed before. I have read all the replies to your post andbtheone thing that is obvious is that you are living in the unknown with worrying symptoms. Whether it I'd anxiety that is underpinning your physical symptoms or possibly something else, none of us can diagnose this. However I do believe in hope and remaining positive, None of us know what is ahead of us in our lives but since my dx of RRMS I have learned to value what I have, to try and enjoy each day and find something positive to appreciate. How each of us chooses to react to any situation is personal but if you take some time to think about how you think about things, you could help yourself to keep positive. Instead of looking for worst case scenarios, look for evidence of positive things and also see what you can do to help yourself. Are you taking care of yourself, eating healthily, exercising when you can, talking with friends and family and sharing your concerns.

I hope that your Dr can put your mind at rest, that you feel listened to and that he perhaps suggests some tests that may provide some answers. Let us know how you get on and as others have indicated it may take time so be patient and try and find coping mechanisms for living in limbo on a daily
basis for a little while.

Best wishes


Ps I have two sons aged 22 and 20 and a daughter aged 17 and would hate them to be as worried as you so hope that you have family who can support you
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Sorry the one part should say "I did feel like the my energy..."
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Well doctor rescheduled the appointment for Monday.

He warned me right away the chances of me having it were very low but he did say it's always best to make sure so thankfully I shouldn't be written off as just being "crazy" or anything.

I've been out the past couple days and haven't noticed any mobility issues so that looks hopeful. Only thing that's bothered me is what feels like my typical sinus issues so I should get re-tested for those as well as I could have another inflamed sinus membrane, but I don't know if that would cause all of this.

And the heat didn't really affect me either today or yesterday, other than how it affects everyone. I didn't feel like my energy was taken from me yesterday but I hadn't eaten and when I ate, I was fine, so that could have been my blood sugar. So that gives me hope as well.
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I am sorry you are suffering. Perhaps you do have MS, but maybe you do not. Why "come to terms" with something you do not know you have?

I have a positive MRI for MS, a negative csf test, and almost every symptom of MS there is--luckily I do not have urinary issues or loss of vision, but my point is, I convinced myself I had ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease, which is fatal) back when all of my symptoms began. I never had muscle twitches in my life, and the BAM, my body was spasming. I looked my symptoms up, and told myself that I had ALS. (It does run in my family)

For nearly a month, I lived in tremendous despair/fear that I had ALS. I feel embarrassed even admitting it now.  I am in the process of finding out what is wrong with me. My DR is out of the country, but I just spoke with his nurse again and she told me that he noted that he wants to begin treatment for m.s when he returns.

M.S is no fun. I have times where I cannot remember something I just said or did--also, I am having a difficult time with mobility as of late which makes my mind wonder if that will be a common symptom for me.

Please do not tell yourself that you have any disease until you get testing. Do not waste a moment in such fear. I know how agonizing it is. I am not minimizing your symptoms and claiming they are not real. I am sure they are--but they may be a product of anxiety which is very treatable.
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1045086 tn?1332126422
Very little is official with MS - for any of us - ever!  

No matter the outcome here, I think you would do yourself a favor to avoid speaking and thinking about your health concerns in such absolute terms.  Even when you aren't aware of it language like this re-plays in the mind and removes options while increasing anxiety.

I understand the premise of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.  I've used it.  It helps sometimes.  The thing is you can't really prepare for something you have never experienced.  Even when we think we are prepared we are blindsided - knocked HARD - into a place far away from our comfort zone.  It's always different than we imagined.  Everyone eventually chooses a path out of that uncomfortable landing zone.  That's where disaster pre-planning can actually help - in recovery.

Then, for what it's worth, I personally wouldn't consider MS the worst diagnosis a person could receive.  It is life changing.  It takes away some choices in a lifetime.  It provides for plenty of sadness from time to time.  It isn't untreatable.  It isn't hopeless.  It doesn't strip away all joy.  It isn't a total disaster.  And NO, I am NOT suggesting you have anything more serious to consider.  I have no idea what the outcome will be for you.  I think....

The most important and positive step you are taking is going to that appointment tomorrow prepared to allow a medical professional to evaluate you and recommend a plan of action for diagnosis and/or treatment.

If your presentation is as clear as you believe, the doctor should be able to figure things out without too much direction.  This will be your chance to report and then RELAX and let someone else be in charge of sorting out your health care needs.  Be assured, he will ask you for clarification and include you along the way.  You can always ask questions later.

I do believe you are right to prepare yourself for a marathon rather than a sprint.  Good luck to you.  Please know you are welcome here and should feel free to let us know how it goes for you.  We care.
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277836 tn?1359666174
Look at your last 3 post you have just posted.. They all add up to FEAR which means ANXIETY is running your mind and body.. Yes you are correct your dr will listen to you and more than likely tell you you have some anxiety issues going on or OCD issues or maybe even Depression who knows.. In the best case lets hope this is what is causing your issues. You surely do not want a MS diagnoses..

Oh and just to throw some things at you you could have some Vitamin issues going on like B12 is low or you could have Low Vitamin D. Could be Thyroid issues could be sugar issues. AS you see I could keep naming issues is this going to help????? NO lol be easy and get off that computer ASAP trust me its fueling your head rushes!!
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Sorry to keep throwing replies around, but I've noticed that my eye pressure/pain is fine when I'm not in bright room. It calms down and feels normal. Plus I've not really experienced it that much either.
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And one more thing, would I get all of these symptoms in such a short time period if it was MS? The past week is when I've had the most symptoms appear. I mean, just a couple weeks ago all I had was just the dizziness and slight fatigue (which before 2 months ago, I never had experienced before, except when I'd get a sinus headache).

That's another thing I need tested, are my sinuses. I've been sensitive to light dating back to when I was 5 and I had to go to the hospital because the sunlight was severely hurting my eyes.

The weather has changed constantly everyday here and it always affects my sinuses. I also had high blood pressure when I went to the doctors, so I don't know if that could be it too.
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Not being smart at all! No worries! I know I overreacted last night but I'd never been so scared before.

I know very well it could be just my anxiety scaring me into these situations, it could even be a multitude of other things I have that are bringing on these symptoms, but I feel that if I go in there convinced, I'll get the correct testing and the doctor won't mess around.

I've written out all my symptoms for him and I plan on going tomorrow, so I'm hoping for the best but I'm preparing myself to hear the worst (obviously I won't find out in a day) and I'm also preparing myself to deal with it, just in case.
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277836 tn?1359666174
Not trying to be smart here but reread your first paragraph.. Anxiety is present even when you think you arent thinking about things.. Trust me it will take treatment and time for these issues to subside.. I really think you have High Anxiety and your Drs first reply will be that..
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Thank you for the responses!

Unfortunately, while I do suffer from anxiety, even when I'm calm and not thinking about it, I still get the symptoms. Last night was the worst yet. I woke up and it was freezing in the room and most of the symptoms were at their strongest. And I feel them come on strong when taking a hot shower too. And I had problems with taking a hot shower before I developed severe anxiety. I was fine taking hot showers until my balance started being thrown off a couple months ago.

Most of these symptoms have newly appeared, or strengthened over the past week as well. Alot of them I've had for years, like random twitching every now and then, the "pins and needles" feeling (though I've never had it in my legs before until yesterday), light sensitivity.

Plus there's lots of pressure on my eyes and very light pain, that I never really had before. I had it mildly when this all started but the past couple days, it's been at it's worst.

I'm still keeping hope that it could be something else (it isn't a common illness at all), and I could be forcing myself into a situation that isn't there, but right now I want to tell myself it's MS so my doctor won't sugarcoat it and/or try to talk it down when I go in for tests.
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198419 tn?1360242356
Alienshow - Don't you be sorry for anything. You gave great perspective, and helpful advise :)
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277836 tn?1359666174
Hello I would like to add to this. Sorry forum leaders..

I want to say that maybe instead of saying you have something consider what forum you are in and the toes you may step on in the process. These leaders are here to help ease fears and to help people who do have MS. They have helped me bunches with my fears . Yes I will post to update everyone with my process.

See I to suffer from anxiety and let me tell you it will RUN your life everything you read or hear will intensify your fears especially when you are stuck that you are 100 percent sure you have something..

For example Dr. Google if you type in what causes dizziness? You get a list of things but what always jumps out at a person with ANXIETY the worst possible case in yours MS then the Dr. Google runs your life with this fear and says come on baby use me to help self diagnose yourself. Then you are in the mirrors looking for things you do exercises etc... All pointless and then when you get to far its hard to recover I KNOW...

So tell Dr. Google to quit giving free advice which means stay off the net and get treated by a real Dr and make a list of your questions up and let him ease your fears.. Anxiety can be beat it will take time its a long process I am on year 2 but my symptoms have been worst since I had surgery.. So take it from me dont give in to what you read or hear hope this helps..
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198419 tn?1360242356

Supermom gives such good advice here.

Mikech - please don't get us wrong here. We are only trying to help you, but you mention that it's "official" and you are coming to terms you have MS due to what you are experiencing.

This completely minimizes what MSers suffer from and go through. i.e, the CNS damage that causes many to not be able to walk, live their life freely, etc. the long diagnosis, the relationship hardships, and the hard work of doctors who have to dx it, and the patients who are suffereing.

This is not a disease you want - believe me, and us. At 20, you have a life to live, one where you can walk, talk freely. If you are suffering from something that can and does have a solution, please seek it.  

This is a multiple sclerosis forum, and why we give advice and information freely, it saddens me to see someone that has been given a path by the medical community, good advice from volunteers patients still convincing themselves they have MS.

You mention your frustration. Please go to the doctor and be honest and describe your continued problems.
Wishing you well.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hi there, I think you need to read through your posts and be totally honest with your self about what is happening with you. Health anxiety is a treatable medical condition but left to fester as it has, can take over and rule your life. In your original post, you say.....

"So basically I was getting better (I was feeling fine and my dizziness was practically gone) until the Jack Osbourne thing nearly scared me to death and suddenly alot of MS symptoms started to show up on me that same morning - which was eery that it happened right after I read symptoms and got paranoid) but I think it could be stemming from my anxiety/paranoia. And then I couldn't no sleep yesterday at all because I was worried something bad was happening to me so I think that's where my tired-ness is coming from right now. I managed to get about 5 hours until I woke up and started thinking about it again. My eyes are in pain but that's from lack of sleep which I plan on helping tonight. I always get paranoid when it comes to my health but this has been the worst."

This is a perfect description of health anxiety, and i strongly recommend you see your dr about what your going through.


PS MS doesn't present as you describe and spreading sx, and sx all over the body is not typical of MS.
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