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I'm afraid and now see flashing lights

I haven't been here for awhile and my doctor did not think I had MS based upon a brain MRI but when I suggested a spinal MRI, she did not pursue it. Then now for two nights when the lights are low, there is flashing spark, like lightning in my left eye, and also when I move my head fast from one side to the other - but only noticeable in low light. I read up on the MS symptoms again today....but mostly I am just afraid as I own several dogs and take care of life by myself, no husband or family close, and now this...........

The doctor put me on some antidepressant medicine and anxiety medicine and pain meds that really help but if I go off them, then I feel terrible and back to square one. Nothing is better and now the vision thing - most of the times things are so blurry and I am quite forgetful.......anyone here know what I am talking about?

24 Responses
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393986 tn?1303825975
Hey Sweetie, I want you to get to a opthamologist ASAP!!!  This needs to be addressed.  Are you having any migraines or any other kind of head pain?  I am worried about you.  What are the names of your meds?

I am thinking of you Sweetie.


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220917 tn?1309784481
Hi, and welcome back!

First, I would like to say it's not a good idea ever to try to stop taking antidepressants on your own.  Please don't try this again.  You need to have a doctor's supervision to do this.  And, by the way -- what's wrong with antidepressants if they help?

I would like to see you go to an ophthalmologist, too, like Ada suggested.  The flashing lights MAY be a migraine symptom.  If they aren't, an eye doc may be able to tell you what they are.  These visual symptoms I think are the toughest to pin down!  Oy!

Please relax and get in to see a doctor.  Many of us here have the flashy lights, and our vision is just fine!  Really!

Good luck, and let us know that you've made an appointment.  We're hanging in here with you!

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Oh, I've had lots of tests but mostly blood work and x-rays - all my lower body - nothing abnormal. I did make an appointment with the doctor again in four days and yes, a good idea to go to the opthamologist ASAP. Will do. I just get scared and then freeze up. Mostly I'm afraid for my pets......they are not all so wonderful so I am sure if I couldn't take care of them, some would be put down and I'm tearing up as I type this.

My entire body feels like one big "Cramp" or "Crab" all the muscles ache. The doctor put me on Zoloft, and some other anxiety thing that I stopped taking, it was too strong, but I don't know what it is as I don't have it with me, and then Fioricet, which works for the pain, and very strong IB and lots of it, but I don't take that often unless I really hurt - what makes it all worse is I have no insurance........but the light flashes worry me - as I read that 50% of the people with MS have this.......the doctor said I had tension headaches and the MRI showed no evidence of migraines.

Thanks for your concern.......
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Oh, I should have clarified ....I haven't stopped the Zoloft, just the anxiety meds and if I don't take the pain meds - that is when everything hurts just like before. I know be calm. I know this. Calm helps.

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Thank you for suggesting the Opthamologist - I made an appointment for tomorrow and he can tell if it is Optic Neuritis or not. So much appreciation. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself.

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428506 tn?1296557399
I am glad you are not waiting to see an opthamologist.  Just so you are better prepared, in many cases of optic neuritis (ON), the optic nerve is normal in appearance and the dysfunction is considered retrobulbar.  So the opthamologist may NOT be able to determine if you have ON.  Of course, they may be able to see other issues that would rule out ON.  If they can not explain your eye issues, make sure to ask what you should do next, like if you need to see a neuro-opthamologist, etc.

Good luck!
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393986 tn?1303825975
Glad to have that appt, WHEW, I am relieved!!!!  I know you are worried about your dogs, Sweetie, you are their mommy, caregiver and they love you as much as you do them.  And your dogs are brilliant and very trainable to help mama out when needed.  They know something is wrong Honey and as with my dogs they always know when I am going to have a very bad spell and they will not leave my side.  

I sure wish I lived closer to ya, I would help you with your dogs in a heartbeat.  Please keep me updated on your appt tommorrow, ok?


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my husband has a slight tear in his retenia,which sometimes cause him to see aflashing, lightening type light.it only has lated fro short times.his eye doctor has warned a blow to his head could end up being a serious  injury for his eyes, also told him if the flashing lasted more then a hour to go to a ER. just thought i;d tell you, as this is all i know about. but i really feel for you and your worry about your doggies.i have two bassett hounds,they have to be with me every minute, no one else in the family will do, well........except if that other family member is eating something:).....try not to worry about what could happen, cause you really don;t know,nor can you do anything before hand yet.you and your loves will be in my prayers tonight.  take care,
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405614 tn?1329144114
I'm glad you got in to see the ophthamologist so quickly!  The flashing in your vision could be nothing much, or it could be something that needs to be dealt with asap.  Better safe than sorry.

I feel for you about your dogs; I have just one 14 year old three-legged cat, but he has hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, and a reaction to his thyroid meds that sometimes makes him pull out some of his fur.  I worry what would happen to him if something happened to me; who would make him take his pills, wipe his heiny if he needs it, etc.

I keep in mind that there are no-kill rescue shelters for all kinds of animals, even old ones with health issues.  There are a lot of animal lovers out there, don't you worry.  And besides, you'll be just fine, as we will be praying for you.

I'll be waiting to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow.  I'll be having a cortisone shot in my hip, but I'll be online to check on you and the rest of my forum family when I'm able!

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Eye exam as soon as you can and explain all your symptoms. You are in my prayers.
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429949 tn?1224691579
I have been on Zoloft for 15 years and also take Xanax at a low dose! Six weeks prior to the attack I had in 2006, I was jerked off of the Zoloft and the xanax and switched to Paroxetine without a taper. I cannot proove that this had anything to do with the sudden onset of vision changes and neurological dysfunction that I had, and my neuro says that it has never been documented with these particualar medications.

All I know is I got very sick within a weeks time and my vision was the first to start acting up. I had the flashing and flickering lights, distorted vision, dimmed vision, blured vision, and a lot more phyciatric symptoms that were severe.

They put me back on the Zoloft and xanax about a month after the attack and all of my Phyciatric symptoms stabalized, but the vision and neurological symptoms have been trying to resolve for two  years. I am stuck between ADEM and MS  for now, unless my future repeat MRI's show new lesions or  I have another attack. Nothing new for two years so far!

Stopping SSRI's abruptly is very dangerous and can make you very sick. Please talk to your doctor before stopping any medication of this kind. In my case it was the stupid doctor who abruptly took me off of the Zoloft after all of those years of  being on it, and I didn't know any better than to do what he said. I don't want to see this happen to anyone else, so please be careful with drugs like this! And if  you do have to stop one of them, please insist on a taper!

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Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful concerns. About the dogs, thank you dog lovers, they are my main concern, seems silly, but they are my life, outside of work, but they are the fun part of life. I think my Great Pyrenees knows something is up - because she wouldn't go outside when I got home yesterday and just hung around the gate for a long time - and I petted her and soothed her and finally she went out into the yard to play.

I haven't missed the Zoloft but now Santana, I will be very careful about it, the other drug for anxiety were too strong for me - so I never took more than 1/2 tablet at a time - I couldn't work so took it at night - that was the Klonopin. The Fioricet and the Klonopin are both Barbituates - so I try not to over do it, and even the Pharmacy thought my dosage was too high and I was given too much to begin with.

Thank you again all for your kind conerns - will update after the eye doctor today in two hours.


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428506 tn?1296557399
Any news?
Hope you & your dogs are holding up.
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Went to the eye optic doctor - found nothing wrong - said to come back in three weeks if it persists - said it could be just aging and fluid seeps under the retina - didn't think it was MS though.

Maybe it was nothing. Oh, the dogs are find and I feel good and all is well. Thank you so much.
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428506 tn?1296557399
Great news, both that nothing appears wrong AND that you'll get follow up.  I still don't know why my eyes are wacky, but I ignored trails and flashes for close to a month before seeing the opthamologist.  Then my eye pain worsened and now I've had mild double vision for 1.5 weeks.  Still minor compared to what it could be, but glad I finally got the ball rolling.  Since the opthamologist can't figure it out, I will see a neuro-optha later this month.  Stinks not to know, but such a relief to know a doctors is keeping track of it!  

So hopefully my eye problem is minor and hopefully yours stays the same or GETS BETTER, but I'm glad to hear you got it checked and were offered a re-check in 3 weeks.  Haha, a personal editorial, but my opthamologist was much more sincere than my neuro!

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393986 tn?1303825975
Hey Sweetie, I am glad that the eye Dr will do a follow up with you and also glad that they didn't find anything.  But I have to agree with Wonko, it may be best to see a neuro-opthamologist if this persists.

I am happy to hear that you are feeling better.  I hope it keeps up for you. :)


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Well, I do feel better even though the flashing lights are still there - one eye is very blurry - the other 20/20. So I am applying for good health coverage since there's nothing officially wrong with me. That will be one good relief.

Has anyone here been on the SWANK Diet, high Omega 3 , low animal fat, my holistic healthcare book said that there were really good results with this diet over long term in halting the progression of MS?

I have already decided not to take high powered drugs - not anything more than I am taking now -

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338416 tn?1420045702
Flashing lights and blurry vision... sounds like optic neuritis to me.  Mercyone, do you have a loss of color in one eye?  To test it, look at something that's brightly colored, first with one eye, then the other.  (Red works best for this test.)
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It does sound like optic neuritis to me too - but the color is not affected - and from what I've been reading, the symptoms vary with each individual - it should clear up in about 3 to 5 weeks or so my reading goes - still flashing lights at night, but at least I'm not so worried about them now.
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539156 tn?1281818356
Greetings!  I am just beginning the search for the reason for my neuropathy, balance, coordination issues... from what I have read, it will take awhile.  Have had one appt. with a neurologist and will have a glucose tolerance test and other blood work. If that doesn't show diabetes, I will have a "nerve test" whatever that is (?)  I also have noticed a problem with my left eye. I have astigmatism anyway, but my fairly new glasses don't work for my left eye anymore.  I notice double (up and down) vision especially after I use the computer for a time.  It takes forever to clear up, but never clears up completely. I also have seen some little circles of light behind closed eyelids occasionally.  I am a patient person, but I sure hope I don't have to wait too long to find out what is causing my numbness and other symptoms.
Thanks for the tip about checking for color perception.  I will definately try it.  
Peace to all...
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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Mary Kay,

I'm afraid your post might not get seen here at the bottom of this thread.

Thanks for joining us!

Can you copy what you've written here to jensquitur and then go to the post button on the main MS forum?  Once you hit the post button, you can paste your words right in there and it will be on the front page and we can welcome you properly.

If you have a problem, let me know!
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I'm getting turned down for health insurance - because of the meds for pain and anxiety - they want me stabalized for one year with no changes in dosage or medications - great.

So I made an appointment with a specialist - a rheumatologist anyway as I want a diagnosis - don't know what the bottom line will be but without the pain meds - everything hurts.

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II started a modified SWANK diet - and actually feel better - not so much fatigue. So I'm hoping it will help me even more. I'm not so worried now and the flashing lights have gone away - thank goodness. A little good news.
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428506 tn?1296557399

Good for you.  I'm not on Swank, but I said "good bye!" to a lot of things I ate before all of this, along with cigarettes and alcohol.  I'm now nearly vegan, though I cheat and have some cheese on occasion.

Fighiting for our health makes sense.  It was my experience that after a few weeks, my cravings for my old habits went away.  A lot of times we hear how "moderation is the key," but I felt differently.  In the past when I would just try to "cut down" on bad habits, I'd have wild cravings.  Somehow just fully stopping several bad habits at once worked better for me.  In fact I get grossed out thinking about how I used to eat.  I think of it more like addiction.  An alcoholic can't take one drink once in awhile, becuase it will lead to relapse.  I think of that everytime I walk through a food court, or through the bakery at the store!  

I don't want to push this on others, diet is a VERY PERSONAL choice, but I would like to commend you and wish you luck.  I don't know anything about Swank, but I do hope you can ask your doctor about it to make sure it's a good choice for you!  

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